Episode 21: Learning More About the World


I am pleased that the Bunker, is now lit with electric power, and thanks to that, all the features inside the Bunker are also accessible to me, Natasha and Alfred. Alfred now, have a control of the Military Automaton which helped him to do more. The day after the Bunker is operating at full capacity, just like Alfred asked, I doused his Automaton with a whole box of anti-rust and lubrication spray, and all his joint are now working flawlessly, like a brand-new Automaton. And it turns out, the Automaton were never come into service ever since the Bunker were build, the previous occupants of the Bunker did not turn on the Automaton, in fear that the Automaton would turn them into a Swiss cheese.


"[ Captain Beckett, took his own life, after fighting a depression and PTSD for 4 years…. after witnessing the World turned into shambles by the nuclear war and the Meteor Impact, it was hard for him to continue living, like everything is normal….]". (Alfred)


"Make sense…You really like that clip on bow tie, do you?".


"[ It's a present from you, sir….and also it completed my Butler persona and style…]". (Alfred)


It was a bit funny, to see an Automaton that looked like an iron egg with hands and legs, colored with camouflage green, got a glued black bow tie on its torso.


"...Seeing his family died, suffered in a nuclear attack and then killed by the meteor impact…. that is sad, so sad…". (Natasha)


Saddened by the story of the previous occupants of this Bunker, Natasha was gloomy as she sat behind us. Alfred is an A.I system and me, I am just not that sappy, sure the story was depressing and sad, Captain Beckett who hanged himself in the hallway, lived for 10 years in this Bunker, his men died at 5 years before him. They all died to depression, which is understandable, they watched the entire world died before their eyes. The United States of Jourica were in shambles after their arrogance to start a world war, thinking that nobody will hit them back, and when the world does hit them back, they were caught with their pants down and died.


"Ahem! Alfred what have you gotten so far?".


"[I have managed to take over 5 remaining satellite belonged to U.S.O.J.M and 1 commercial satellite…. Thanks to that, I gained a lot of the military information's and records, and I can now provide a full-scale GPS tracking, observation and also small-scale internet capability…]". (Alfred)


"Woah…that is amazing…. GPS is working, we got real time observation…and also a small-scale internet…meaning we already recovered our communication problems and figuring where we are…and where whatever we wanted to find…".


"[Do you want to see, this world…world map, Sir?]". (Alfred)


"Sure, why not….".


"[Here it is…]". (Alfred)


"What…The heck…".


Alfred showed me the current world map, on one of the terminal screens, and sure enough I was flabbergasted. It is because, the continent of the world, are now combined, mush together into a single mega continent, the entire world, become a Pangaea. Not even the north and south pole were saved, the 2 pole also combined with the Pangaea.


"Honey…is that what our world looked like?".


"I'm afraid so, Nat…oh my god…did the South Asia just due to our south?".


"[Yes, it is, Sir…all the Asia were on our east, and the Europe continent were on the west….by the way, Sir…I also have the map of the City of Jouston…surprisingly around and in this city alone…there are about 30 human settlements…20 of them were small, and 7 of them were at medium sized and 3 were big sized…]". (Alfred)


"How big? is the big settlements, size wise and population wise?".


"[ 3km big for the size and the population in each big settlements are 30 thousand or more…the closest one to us, is was due north…another one at Northwest, and the other one is on the east…]". (Alfred)


The map of Jouston City is quite big, and at each corner there are a lot of village and towns, but for the city was located on the outskirt of the city. Calling the settlements by saying it small, medium and big seems not that appropriate, after all, the people of this world already put a label on themselves, so I decided to just used the name and labeled that the people already used. Also, we need to also find the name of this settlements as well, at the end of the day, we had to rename everything on the map again. After all, nations and border are no longer existed.


"Oh…I know that place…it was called, Sin City…it was a city that were made on top of a massive Fallout Shelter…and it was built in the middle of a dead forest…". (Natasha)


She pointed out the city that is due east from the city. In an instant Alfred also put on a label on the map.


"Sin City. Unique name…how did you know about it?".


"I come from there…I am a clone that were originated from the Fallout Shelter under the city….and then I was sold, from town to town…that is until I got my freedom and then I settle at Rat Town…". (Natasha)


Bitterly she smiled, I gave her a side hug as a consolation, a smile carved on her face again. Life in this wasteland sure are shitty as heck.


"[Madam, perhaps…you can help me, with the name of all the settlements that you know…that would truly be helpful to our foundation.]". (Alfred)


"Sure, I can help with that…". (Natasha)


Once again, my reliable butler saved me from a situation that about to turn depressing. Natasha went to assist Alfred with naming the city, while me and Automaton Alfred go out of the Control room and visited the Greenhouse room. It turns out, the Culture bed in that room is fully automated ones, all that it needs were seeds. It will plant, water and even harvest itself. The fertilizers it used were all using the waste that were collected inside the Bunker itself, such an amazing technology, and thankfully now it was working wonderfully. We got, a rice on the right bed, and a variety of vegetable on the left bed, all we had to do is wait for it to ripened and we don't have to worry about food anymore.


As for the Bathroom, the water is working like a magic, we are now able to use the shower and the toiler with clean water. The water purification and cleaning system worked like a wonder, according to Alfred, the Water Purification and Cleaning system, use the waste waters to provide us with clean water. And the system will work forever as long as the power is available, right now, the entire shelter is my water purification system. I planned to dumped a lot of these world so called 'Clean Water' later and then collected the processed clean water from any of our tap and perhaps sells it.


It was safe to say, that the water that has been processed in the Bunker are crystal clean, sure not as refreshing as a water bottle from earth, but it is clear and safe to drink, even Natasha said that it was tasty and refreshing, so if she said that, then surely, we can sell it. But the most important thing, is that finally, me and Natasha can shower and clean ourselves properly. Showering with soap and clean water in this world is a luxury that only riches can enjoy, but even those riches cannot afford to waste waters whilst enjoying this kind of privilege, but for us, showering for a long time, we can afford it. As the day, slowly inches to night time, and after eating our delicious steak dinner, Me, Natasha and Alfred, were relaxing in front of the living room fireplace.


"We need to pay back my debt…I was thinking that we should start a business…".


"Alright…I agreed with that…with all the resource in our hand…we don't have to go endangered ourselves to gather anything…we can just sell stuff.". (Natasha)


"I am thinking about us selling…breads and our clean water…since we aren't selling anything that stood too much like salt and pepper…I am sure that we can do this without any issues…".


"[Perhaps…we can also offer a barter transaction as well…aside from taking coins. We can also take gold, silvers and Pre-war Money…]". (Alfred)


"Maybe we can sneak in and sell, Burgers at a high price as well. That should gain us a little bit of good reputation as well…".


"[Good idea, sir.]". (Alfred)