Episode 26: Sensational Burgers


In Station Ail and Wail the town of Scavenger's, the populations here are known to be among the toughest kind of people in the wasteland, they all knows how to defend themselves, and they all also offering their services to defend others, the business of combat and fighting is a booming and always sought after trade by many. So, when it comes to money, the people of Station Ail and Wail, most of them had more than enough to spend on everything they wanted. But in this world, there is not that many stuff that people with money can spend their money on.


To eat and drink, for people the money is for this purpose mostly. But at the same time, the quality of this world foods were the worst, food taste horrible and just served as to fill a stomach, the cleanest water was just a slightly less muddy water and slightly less radiated. And to get the tasty foods, and perhaps clearer water, the price for that is just absurdly high, a luxury that can only be afford by those that were at the top of the world. Most of the scavengers were well off, but not some millionaire, they are still, at the end of the day, a working folks.


"Hmmm~…Ahh…these burgers…is just the best!!...". (Mohawk Scavenger)


"It is right? ... …Hmmm~….and… .... there're these tasty clean waters as well!!....". (Bald Scavenger)


Today, there are some weird scenes happening all over the town of Station Ail and Wail. Almost every Scavenger's and the town populace, had a smile all over their face, and a burger in their hand, and each time they took a bite, a cacophony of gasp and moans echoed everywhere. Station Ail and Wail were known to be a very tense place, each day's fights will occur for no apparent reason, the people are unfriendly and grumbling. Yet for the past 5 days, the town somehow become awkwardly peaceful.


"Wow…I never thought that I my entire life…. With my own money!... I can eat this…...look, there's a high-quality meat, fresh lettuce…and the sauce!!!...and it is actually tasty!.it got flavors.... FLAVOUR!!.... hahahaha…". (Green Hair Scavenger)


"Heh....no bar or restaurant can even provide this kind of tasty food…believed me…I have eaten at, Rat Town all the way to Sin City…. all of their food were shit...". (Lady Scavenger)


Everywhere you go, all over the town the conversation was the same, all of them got nothing but high praise for the burgers. Everyone agreed wholeheartedly that the Burgers were the delicious food that they have ever got their hands on.


"Oi, Lugnut…. buying the bread and water in bulk again today huh?". (Boss Screwdriver)


"I had too…the kids and the wife loved it…for 5 coins, I got 3 Sourdough and 3 liters of Mineral waters…. that's a deal…so I bought 10 coins worth of everything…got to stock up you know…...we never know if Azra Family Co. would run out of stock….". (Lugnut)


"Hahaha…I got you…I bought in bulk as well…. their waters and bread are the best! ...got to stock up while they were here, right…". (Boss Screwdriver)


Whilst the Burgers brought a lot of happiness and sense of satisfaction for many people, Azra Family Co. Mineral Water and Sourdough bread also bring many families in the town to happiness as well, with just 5 coins, they can buy the Azra Family Co. Bulk pack, that have 3 Sourdough bread and 3 bottle Mineral waters. A single bulk pack were enough for a family of 4 to stayed feed and happy for 3 days, the water was refreshing and delicious, as for the bread it was big and tasty enough that they can just eat it on their own.


In a span of 5 days, Station Ail and Wail food market were slowly taken over by Azra Family Co. product. And for the Bar, restaurant and other food stalls, their business slowing done quite a lot, many of business owner frowned upon the sudden change of the market interest. But not a single one of them dared to say anything about it, it is because, Azra Family Co. business were so loved by the people, that many Scavengers and Scavenger's Group become their loyal customer and protected the stall, from anyone that wanted to cause a trouble for that stall.


On top of these awkward protections, the Town council also very lenient to Azra Family Co. and to top it all off, everyone loved to dine there, and secretly though nobody is willing to spoke about it. All the food shop owners also eat at Azra Family Co. as well, and some of them knew that their food can beat the Sourdough, Burgers and the Mineral waters, but they all can see the opportunity of business that Azra Family Co. can provide. In secret, every business owner in Station Ail and Wail, wanted to do business with Azra Family Co. whether as the distributer or a reseller, whatever the role is, having a connection with Azra Family Co. will be a life changing, once in a lifetime opportunity.


"Mr. Azra…I have worked hard last night…discussing with the town council…. for almost an entire day…so I come to you today with a new offer…. 1.2 coins for 1 piece of bread, and 1.2 coin for 1 liter of Mineral water…. Naturally we will order 10 crates of bread and 100 liters of Mineral water, every week…". (Town Treasurer Philips)




Right now, I am sandwiched by two of Station Ail and Wail Councilmen, Philips who is the town treasurer and Robert the town guards' leaders. They are here to negotiate to become my reseller, wanting to buy my merchandise and have it sold here in the town official store. My product, from the very first day we started our business has turned into a viral sensation. Our stock that we brought that day, that worth 1000 coins, sold out in just 6 hours, and the next days it sold in just 5 hours. And now at our 5th day of doing business, all of our product sells out in just an hour, so in 5 days of opening our business we have gained 5000 coins.


"Come on, Azra…that's a good deal there…. we confirmed to buy from you every week for 3 months…come on, man …this town need your food….". (Town Guard Leader Robert)


"Relax …I need to think about this carefully, man ….".


On the 3rd day of our business, as I have predicted those that knows the values of my product and knew just how precious and profitable, they are, knew that they had to get a dip on it. So, starting from that day, there is a lot of merchants, traders and shop owners that comes to me and proposed a deal with me, wanting to become my reseller. So, to attract more convenient and profitable deal, I agreed to provide my products, to a few small traders and merchants, especially those that were specialized in wandering all over the Jouston City to do business, to me it was another form of actions to spread my company name into the wasteland.


And hearing that I am opened to cooperation, I was approached by a lot big Merchant groups as well, which sadly 90% of them were mostly being an oppressive dick, so I spent a lot of time turning them the other way. As for the representative from Station Ail and Wail, they have been persuading me for 2 days now, negotiating an acceptable price that I can be pleased with. They have seen how my bread and water, changed the entire town mood and atmospheres, my product is better than anyone have ever seen, it was the kind of food that only the riches people that lived in big cities could buy, it was tasty, flavorful and most importantly safe to eat, and I sold it at a very low price.


So, no matter what, the one that were desperate to have this deal be successful are not me, but them. Truth to be said, maybe they wanted to resell it at higher price at some bigger settlement or to their customers, which personally, I don't really care. To me all that matters to me is having a reputation and also connections to a lot of people, sure this world has become worst and ugly, but at the end of the day people still living in it, so fundamentally in any human interactions and socials norms, it still followed the earth normal common sense. With a reputation as a good company that hold a precious commodity which no one can ever provide, with the correct movement, Azra Family Co. will become an entity that no one would want to or dared to touch due to fear of losing the precious merchandise, after all, it was already and established fact that my products changes lives for the better.