Episode 48: Comfortable Home.


As always, after a long day of business and a little bit of happening, we head back home. Selene decided to not come with us, she said, although the marriage is already agreed upon by me and her. She still had to wait for my future 3rd wife, Scarlett. According to her, Scarlett has been gone for almost a month, currently in the middle of a mission. I didn't question her decision to wait for Scarlett, and just agreed with her arrangements, since she is still employed in a Scavenger Group, she had to retired from there first, and there will be a lot of process that comes with that decision.


So, until she cleared everything that need to be done on her side, along with also doing Scarlett part, she won't be joining us. Once Scarlett gets back and all the process has been settled, only then she would officially marry me and joined our family. Basically, at this point, she is already married to me, via her permission and willingness, So, being a good husband that I am, I sent her home, with a lot of breads and mineral waters. Natasha also told me that she was in debt, which Selene also speaks to me about it with a heavy heart and embarrassment.


On that side, I made a deal with her, that I would pay her debt in full, once she is officially married to me, of which she agreed. As delighted that I am marrying her, I am not that gullible to just paid everything up front. After all, people in this world would go crazy in front of money, Selene and Natasha approved my decision and praise me for being careful and wise, not that I need their praise or anything, but it still feels good to be praised. Still, one thing that I noticed about the 2 of my wives, both of them are really careful when they wanted to said something against me.


That part of them needs to be fixed a little bit, after all, to me in a relationship, although respect is important, communication is vital as well. I need to be told if I am doing something stupid and wasteful. they don't really know, but I am actually quite loaded right now. All thanks to our Barter Trade counter that has been in business for a few days, the profit I managed to obtain from it, were quite substantial. It was the amount of money that I would never even dream to have when I was back on earth, it was 50 million dollars in total.


That 50 million dollars were put inside multiple accounts all over the world, so in terms of buying anything I wanted, I can do so without even worrying about anything. Heck, I don't even have to pay any taxes for my money, I became a rich man on earth, but here, I am just a small-time merchant. Arriving at home base, as always, we all became relaxed and do whatever we want, go to shower or just binge on anything on the fridge, it was peaceful in our home, as it always is.


"Nat, just how much does Selene owe the town?".


"Here's your coffee, Honey… roughly about 1000 coins left… Selene and Scarlett have been paying that debt of hers for about 5 years now… yes, 5 years… I meet both of them on their second year of paying their debt…". (Natasha)


Putting down a mug of coffee for me, Natasha head back to the Kitchen, resuming cooking our dinner.


"…1000 Coins left… if the both of them keep paying that debt, how long would they finally be able to fully paid the debt?".


"Maybe around 2 or 3 more years… that, is if, the work kept on coming and they were able to take it… The L.O Group, is not that famous… and the pay that their client gives them… are often so little…". (Natasha)


"Ah… the group status…".


"That's right, The L.O Group is owned and operated fully by all woman crew… so, it doesn't matter if they were doing even better job than the other groups… the people often slighted them for no reason…". (Natasha)


A skewed societal concept that just doesn't make sense to me, in fact, I even hated it. If it were me, I would pay them even higher, because those women always worked hard on their job.


"Anyway… From what the 2 of you have been speaking about her… Scarlett… what is she like?".


Natasha, stopped cutting the veggies on the counter, and thinks a little bit before she answered me.


"Scarlett… is a lady with a good sense of humor, she is rather outspoken… and she is also quite strong minded and very passionate…". (Natasha)


Continued her previous task, Natasha slowly speaks again.


"Although she is a good and kind person… sadly her life has been a non-stop tragedy… She is actually an ex-militia from a major city far up north…. But that city was overrun by hordes of Mutants…they burned down the city and killed everyone in it… Scarlett was captured by the same Mutants that raided the city… and then, they killed her entire family in front of her eyes… and then violated her…. once they done with her, she was then sold to the Savages….". (Natasha)


"I see… But, how did she survive until now?".


"Selene saved her… the L.O Group were doing a mission to destroy the same Savages group that bought Scarlett… Selene found her and saved her… at that time, I was there too… so Selene and Me, took care of her like a sisters would… and the rest were history… she was, mostly fine, but she is rather a bit reckless… and needless to say, she vehemently despised the Mutants and Savages…". (Natasha)


Natasha retold her stories about Scarlett with bittersweet tone, Needless to say, Scarlett is a good person but she was clearly inflicted by a lot of pain and trauma, and that negativity affects her a lot. If these were earth, if she were to get treated medically and psychologically, she can recover just fine. But here in this cruel and harsh world, although she was treated and nurse by Selene and Natasha, her emotional and psychological state remained in the dark. Hence her suicidal ways of living, I am sure that for now the only reason why she still living and breathing, is all because of Selene and Natasha.


The only way, a scarred person can continue to live on, is by focusing their goals and focused away from the dark places, and that is what she was doing. And she has been doing it for so long, I hoped that she would accept marrying me together with Selene, perhaps I can help her get better, I am sure with good food, loving environment and fulfilling life would do a lot of good for her.


"By the way, Honey… what will we do about the mess?". (Natasha)


Natasha was referring to the fight that happened today.


"Well… tomorrow, Philips told me to speaks with the Chamber of Commerce members… to solve this matter amicably… which for us, this would be a good thing, as it was about time we move on from Station Ail and Wail…".


"We are leaving already?'. (Natasha)


"Not immediately… we need to bring Selene and Scarlett with us as we move on from the town, and then we moved out… Station Ail and Wail had already served their purpose for our business experiments… since we also got the trade contract with the town… for now, that contract and our new family members should be enough…".


Natasha was a little bit taken aback with my decision to leave Station Ail and wail, but seconds later she went back to her usual self. We have taken all that we can from Station Ail and Wail, we now know what our merchandise is capable of, we have managed to garner fame and reputations as well. In our 2 weeks of opening our business, there is some people from out of town enjoyed and able to be familiar with our merchandise. By now I am sure that when we moved to a new town, there will at least be someone that would know about us.