Episode 57: Vile and Upsetting Nature of Human.


At the moment, the three of us, Me, Natasha and Selene, is finally looked like a soldier that are prepared for combat, I had the all of use wear the latest editions of tactical gear, from the clothes all the way to the vest and accessories. I bought all of these, along with the Generators a week ago, I never thought that I would be using them this quick, I just bought all of these gears from the online tactical shop, naturally all of them were the best and expensive kind, I got a lot of dollars, and I am not going to skimp on these sorts of things.


"KACHAK!! …Darling, these firearms… I can tell, that it was very powerful and reliable than anything that I have ever used before… and it was even got a lot of firing options as well…". (Selene)


"That is…Xcar-Heavy… Battle Rifle… in terms of firepower… well, a Pipe Rifle and the Carbine can't even compete with this one… with 7.62x51mm ammo and effective range of 600 meters…with you kind of experience, you might be as deadly as a tank out there…just bring as many magazines as you can…and you can also be generous with the bullets… we got a truckload of ammo…".


We are bringing a battle rifle up against those unreliable and flimsy DIY rifle, if we hit them from afar, this would be a done deal. After all, I do have a Pipe Rifle myself, someone sold them to me at my stall on barter Counter, and that thing could barely pass as a rifle, effective range of just 30 meters, easily broken, hard to aim and hard to use. In my opinion, that thing was only useful for intimidation factor.


"All you had to do, is flip this safety switches off…point at your target…and shoot… as long as your shot, hit the target…it was already a done deal… even if they somehow have Carbine, those carbines only worked in the range of 100 meters….".


"So, we hit them from far away… I see, the farther the range, the safer us all would be…It seems, you really are different from your old reputation, Darling…". (Selene)


"Hmm? …really? …what is the old me known for?".


"Well… a strong barbaric warrior… you used melee weapon more than you use a firearm….". (Selene)


"I am an idiot back then….".


I got the picture of how the old me used to fight and what he was famous for, the idiots that brought a club to a gunfight, and actually won, A full on barbarian warrior. Also, at some point, I noticed that Selene started to called me 'Darling', and with her thick English accents, it was very pleasant to hear them. I supposed right now, she had already integrated into our family, and already comfortable enough to take the first step.


"Selene, stop talking about the old time…and, Honey…stop talking like that…". (Natasha)


Natasha clearly stated her unwillingness to hear me said something about myself in a self-depreciating way. she was sensitive about stuff like these.

"[Sir, Madams …I have located the Herman Group current locations… I've connected my findings on the Notepad, now…]". (Alfred)


Alfred announcement, brought all of us back to the current reality, Alfred showed his result on the Map app that were already opened on the Notepad. The satellite feeds showed on the Notepad are moving very fast, almost like a suspense scene from all of the military movies that always over react the map scene. After all the dramatic views were over, our Notepad slowly moving, following a group of men, all of them were armed and carrying Pipe Rifle, and wearing leather armor.


The group were walking slowly, forming a long line of men that looked like a snake, slithering around on the ground, and on the middle of the group there's a single Mutant cow drawn carriage. The carriage built were crude, but all of us can easily see and deduced that the carriage is not for carrying items, but a cage. The feed showed us the top view of the entire thing, so it was hard for us to know for sure if Scarlett were there or not.


"Selene… Are those guys… the Herman group?".


Selene saw the feed, so I asked her for confirmations.


"I recognized their purple cloths on draped over their shoulders…and that Mutant Cow and carriage…were exactly the same, as the one I usually saw, when they visited the town…. That is Herman Group, for sure….". (Selene)


Her expression turned cold and the sound of her gloved hand gripping the battle rifle just showed how she hated these people and 100% sure that, those group that were walking so leisurely, is the Herman Group that we are about to hunt. So naturally, I don't really need much to say, if she were already that sure.


"Alfred tracked them and give us the direction to these scums…".


"[Already did, Sir …. they are 1.2 Kilometer due to your northeast…I have already created the fastest and optimal routes to get there, Sir…]". (Alfred)


Alfred already changed the Notepad real time satellite feed into a navigation app, complete with the highlighted routes. The preparation is now complete, we got the target in sight, the location and fully geared up and ready. As we already planned, Alfred military Automaton and Selene will be standing ready at the back of the truck, Natasha would be on the backseat, and I would be the driver. Our plan is simple, we will hit from afar, and used the truck as our cover, try to completely eradicate the enemy from distance, and if we can't. then it would be a hit and run tactic, naturally saving Scarlett will be our top priority.




"Boss… are you sure…that we can't get a taste of the 'product' first?... come on… we were selling them to the cities anyway, right…Come on, Boss… we're all hungry here…". (Creepy Herman Group Caravan Guard)


"Once again…I said… No! those folks in the cities are thorough!" can't sell anything if the product were already been gangbanged by all of you!... Tch!... what a horny rat all of you!!...". (Herman)


Herman Group, was owned by a middle-aged man named Herman, a well-known Slave merchants in Boulder City, with a moderate fame in his born city. His main trade is slaves, he travelled all round the Jouston City claiming that he was just a typical merchant from the city, bringing the cities product to trade with all the small villages and town, whilst actually, he and his group would secretly hunt down anyone, all sort of people that were travelling alone, in the wasteland, captured them and sold them in the city.


His modus operandi, were known all over the Jouston City area, the same sort of tactics that were used by other slave merchants as well, but the Herman Group disguised themselves as normal merchants to everyone so such approach was hated by everyone, but at the end of the day, due to Herman approach and covers up, the people only suspected his group nature, and because he's from the city, no one wanted to really dig anything about him and his group. Today was a good day for Herman Group, they had finally caught, a red head scavenger that they had scams after hunting her down in a zone infested with zombies.


Scamming a Scavenger in the wasteland is a risky move, even for Herman Group, as Scavenger group would always known to retaliate, but for this woman in particular, Herman can scheme his scams as the woman were a discarded woman and belonged to a small group. Herman was so invested to capture the red head woman, is all thanks to her talent as a scavenger scouts, which would fetch a lot, in the slave market in Boulder City, but due to all the trouble that she had cause, His men were very eager to violate the woman, citing that it was to 'settle' their grudge at her. Which Herman cannot allow to happened, as the woman would be more valuable if she were sold in good conditions. Needless to say, all of his men, were all vulgar and barbaric, the only use that, is that all of them were good at fighting and expendable.


"Oi! Woman! …you give me a lot of trouble for days… and for that, I will sell you to the most vulgar and inhuman owner you would ever meet at premium price…Hehehehe…". (Herman)


Slamming the cage with a sinister intent, The Red head woman, did not respond to his claims at all, nor the leering looks of the men around her, or even another captive that were laying inside the cage. Scarlett instead, just looking far away in the distance with an empty gaze and dead eyes.