Episode 72: Layla at 100% Capacity.


Despite the morning blunder just now, I, as always were engrossed in observing, Layla computing power and process. Surprisingly I noticed, thanks to Alfred telling me about it, Layla A.I prowess is quite amazing, she is already her own person, she had her own thoughts and experience, vast enough that she can predict and make a humane calculation and actions on her own. Her priority remains, she would always prioritize her owner sexual and emotional satisfactions, and needless to say, based on her programming, she is really an expert on it.


"I have fully completed my system recovery, Master… you have been designated as my primary and priority user and also main administrator…". (Layla)


"Thank you, Layla… so right now… how are you?".


At the moment, she just has her torso and head still attached, as all of her limbs were not yet attached to her, so I had to helped her sit up on the table.


"I am functioning just fine, Master… though I would need a lot of the items that I asked for to be working at my fully capacity… there is no problem on my current programming and codes… in fact as per your order to compiled and archive all of my data and memory…. I was able to lighten and clear all the unnecessary corrupted data…". (Layla)


"Hmm… I've seen your database, and it was basically a mess… filled with tons of useless data entries dated back decades… pointless data, reminders and videos… all of them were just useless… did your previous owner used you like a notepad or something?".


Her databanks were almost filled to the brim, 100 billion terabytes were used to store all sort of useless stuff, from reminders, audios to videos. She was used as not only a tool for sexual stuff but also treated as a walking useless computer.


"I'm afraid, I was used in such manner… each times my owners changes, they would ask me to note down something that they deem important… none of them had ever ordered me to delete or removed that data at all… so as result, that piled up data ended up consuming most of my memory storage...". (Layla)


"No wonder… are all your previous owner just technologically challenged?".


"I am afraid so, Master… from the second generation of my previous owner… all of them had basically knows nothing about computers or even had a basic level of educations…". (Layla)


"Make sense, the world did end after all… they didn't know that you are able to teach them basic educations?".


"They did not ask nor requested me to do so… in their own words, I am just a tool for them to use as they pleased… hence due to such directive… I remained that way for all of my previous owner…". (Layla)


"Served all of them right…".


Layla smiled as I vented a little bit of satisfaction of the current outcome. Layla is not just a simple Pleasure Android, she was equipped with a lot of basic functionality, she was able to become a maid, a teacher and she could even become a top tier secretary. She is a top tier advance A.I that were already fully developed, which means with the correct set of order and provided information package, Layla could have potential to become even more capable.


Yet, for some reason, no one were able to see this, her previous owner labeled her and even ordered her to simply remained a simple tool to be used, and thanks to that directive, Layla were locked out of her own potentials and functions. She could no longer provide solution or suggestions to anything. Simply said, by her previous owner command, they themselves had turned her into just a simple pleasure android with 90% of her functionality locked.


"Although as an android built to served humans, I cannot curse my previous owner… I am agreed with how I was treated for decades were humiliating to my pride… I am an android who proud of who I am and what I am capable of…. So, meeting a new owner that knows what I can do… Master, I am very happy…". (Layla)


"Well, thank you Layla… anyway, I have already cleaned all your limbs over here…. But, to be really honest, your current skins conditions…is quite worrying…it cracks and already rotted on a lot of spots… can you even repair them?".


Alfred and I cleaned all of her limbs last night before I goes to sleep, let's just say when Alfred started the process, it needed 5 washes to completely clean up everything, with the last wash just soaking everything in both detergents and fragrant soap. Only after that, I was able to bring myself to touch her limbs. At the moment, with her request, I helped attaching back all of her limbs, her right hand and both legs, already missing their flesh and just metal bones remained intact. Her previous owner didn't even give her any water and thus leads to her flesh and skins cracking and decorates, they didn't even give her shoes, so her feet now turned into just metal bones.


"Ah… Thank you, Master….as long as I have all the items I listed before… it would not be an issue at all… I am capable of fully repairing and restoring my own body… to a pristine condition as long as I was provided with materials…". (Layla)


"Alright… I got all the things that you asked for here, in these boxes…. From lubes all the way to process silicones… you can used everything up if you wanted to… I already ordered more than the amount you requested… so you can do as you pleased…".


"Oh, thank you, Master… that is so generous of you, to do so…". (Layla)


Gotten all of her limbs now fully attached and as she ran a full diagnosis on her now completed body, according to her all system is normal, minus some obvious damages to the limbs of course, she stood up and followed me to the piles of boxes near the wall of the room inside the generator room, as she thanks me, she went to inspect the materials I've gotten for her.


"Oh my, this is very interesting…". (Layla)


She carefully, inspect every single box and then became surprise.


"What is it?".


"All of this items… all of them were brand new, fresh and not at all radiated… this sort of things should not exist at all in this time in the current world conditions…". (Layla)


Layla politely voiced her reasons as she looked at me, clearly fishing for a permission to know about how I managed to get all this stuff. This sort of thing, I know that I cannot hide them from her, but I am not afraid to tell her about my ability, as she was an A.I an android that completely belonged to me now.


"For that question, you can refer to the newly input information package about me in your database… that should explain everything about me and how I was able to obtained all this…".


As I said so, Layla nodded her head and for just 2 seconds stayed still, accessing her database I supposed, and then she come to a conclusion.


"Oh my, I supposed the theory of parallel universe has now finally proven to be true with you as the prove, Master…". (Layla)


"I guess so…".


"This world… must be so hard for you, right Master? leaving such peaceful world for a ruined one… it must be taken a lot of time to get used to…".


Half of her face were just a curved LCD screen so I cannot judge her expression at all, but her tone of voice really stated her current emotions, sympathy for me, which felt quite good and emotional for me as well.