"Hmm, why is everything proceeding so smoothly?"
Since Britain's anti-Russian propaganda was exposed, the Okhrana hadn't been idle either.
After creating the theory of Judeo-Slavism to counter Judeo-Bolshevism, they spread it throughout Europe and didn't stop their various propaganda operations needed for it.
And Lev Davidovich Bronstein, the St. Petersburg branch chief and deputy director who oversaw all these activities, somehow felt that everything was falling into place and ideas were flowing like a spring.
"Isn't it because it perfectly suits the branch chief's aptitude? Using the IRA and utilizing the small scattered Marxist groups."
"How should I put it, I could see exactly what they wanted and they seemed easy to use. It's hard to explain, but that's just how it was."
"In public, they call that kind of thing talent."
"Talent, talent indeed."