The Tsar's Travelogue (8)

Just as St. Petersburg became Petrograd...

My cousin George's family had also changed from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor.


"Nicky, how many years has it been? You missed Willie's daughter's wedding in '13 and couldn't make it to the Cowes invitation in '09..."

"It's been 26 years. When you were Prince of Wales. I was grateful then. You were the only one who stayed until the end at father's funeral."

While I exchanged private telegrams with Willie, George is someone I have childhood cousin memories with.

A king who has neither Willie's greed nor is he weak.

A king who firmly established the principle of 'reigning but not ruling' during wartime and gained nationwide popularity by encouraging the people through radio.

'There are plenty of reasons to meet.'