While Russia wanted a winner to emerge whether through fratricidal strife or survival of the fittest within Korea, Syngman Rhee guessed that would lead Korea to an irreversible state.
'Far from being unified, the country might split! If neither democracy nor republic is achieved... all that's left is military rule and dictatorship!'
Therefore, regardless of who held leadership, this situation couldn't spread further, and for that, whether they wanted it or not, the Korean Empire had to change.
There was only one answer to this.
A Korean version of the Meiji Restoration.
"First, we must implement constitutional monarchy. With the military on our side now, we must sweep away the entire Imperial Household."
"And then?"
"Parliament must revise the national constitution and get His Majesty's approval. Having lost the Imperial Household, His Majesty won't oppose. If he opposes here... we'll have no choice but to go all the way."