The Not So Legal Hero - Oneshot - Three Parts - 2/3

It was sadly, but oh so blatantly obvious this 'Ell' chick was trying to set me up for failure and humiliation.

But oh well, it is what it is, and I mean, this way I have someone to talk to other than people old enough to be my parents. Sure, it's lie filled and nothing about it is real, but it's better than being bored.

To me it is at least, I mean, I'm used to this treatment, so it's not like I'm setting myself up for failure by taking the bait knowing fully well what's about to happen.


Getting home I dump my bag in my room, going into the living room to flop onto the couch. Sure, I can just stay in my room and be on my bed, there's not much difference, but in the living room I have a guarantee to see my father before he goes off to work.

Opening my phone I go to respond to Seth's messages from recess, telling him I'm staying home for the night, having had a few nights late out recently, and I usually don't go to the gym that much, so it's taken a bigger toll on my body than I'm used to, so I'm taking it safe and staying home to rest and let my body do its thing.

Deciding to just do some studying for school, seeing as it's been a while since I actually did more than the mandatory school stuff out of school.

It's not like I'm falling behind, I just think it'd be easier for me to just graduate and get school over with and get as high of scores as I can so I can get into hero school with a scholarship and then have a good studying schedule, so I don't have to do any more years than I need to.


"Hey kiddo, thought I'd drop in to see you, I remember you saying your father has night shifts on weekdays, so I presumed it'd be safe to come in and say hi." Seth says, poking his head in my window.

"Yeah okay, probably don't poke your head in my window at eleven o'clock at night, but sure, come in if you want, or are you just passing by?" I ask, walking over to help open the window more, the old thing is pretty stiff and takes a bit of effort to open further than a small crack.

"Won't mind if I do, and you really need to lock your windows." He says, crouching in the windowsill as he makes his way inside.

"Yeah, locks don't work, and I don't really care much, honestly I feel bad if someone robbing from an apartment complex and taking stuff from this one in particular." Rolling his eye, he sits on the edge of my bed, looking around my room, not having seen it yet.

"Okay, you're not that poor, you've just got other things to focus your finances on." Okay wow, that's probably the saddest things I've ever heard anyone say before.

"You know what, let's just change topic, this one won't end well." I say, trying to stop any form of argument forming. "You want a glass of water or something?"

"I'll be fine, thanks… so, what've you been doing?" He asks, standing up and walking over to me at my desk, noticing the books and scattered stationary everywhere. "Whatever this is, it seems like I interrupted your momentum."

"Haha, no you haven't interrupted anything, just basic studying, note taking and rephrasing things so it's easier to remember, basic stuff." I say, flipping a page or two to find a page with most colours used to show how I'm doing everything.

"Okay, so I write the information here, in purple, then underlining it in orange, or any key words that I need to remember. Underlining in light blue for any words I'm struggling with and underlining with dark blue for the stuff I need to stop writing about because it's wasting space on stuff I actually need to practice." Pointing to the different colours as I talk, I keep rambling on about my system.

"Then the lime green is used for anything that has been simplified to the simplest form possible, and forest green for the words that are way too broad and need to be re-worded a bunch." Moving out of the way, I let him get a better view of my book so he can understand how I've done it.

"Damn kiddo, you've got this like, really well done." He compliments, picking up the book to get a better look at my other pages, me leaning back in my chair, watching him mesmerised by my messy book, but I'll wait a bit before showing him my better and oh so organised books.

"Thanks, it's nothing too hard, just got to make it organised, have colour coordination, and know what's important to segregate and what isn't, and you've got a basic level of organisation." I explain, I mean in the hypotheticalities, it makes sense and seems simple. But for some reason I've seen so many people struggle with basic note taking.

"Kiddo you've got some talent right here." He says, placing my book back down on my desk, sitting back down on the edge of my bed.

"Haha, thanks I guess." Dude, how do you respond to compliments? Like, you thank them, but I can't return the complement because I have never once seen him study or anything similar to that, the closest I've got is him texting me about not wanting to do paperwork, which I can't really complement.


"Anyways, I'm going to head off back home now, make sure you actually text me, and try catch up with Riley and myself, alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be more social with the two of you. See ya." And for some reason, he decides to leave the same way he entered, through the window… okay then.

It's pretty late by the time he left, it was late when he got here, so it's no doubt time to brush my teeth and get ready for bed, having been packing up my studies while talking to him, meaning there's one less thing for me to do before bed.


Okay, so yet again, my life is boring, going to the Heath household for training once or twice a week, going out on vigilante outings once on Wednesday nights, and again on Saturday nights.

But being a main character, I need more drama going on in my life… surely?

Well again, not yet, for now, I'm messaging this 'Ell' chick during recess, but not lunch, if I was oblivious to the fact that she's trying to make fun of me, then I'd say the friendship has progressed a lot. But oh well, I know it's all fake, but it is nice to be able to talk to someone, even if it's normal talking.


"Hey kiddo," Wait what's Seth doing here? "get in."

Getting inside the car, again, like usual, people watching me getting into a super expensive car, giving me death glares.

"Not sure if you've got your days mixed up, but it's Friday today." I say, him starting to drive off back to his place.

"Oh no, I know… don't know how to explain this, and when I do figure it out… it's not a texting conversation." He says, slightly scaring me. What could he need to talk to me about that he can't text me or wait one measly day?

"Okay then… hang on, why're we going this way?" Realising that this wasn't the way back to his house, we turn into the shopping centre parking lot.

"Right now, we're going shopping, I'm paying for everything, but you need a better costume." He says… why's he brining up my vigilante costume? And why's he taking me shopping for it now? He's never even mentioned me getting an upgrade before, why now?

"Um, alright then… I'll have to paint my symbol on it later though." I say, the two of us getting out of the car and making our way to go looking for a brand-new set of clothing for my costume.

Of course we looked around multiple different shops before getting anything, also making sure that it wasn't a big change, as the original one.

Getting a plain black hoodie, one that actually has pockets, a pair of black cargo pants, rip off convers, he tried to get me branded ones, but I didn't let him, they're way too expensive for me to let him buy them for me. Also getting me a new mask, and for some reason getting me magnets, a glue gun, and hair clips, and more paints and brushes.


Getting back to his place, we go into one of the living rooms, tearing apart a few boxes to put the cardboard on the floor to paint on without getting the floors dirty.

"Alright, what's first?" He asks, laying everything out, the smaller things like glue gun, hairclips, magnets, mask, paints, and paint brushes to the side.

"Well, we'll need a thing of water to wash the brushes, I guess we can put the paints on the cardboard since it's a temporary thing." I say, him getting gup to go get something to put the water in.

Walking back in the room holding a plastic throw away cup half filled with water. "Here we go, water."

"Time to start the sketching." I say, getting the black paint to do the base, you can see it if it you look close enough, which means once it's dry it's a good base before adding the contrasting colours.


"You sure you want to change your logo?" It was fair, before I had an air symbol, now having the words 'Earth and Air' written in Japanese on the upper left of my hoodie, and on the pockets of my cargos.

"I mean yeah, what's wrong with changing it? It's not like people recognise me by me logo just yet, and having the new wardrobe update, it makes sense to change it now rather than later down the line."

"Okay, but why is it written in Japanese and not English?" Fair point, honestly why didn't he ask me after I painted the top coating? Oh well.

"Well, for one, it just looks aesthetically better, but also because it says Earth and Air, which are my abilities, why would I want people I'm fighting to know my abilities? Like if they know me there's not much I can do about it, but if they don't know me than I'm just outing myself." I explain, him nodding along, understanding that it's more than just for the looks, and that there's a reason as to why the language change.

But also, as to why I chose for it to change from just the air symbol, I've got other capabilities, and again, it outs me of my abilities, every language can understand a drawing of the air symbol.

"Well, onto the shoes, you going to keep them plain or you going to add anything to them?" I do think about it for a moment, previously I've never felt like I should paint my vigilante shoes as I'd wear them outside of my costume, but now that I've got a pair specifically for the outings, it's less risky to design them.

"I mean, I guess it'd look cool… but I feel like I want to blend into the crowd as much as I can, having designed shoe won't help with that, maybe when I become a hero, but not right now." I really, really want designed shoes, but it's just counteractive to what I need.

"Alright, once these dry I'll explain the magnets and things," He says, noticing my gaze subconsciously going back over to them. "I'm going to go wash up, then we'll talk later in the gym if you want?"

"Alright, I'll head off there now if that's fine." I say, him agreeing as the two of us go to the separate rooms.


Getting on the treadmill for a warmup, it being my go-to at this point, sometimes I join him with his warmups, but mostly the treadmill as it's what I'm most used to, and it's always good to up my running and stamina.

"Alright, I'm going to do a quick warm up, we'll talk while doing set breaks." He says, walking inside the gym, having changed into something better for working out.

"Alright then but seeing as you've taken this long to talk about it and can't wait until tomorrow, I don't think you'd be able to tell me in small set breaks." I say, just under half done with my warmup run.

"I'll figure something out." He says, joining me on a treadmill beside me, matching my pace.

Seriously, this man can match my pace that I've slowly built up, with him flat out going to it? Jeez, talk about being over shown.


"Okay, so this is a good mid-point for us to have a longer set break." He says, getting his water bottle and sitting on one of the benches.

Sitting next to him I make sure to have gotten my water bottle from my school bag and refilling it. "So… what's up?"

"Okay… so I don't know how, but; okay, let me just say this, you need to hear me fully out before responding or reacting, please." He says sort of scaring me more than I was already. "Okay… so, I don't know how, but someone found out and word got around or something, but the hero commission found out that the two of us are in contact. They know that the two of us have gone on patrols together, but I don't believe they know I know your identity."

Pausing for a moment, I can tell that he still has things to say, he just needs a moment to process the words he's about to say, so sticking to my word, I try to hold back my reactions, letting him continue.

"I had a meeting with them yesterday like I do every few months; at first, they seemed upset that I never turned you in. But before I could explain the agreement and arrangement between the two of us. They told me that if this hadn't happened, then they'd give me punishment, but seeing as they need to get into contact with you they're willing to turn a blind eye."

What? Why're they needing to get in contact with me? And what's going on the caused them to not punish him? I'm not complaining, but why?

"So… you got me a new costume because I'm going to meet up with them?" I ask, knowing he'd probably answer my other questions at some point.

"I got told I need to get you there tomorrow… I tried to tell them that I wouldn't see you in time for it; but the hero commission being the hero commission, they wouldn't listen to me and told me to figure it out." Okay, so that's probably why he couldn't wait until tomorrow, they're probably planning on talking to me during the day meaning I wouldn't make it in time.

"Okay, so… you want me to dress up in my costume tomorrow, meet you at the building top, and you take me, a vigilante, illegal hero, to the hero commission headquarters?" I say, making it seem as… bazar and confusing as possible.

"Basically, I'll give them a call tonight and ask them what time they expect us to be there, I'll send you a message telling you when to meet me there." He says, it's all way too much, but I guess it is what it is.

This is that life of a popular and commonly known vigilante. I mean, I've heard that in some countries if a vigilante can get popular enough and prove themselves even below the legal age limit hero commissions will have them attend the tests and give them an exception.

But of course, there has to be punishment if they fail the test, otherwise everyone would be vigilante to overwrite the age limit. It depends on the country, but in some cases, they've been given two or three years in prison.

Here though, we don't have that set up, so as far as I know I won't be getting recruited as a licensed hero, well, getting an exemption be a licenced hero.


Finishing the workout, we go back to my costume, the paint having dried by then allowing him to show me what the magnets and other nick knacks were for.

Placing a magnet along the under edge of my hood, using the hot glue to keep it in place, putting another two in, he lets them cool, telling me to style my hair as if I were about to go out.

All I do is ruffle my hair, looking back up at him. "Right, forgot you don't need to style it." He laughs, getting three hair clips, walking over to clip them in.

Two down near the bottom of my outer hairs, another one near the middle of my forehead.

The hot glue didn't take long to dry, telling me to put it on once it was dry. Pulling the hood up the magnets attached to my hair clips.

"Damn…" Realising that my hair just went up and not the hood going down, he tells me to wait for a second, before going off somewhere, coming back with two average hair ties, and a packet of small single use elastic bands.

"Okay, mind pulling the hood down?" Pulling it down, he puts my back hairs into two pigtails, replacing the clips in, grabbing a strip of hair from my left pigtail, he starts to braid it across to the left, my hair only just getting across my head. Using the left clip to keep it in place, he's able to put a clip in the centre of the braid.

Pulling my hood back up, the hood now clipping downwards as the hair is secured in place with the ties.

"There we go, that looks okay, doesn't it?" Pulling out my phone, I look in the camera, trying to see if there's anything out of the ordinary, but he did a pretty good job.

'Nah; nah this is pretty good." I say, taking a photo for reference when I get ready tomorrow. Pulling the hood off taking the clips out, but leaving the braid and pigtails in.

"I noticed your hood kept falling off when we run along roof tops, thought I'd help figure out a temporary fix." He says, putting my new costume in my bag, walking out to the car to take me back to my place.


Nullforce: It's at 9:20

Nullforce: Meet me at the roof top at around 8:40?

Me: 👍


Prefect, father should've left the house by then, meaning I don't have to try deceiving or lie to my father about where I'm going.


"Hey, like the new fit?" I ask, raising myself up to the roof top Nullforce is on.

"Perfect, I feel like you need glasses or something, but I just don't see you wearing any." He says, the two of us making our way down to the hero commissions building. "You'll be fine without them though."


Showing the man at the front desk his ID, the door to the hallways is opened by a click of a button.

Leading me down the hallways and to a flight of stairs, going up to the top, being five stories. We walk down more corridors, finally reaching a doorway that he knocks on.

"Come in," A voice from the other side calls out. Opening the door and stepping inside keeping the door open for me, he goes to greet the man that I presume to be the one that told us in. "Nullforce, I told you; you would be able to get him here."

Right, they believe I'm a guy… sexist much, whatever, all it does is help keep my identity to myself.

"You don't know how hard it was finding them yesterday, let along having them agree to this." It wasn't hard at all, but because he needs to keep suspicions to a low, and also because it was a pain to explain to me, he opted to seem annoyed, probably in hopes that a short notice like this won't happen again.

"I had faith in you, now come on, take a seat." He says, the two of us sitting beside each other, opposite of the man sitting at his desk, straightening his posture to show the change of seriousness.

"Now, I believe you go by the name Aether, is that correct?" He asks, his attention directed to me this time.

"Yeah, that's my vigilante's name at least."

"Great, well you can call me Willson, if you agree to this then I'm sure we'll be seeing each other a lot in the next few weeks." Okay, so maybe we do allow vigilantes the chance to become legal heroes here?

"What're you planning?" What? Why' he seems upset by that?

"I knew you'd be protective over him, that's why I thought you'd like to sit in on the meeting, but I do have to say, you don't get a say in what Aether here decides to do." Okay, they seem to be closer than I presumed they would be.

"…let's just get this over with Willson." He huffs, glaring at him.

"Right; back to what I was saying," He says, glaring at Nullforce. "recently, we've had sightings of a particular villain that's caused some… difficult trouble in the past." Okay… so maybe not an exemption to become a legal hero, but a temporary recruitment for a specific case?

"I swear t-" Before he can finish his sentence, Willson cuts him off.

"Let me speak," He huffs, staring at him. "I swear Nullforce, you need to re-learn your mannerisms."

Subtly rolling his eyes, Nullforce kind of just lets him continue, already having signalled to me that he doesn't like where this is going.

"As I was saying." He says, pausing for a brief moment. "Great I lost my train of thought; we have this problem dealing with a specific criminal, the public even taking it upon themselves to deem him a villain… now as I'm sure Nullforce here has explained to you that we've seen the two of you part taking in patrols together with no sign of him taking action to turn you in… we will only be excusing it for the reason that we have gotten this chance to request your help in re-capturing him."

Okay… so I guess it is slightly like the exception for the hero licence program… but temporarily for a singular mission.

"You don't have to say yes." Nullforce says, Willson glaring at him yet again.

"Okay… so do I get to know more about this criminal, villain person first? Because honestly, I'm not all opposed to this, but Nullforce here is making it seem like I don't want to get involved so I'm going to be cautious here and get all the information I can before agreeing or denying it."

Humming, Willson pulls out a file from his drawer, handing it to me. A file with about seven, single sided, pages.

Grabbing said file I flip it open, seeing the first page having a blurry photo and a facial sketch paper clipped to it. A basic informational page with things like name, date of birth, gender, height, weight, ethnicity, etc.

However, a lot of it wasn't filled in as this was a custom file for an unidentified criminal, so a lot of these things are unavailable at the moment. Estimations were put in though.

Flipping over the page, the following six were about his criminal record, at least, what we know about it. Theres the likely hood that he's done unsolved or unreported things too.

There was a bunch of pages to go through, but luckily, I'm only looking at it for a basic idea, I'm not trying to solve anything here and now.

So, I skip through them, skimming over them, getting a base idea of what he's capable of, and what sort of things he's been reported of. Trying to get an understanding of the severity of it, and just about how dangerous he is.

"I can give you at most three days to make your decision," Willson says, me handing the file back to him. "if you've got a burner phone of some sort you can give to me or Nullforce, that way you'll be able to contact either one of us once you've got your decision. And if you decide to take on the task, then further communication will be easier and more efficient."

Looking at Nullforce, I ask for his phone, pretending to add in my contact, when all I'm doing is sending myself a photo from his gallery of himself. One I know he wouldn't dare let me see.

"There, no offence, but I'm still not 100% on board with communication with you, and when I say you, I mean the hero commission." Accepting my comment, dismissing us, Nullforce and I stand, making our way out and on a patrol.


"So, you actually going to take the job?" He asks, about half an hour into the patrol.

"I'm confused why you'd think I'd say no, the only reason I didn't accept it then and there is because I know you've got some reason against it, and I thought I'd ask you away from… him." I say, knowing his name… just felt more… fitting to mention him as such.

"I don't think now's a good time to mention it, and it's definitely not confirmed… but I have my suspicions you won't like it is that I'm suspecting. And you being in on the case I don't think it'll go down well when you find it out for yourself." He admits, the patrol going soothingly, nothing much to deal with.

"And you don't want to tell me because it's not worth the worry if you're wrong." I think aloud, him humming in agreement. "Okay, so like from 1-10, how bad do you think it would be if it were to be true?"

"A solid 20." Okay, so like, double the limit… got to be bad.

"Okay… well then, I'm glad I have time to think about it; and from 1-10 how 'life changing' would you say it is? Because I mean things can be pretty crap, but like you can live with most it most of the time… so how much of a life changer would it be if it were true?"

I can tell he knows the answer, but the hesitation does scare me. "Again, a 20/10." Jeez, okay.

"And… would it be different if I were there for it? Like would it affect me different as it would if I weren't there?" Again, I can tell he's hesitating out of not wanting to admit it.

"Okay, so like, 18/20, still pretty damn bad, but a tad bit better." Okay, so honestly, it really won't affect me much if I were there… but oh god, how I want to just let whoever it is go just so I don't have to worry about the uncertain truth.


The following weekend I spend the days at the Heath household gym and nights on patrol, claiming the rush helps me process and think through things better.


Me: I'll do it

Me: Tell Willson I'm joining the case or whatever it is you call it


 Nullforce: There's a meeting on the ##/##

Me: What time is it?

Nullforce: 2:40pm

Me: That's a school day!

Me: I can't skip school!

Nullforce: You're going to have to call in sick then

Me: No I can't

Me: Tell him to reschedule or something

Me: I'm not missing school over vigilante stuff

Me: Tell him I've got work or something

Nullforce: I'll try but no promisses


And lucky ol' me, he moves it to the Saturday the week before. It's probably because he's in need of my assistance, I mean if they're getting me, a vigilante, to help them, then they must be desperate.


The Saturday rolls around, changing into a random outfit, making my way to an alley to change into my actual costume, using my ability to hide my bag.

Running off to meet Nullforce at the usual rooftop, the two of us making our way back to the hero commission headquarters.

"Just so you know, I'm still against all of this." He says, the two of us walking down the many hallways and corridors.

"I know…"


"Ah, you made it." Willson says, raising from his chair at the end of a very long table, to be specific, a 13 seating one with rounded edges so 6 on either side with a T.V on the wall at the opposing end of the room from the door.

Stepping inside, Willson is at the end of the table on the right, a woman to his left, and man to her left. The two of us, Nullforce and myself, seating opposing to them, me in front of the woman with Nullforce opposing the man to give Willson that 'in charge' feel.

"Moonshadow, Nightwing, this is Aether. He'll be assisting us in this case, accompanied by Nullforce whom I'm sure you know." Willson introduces, Moonshadow, the woman opposing me stands and extends a hand.

Having come up with the idea to add black gloves to my costume, I'm able to accept her hand, not having to worry about fingerprints being left.

"I've seen some of the things you've done, glad you've accepted to join us." She says, going to shake Nullforce's hand as well, Nightwing following her and shaking my hand after shaking Nullforce's.

"Glad you're okay with me being here." I say, the four of us sitting to let the meeting start.


It was quite boring, so I'm not going to bore you with the details, but here's a summary.


"We still don't have a name for the one who the civilians have deemed a villain, so any suggestions?" – Willson.

"What's his abilities again?" – Moonshadow.

"We assume it something to do with plant manipulation." – Willson.

"What's his main focus of attack?" – Nightwing.

"When it comes to civilians, trapping them in plant like prisons. And when it comes to attacking pros, it's manipulating the ground below to keep our balance off." – Willson.

"Slightly off topic question, what's your ability Aether?" – Nightwing.

"I'm not saying what it's call nor am I giving specifics, for persona gatekeeping reasons. But I can control earth and solidify air." – Me.

"I presume you already knew this, Willson?" – Nullforce.

"Keen eye there, I did." – Willson.

"You want him to counteract plant guys ability?" – Moonshadow.

"I should be able to do that, doesn't seem too hard." – Me.

"Great, back on topic." – Willson.


"How about Terra?" – Nightwing.

"That works." – All.

*Talking about how we'll take turns surviving area's he's most active in*

"Alright, we'll do that for the next three weeks. We'll have another meeting same time then." – Willson.


So, that's how I got put on patrol shifts from 8pm – 2am on Mondays and Wednesdays, and from 2pm – 8pm on Saturday's. All of this obviously with Nullforce, although Moonshadow and Nightwing also had shared schedules.

I guess it does make sense, whoever this guy is, he seems to be strong enough they need to get three pro hero s and a vigilante to even attempt to stop him.


"You know you're allowed to back out if you ever want to." Rolling my eyes I hum, it's the last Wednesday on patrol before going to that second meeting.

"I've already agreed to it, I know you said it'll be literal hell if your theory is true. But honestly, all it is, is a theory and suspicion. And frankly, I'm quite intrigued what hero life is like before getting myself 100% involved if you know what I mean."

"You're planning on legalizing yourself when you come of age?" Okay, stupid question, he knows the only illegal thing I do and part-take in is using my abilities under-age without meeting the requirements of it being classified self-defence.

"Of course I am, I'm only a vigilante because I'm not 18, and I'm like hella bored, have no life."

Humming in either understandment or agreement, either way it's one I'm contempt with. "How long left? Not long, isn't it?"

"Uh… three years now, honestly, I'm going to probably get my license the year I can and have both Aether and my hero identity alive at the same time for about a year or so before stopping my vigilantism, that way my identity isn't found out. You know, it's still illegal. I mean technically it won't be illegal for that year or so, but they won't know that." I explain, hoping he understands my train of thought.


And here it is, the Saturday meeting, meeting up with Nullforce like we did three weeks ago. Making our way down to the hero commission headquarters, talking about random things, but him obviously slipping in, multiple times, that I'm allowed to back out if I ever want or need and it's never too late.

"You're here, take a seat." Willson says, the two of us walking inside, Nightwing being the last one to come inside. "Alright, starting off, we'll talk observations, Nightwing, Moonshadow, you were the ones on patrol more frequently, what've you got?"


Again, the meeting boring as ever, but this time less eventful than you'd think, so again, here's a summary.

Nightwing and Moonshadow explained that they never actually saw him doing anything illegal, but when faced with other criminals, he managed to take control even if he doesn't seem to be part of their group.

The group of us deciding Terra has a majority of higher up power in the criminal and maybe even the villain organisations.

Nullforce and I then inputting our observations of him seeming to be looking for someone a lot during daytime, assuming that it's someone and not something as it was only when there were lots of people around when it'd be less suspicious to meet up with someone.

Again, the group of us debating the meaning and landing on the temporary conclusion that he's planning to meet up with either another higher up to make plans for something, or more hopefully him plainly trying to get in a meeting with another lower levelled group to recruit.


"Alright, good job you four. We'll get out security cameras thoroughly searched and have a normal patrolling schedule, alert all pros in the area to be weary and on guard. In the meantime, make sure you'll be able to come in at a moment's notice, in case of emergency; Aether, seeing as he only moves at night, unless it's weekends, you should be available if there's any need of your assistance. Any emergency meeting won't be able to be pushed back, Nullforce will be in charge of filling you in if you're unable to attend it."

Okay that's actually perfect, jee am I glad I was able to make it understood I'm not available 24/7 when that first meeting was scheduled.

"Any questions?" Everyone having understood and not having any other proponents, we're dismissed, and everyone makes their way out to go do whatever it is they please to do.


The following weeks go by as if nothing had really happened, Nullforce and myself, going back to our original agreement of patrolling and workouts.

In all honesty, I'd like to say that none of this had affected my school life. But it was already pretty bad to begin with, not getting enough sleeping and falling asleep in class.

But now, well now I'm not even really paying attention when I am awake, too busying thinking and wondering what on earth that suspicion is that Nullforce has on Terra and why I'd have anything to do with it. And what'll happen to me when this hypothetical situation, I mean if he says it's that bad then of course it's going to be worrying me.

"Aris," Damn, haven't been called on it for a while though, guess it's inevitable. "read the next paragraph."

Looking down at the book on my desk, skimming through the page to look at where we're up to. Reading out the relatively small paragraph, I somehow manage to not say anything incorrectly.


The teacher dismissing the class, everyone makes their way out of the classroom, rushing out to lunch.

I end up making my way over to the garden bed, checking my phone for any updates, honestly, the entire time I've had to wait I've gotten into a habit of checking my phone at lunch in case of any updates.

And finally, an update message.


Nullforce: Emergency meeting got called in

Nullforce: I'll give you updates afterschool if you want to go patrol together?


Making sure to keep my response short and not distract him, I send him a quick reply before putting my phone away, partially glad there's something going on, but also not; the fact an emergency meeting got called is reason enough to not feel 100%.


Me: Meet me at the usual roof top at the usual time, tell me EVERYTHING that happens 👍


Making sure to add the thumbs up emoji that way he can just take a glance at it for a split-second response, being able to properly read it later when he has the time and focus.


Now obviously I was still distracted in class, but this time for something else, so I was deeper in thought than before.

But oh well, the teachers either didn't care or didn't notice, and honestly, I don't care that much.


"Tell me everything," I say, walking up behind Nullforce, the two of us planning on just jumping from roof top to roof top as he explains the meeting. "you seem… gloomy, please tell me Willson wasn't being an idiot or something."

"… Why would that make me gloomy? And seriously, gloomy, of all words?" Shrugging, he rolls his eyes at me, starting off the run between building tops. "Anyways, one of the other pros on patrol found him, the guy underestimated him even though he's been told directly to tell other people when in contact with him… that idiot landed himself in hospital." Damn okay, so like Terra is actually someone who can deal proper damage.

"He okay? I mean other than being in hospital?"

"More or less, broken forearm and punctured lung." Punctured lung? How?... Did he really make a sword of some sort out of plants?

"Damn, okay… what else, you surely didn't have a whole emergency meeting because of that." Slightly laughing at the little I care about the guy who got stabbed and a broken arm, understanding though, the guy was an idiot.

"Well, we've noticed a pattern in the times he's active most… and it just so happens to line up with my theory… so the chance I'm right it just getting worse and worse for you." Well damn, that's definitely not good.

"Well damn… that's no good." I literally don't know how else to respond other than being sarcastic… oh well.

"My god, you'll really suffer then you find out, I mean if you can't process me telling you it's more likely… I don't even want to imagine how you'd react if it's proven to be true." He's got a point… oh well.

"Sucks, to suck I guess." He just blankly blinks, staring at me, mortified at how badly I react to things. "I'm fine."

"I swear kid, you really need to learn how to process things better before this gets over with." Damn, rude much… makes sense… but still rude.


Getting back home I end up only just beating my father back, going up to my room and putting my costume away and getting ready to have a shower and go to bed.

The entire time my thoughts were filled with confusion and wonder about whatever it is that Nullforce is predicting. He's never once made it obvious what that prediction is about, whether it be his identity, his relation with me, his intentions behind all his attacks… but what does he have to do with me. And how did he even start that thought process that connected it to me.

This is all so confusing, what does he know, and what does Terra even want with me? I mean I've never actually encountered him before so what connection does the two of us have? I mean other than our abilities being similar, but it's a common one.

Stuck in thought, unaware that I'm speaking aloud, my father walks into my bedroom, probably to say goodnight, as he's been doing that recently.

"Ari? What're you mumbling about?" Let's just pray I can get away with this.

"Just school stuff, sorry if it was annoying." Surprisingly, he does actually believe it, nodding and like predicted says goodnight to me, leaving the room and letting me finish off my nightly routine and heading off to bed.


The following day is spent at school like usual, it's slightly concerning how long it takes for the hero commission to set up something as serious as this, but there isn't much I can do about it, I just have to wait for more information about what's to happen next.

It's only until Friday that I get a message from Nullforce telling me there's a meeting the following day, somehow, they also manage to time it so that I'm available for the meeting meaning that I don't have to figure something out with my father, and I can just go out.


"You know, what this meeting is about this time?" I ask, yet again, trying to scare Nullforce, and yet again, failing at it.

"Last time Willson said the next meeting would either be another emergency one or if they've got a base idea for a plan, so using my deductive skills, we're close to catching Terra." He explains to me, the two of us running along roof tops and alley ways on the way to the hero commission centre.


"Glad we've been able to make times for you to join us Aether," Willson greets, the two of us joining with the others already being there. "now, talking to the HAPF, we believe there's a pattern to Terra's attacks, we already know this. But getting it down to the minute, we have a pretty good idea of his active times, meaning we're able to have a good idea of when he'll be active and when we'll need to have everyone ready down to the hour." The HAPF being the Hero Aligned Police Force.

The meeting continued, Willson dragging out the whiteboard and getting out a packet of markers, writing down the active time schedule that the police force has sent to him.

And for whatever reason it happened to be very similar to mine, only just there's a half hour difference at the start and ending time of weekends, Monday to Wednesday he's only active on the last few hours of the day, and Thursday and Friday he's active for the first half of the day, with a half-hour window throughout the workweek that he's never active.

Seeing this, I notice Nullforce nudging me, signalling me to remind him about it later, probably going to tell me that it's getting pretty close with his theory about Terra.

The meeting was mostly Willson writing things on the whiteboard, filling the four of us in on things him, the HAPF, and head of the hero commission had talked about in what I presume to have been a separate meeting rather than random updates.

The base idea of the plan was also introduced, and Willson also mentioning that the next meeting would be held with the HAPF to talk about the actual plan, and that, that meeting would probably last an extra hour or so and continue the following day for a finalisation of the plan before we actually approach the plan itself.

Again, I personally think it takes way too long for the hero commission to actually start something like this, I mean it's been literal weeks, and all we've done is had meetings, some hero got hospitalised, and start talking about a plan, like I just don't get it. But I'm in no position to complain, especially since I'm new to it all and I don't have any idea how most of this works.


"I believe you wanted me to remind you about the times that Terra's active?" I ask, the two of us doing a typical patrol, it is becoming somewhat of a tradition to do after meetings. "Let me guess, your theory is probably true?"

"How'd you know?" Sarcastically rolling his eyes. "Whatever makes you think that's what I was getting at?"

"Hm, let me think, maybe the fact that every time the topic about your theory is brought up you mention how it's getting more and more likely to be factual?" I joke, the two of us casually jumping and running around.


"Alright, be safe, don't do nothing dangerous, yada, yada, see you later." He says, me jumping down to my main alley way to change back into my civilian outfit before making my way back home.

It was a normal walk home, but for whatever reason I felt like something was wrong, but I tried to just let that feeling try go away naturally, I mean it's probably because I'm a girl walking around the streets alone at midnight. So, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about.


"What're you doing out this late?" Turning around I realise it's just my father also walking home.

"Oh god you scared me, haha, just went for a walk, couldn't sleep." I lie, it's pretty easy to lie to him at this point, I hate it, and I try not to do it too much, but with how little we actually interact with one-another, it's not hard to hide from him.

"Oh sorry, let's head back, if you still can't sleep you stay in my room for the night if you want." Now, to some it may seem weird or whatever, but being a single father, we used to live in a one-bedroom apartment when I was super young, I would sleep in a cot beside his bed, but for the first year or so after graduating from the cot I'd stay in his bed before he was able to save up for a two bedroom apartment.

So, to me, sleeping in his room isn't that weird or strange, I used to always find reasons to crawl myself back in his room for the first few months at the new apartment, even after I'd join him if I had a nightmare.

Recently I haven't gone in a while, being able to cope with them better, and also just not having them nearly as much as younger me did.

I slightly did want to fake not being able to sleep just so I could have an excuse for my lost childhood comfort, but I don't want to worry him with my fake troubles all because I want something I don't necessarily need anymore.

"Thanks dad, I should be fine now though." I say, the two of us practically there already if we weren't so high up in the apartment complex we would've gotten back faster.


Taking a shower and changing into my usual night clothing, I get into bed, scrolling on my phone for a bit, to simulate that fake not tired just yet in case my father does decide to check up on me.

He doesn't, but I honestly don't even care that much, like, it doesn't bother me anymore. I used to be a clingy daddy's-girl, but now we've just gone distant.

Don't get me wrong, I love my father, he does so much to make sure I've got things and don't need to worry myself with work. He does a lot for me.

But at the price of not seeing him as much as I'd like, but honestly, being a vigilante, I guess it does help that we don't have the closest relationship.

But… but if he and I were always as close as we used to be… would I have ever become a vigilante? Would I have even though about it?


Okay, so like, that week went dreadfully slow, I wanted to just find Terra and get this over with so I can just figure out what Nullforce's theory is. I wonder if he'd tell me what it is even if it isn't true?


Nullforce: Hey kiddo

Nullforce: Next meeting just got scheduled

Nullforce: Next Saturday, around noon

Nullforce: 2pm I think

Me: Finally


Finally! Finally, the next meeting is coming up! Next Saturday we get the second last meeting, the last one being the following Sunday.

I swear, going to Nullforce's house on that Friday night to use the gym with him and Riley, I was ranting non-stop about how excited I was to finally get the mission over and done with.

I did end up asking Nullforce if he'd tell me about his theory after the mission even if it isn't true. But he was concerningly sceptical of his answer, unsure of what he would do. Finally landing on a no, claiming that he wouldn't want to upset me with the possibility and assumptions that were in his mind.


The following Saturday, getting ready and setting off to meet Nullforce at 1:45ish, making sure there's time for the two of us to walk to the hero commission centre without rush and being able to just chill and talk for a bit.

The meeting was somehow even more boring than the first time I had been there, it was probably because I over-hyped myself up and was expecting something so much more eventful and exciting when I already knew what a typical meeting looked like.

Although this time the HAPF were there this time, Nullforce took to a closer watch on me, not entirely sure on the intentions behind it, but I'm not going to complain about him doing it, I mean, I don't even know what to call it, but all I know is that whatever the intention behind it is, it's a good one.


"Okay, before we all leave," one of the police members says, raising from his chair, doing the stereotypical hands on the table, dramatically letting the wheely chair roll behind him as he looks around the table of professionals, plus me, making it clear there was something wrong. "can someone please explain to me why nobody is questioning the presence of a vigilante let alone the fact he's involved in the plan!?"

Wow, rude much.

"Officer McCalen, we went through this before arrival! Willson has given Aether here an exception because of his values and abilities." The head of the police force says, also doing the stereotypical dramatic stance.

"Just because his values line up with the heroes' ones, how can we trust him!?" Officer McCallen yells, directing his attention to both head officer and myself, me just sitting there awkwardly. "If he's so trustworthy and his values match the heroes one's, why isn't he a hero already!?"

"Okay, that's private information! Aether has their reason and you're in no place to question them!" Nullforce yells, following along with the dramatic raise.

"Nullforce? What's got you so overprotective? I've noticed you being awfully clingy to him throughout the meeting." Officer McCallen snarkly says, the head officer glaring him down.

"Okay boys, calm down, Aether's situation may be one you're not used to, nor will some of you be comfortable with, but I ask you to accept it." Willson says, trying to calm the room of the obvious heat.

"You can't seriously expect me to just be okay with me having the chance to turn in a vigilante when he's right here!" McCallen says, his attention now directed to Willson.

"Officer McCallen! You do not speak to you superiors like that!" The head officer yells, glaring daggers at him. McCallen getting frustrated, storms out of the room, doing the cliché turning around at the door to stare at me a last time. "My apologies Aether, Willson."

"It's out of your control, I thank you for being okay with my presence though." I say, trying to make my presence as kind as I can in front of everyone to make trusting me even just that much easier for everyone else.


"Well, that was something." I sigh, Nullforce and I doing our traditional patrol after the meeting was finally dismissed after that scene.

"Sorry about all that kiddo, probably should've warned you beforehand about that happening, officer McCallen is known for his traditional view, and in most cases it's perfect for the job, but in times like this he can get quite stubborn." Nullforce explains, the two of us making our way around the main street's rooftops.

"Nah, I mean it's something I've learnt to accept when I decided to do this." I say, jumping down to walk the streets, wandering around, seeing as neither of us are shining heroes that everyone knows and with our semi-normal costumes that don't stand out at all, we manage to just walk around with little to no stares.


Getting back home, I somehow manage to get home after father, meaning I had to make something up for as to why I never told him I was going out in the first place.

"Hey Ari," He greets as I walk inside, him being on the couch, and not in a condescending way, just sitting there watching the television, just happening to notice me walking in as the television is on the wall that's in the same direction as the front door. "coming back from a friend's house?"

"Um, yeah, sorry, they kind of just asked me if I was free and I just forgot to tell you." I say, letting him give me a free excuse, sometimes it's nice having a semi-absent father.

"All good, glad you got home in time to have dinner with me." He says, having brought up the topic of food, I only just realised that all I've eaten today has been a granola bar and a packet of chips from before the meeting.

"Haha yeah, I'm starving, we went out to the gym so I'm glad to finally get some food in my stomach." I say, walking over to the fridge to see what foods we've got for dinner. "You want anything in particular for dinner?"

"We got any Mac n' cheese left?" He asks, me getting two packets out, it's not the same, but it's the closest we've got to having a proper dinner when we have the same microwave meal together. It's kind of like having a homemade meal together, it being the same meal and made at the same time and having everything the same does add to the illusion.

"Dinner's ready in a oh so dreadful two and a half minutes." I laugh, one of the only good sides to having cheap-skate meals, the quick prepping time meaning we don't have to wait 20 minutes for a single serving of dinner.


The following day the meeting was a bit earlier than I'd like, but I'm not going to complain, and seeing as I was able to get away with yesterday's outing, I manage to just tell my father I'm going over to my friends place again, and he doesn't bat an eye.

This time the meeting went a lot smoother, McCallen did glare at me every now and then, but seeing Nullforce, the head officer and even Willson giving him glares every now and then, it gives me reason to believe that he had a talking to between then and the ending of the meeting the prior day.

Honestly, I hadn't ever experienced the… protectiveness I feel from Nullforce, it's a nice change, but one that does make me question my view on my upbringing and life at not only home and school, but also my life as a vigilante.

I do try to push the curious thoughts to the side to make sure I pay attention to everything being said so I can make sure I don't miss anything important… which is everything.


"Any questions before we leave?" Willson asks, this being, hopefully, the last meeting before the battle between the city's current top villain and a few pro heroes, a vigilante, and a team of HAPFs. Not overboard at all… not at all.

"I have one," one of the police officers asks, putting her hand up, and actually being a decent being and not dramatizing her presence like the scene like the day before. "I'm just wondering what the situation with Aether is after the battle. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against him helping us in the battle, I'm glad he's comfortable being here, I'm just wondering if his status changes or if we'll still have to turn him in if we encounter him later on."

"A good, question, yes." Wilson says, taking a moment to think it through. "Seeing as there are already arrangements in place, and the upcoming battle with him having a major role in it, I guess defaultly don't do anything if you encounter him. But if he intentionally goes against the plan or does something to assist Terra on the upcoming mission then he'll keep the status of a vigilante and anyone who encounters him needs to turn him in."

"Okay, thank you." Okay… so as long as I don't stuff up this mission, I'm good… I mean, it's not like I'll go to prison if the mission fails. It just means I can't do things to help the enemy, and I don't plan on doing that, so I should be fine.


The day of the fight just had to be on a Friday though, I mean, I'm glad it's at a time I can accommodate with, but even so, it's still annoying to have some big fight on a Friday like, at midnight too.

"Alright, come on kiddo, can't be late." Nullforce says, this time he's the one to join me on the rooftop. I ended up getting there a whole two hours early, I'm still not sure if it were because of nervousness or eagerness, or if it were either of them at all, but whatever it was, it was one of the most confusing and overwhelming feelings I'd felt in a long while.

"Alright, lead the way." I say, raising from the edge and walking over to follow him as he starts jumping along a series of rooftops making his way to the city centre.

We did keep our distance from the actual city centre, the two of us were tasked with the roles that had to be hidden away for as long as we can, as both of our abilities are capable of long-distance attacks.

But there was time for Moonshadow to sneak over to say hi, she seemed to be one of the nicer ones on the task force. "Hey, you two, took me ages to find you, good hiding spot."

"What're you doing here?" Nullforce asks, the two of us mid-air, him using his grip-binding, a scarf like binding weapon that he's trained himself with so use as a support item as well as a weapon.

Using it similarly to how spiderman uses his webs, but also having it be made of materials that allow him to change the strength of it when using it differently so he can use it as rope when grabbing onto villains and criminals.

So, he uses it to hold onto a lamp post nearby, and also on the edge of the building, my earth holding it in place for him, whilst I kind of just rest on my solidified air, so to her I'm just floating.

"Wanted to say hi to you guys, haven't had the chance to talk to either of you alone really." She says, her eyes always making their way back to me, probably trying to figure out how I'm just sitting here.

"After this, if I have the time we can talk then, cause right now we got to get prepared." I say, knowing that I'd have time after, but with Nullforce's theory getting to me, making sure that I have an opening to just say I have to leave if it does end up being true and I just need to leave.

"Great… meet back here or what?" She asks, me having had jumped down to you know, greet her or whatever it is when you walk someone out.

"Just go wherever the police cars are, I'll send you a message if they need to leave." Nullforce says, probably having picked up on my plan of using it as a backup plan.


We ended up waiting for a bit longer than I'd like, but I mean, I guess this isn't something you can really control, like we just had to wait for him to come.

Like predicted, he tried to use his plant ability to throw us off, but because Nullforce and myself were out of view to him, I was able to keep the ground as still as I could, I obviously couldn't stop it entirely, but I did limit it.

Nullforce also did his part, his ability to cancel one's ability when he's looking at them. Every time his eyes are either blinking or looked away the ability is nulled for around half an hour, meaning there are openings for his opponent, but their ability still isn't 100% back.

And with extensive training Nullforce has learnt to have an unrhythmic blinking pattern as to not let anyone get used to it and be able to counter act it.

For some reason, Terra usually has one or two little minion guys, but they aren't in the main fight, meaning they either just aren't here. Or Terra noticed us, and his minions are going around to try get a surprise attack of their own.

Meaning Nullforce and myself still need to be on guard in case his minions find us, we're still kind of just chilling on either our grip-binding or solidified air. Obviously still using our abilities, but kind of just chilling, there really is no need to stand or sit on the ground or anything.

A bunch of the civilians had already been evacuated thanks to the police force, meaning that whatever damage is done in the fight will obviously still cost a lot, but it means lives won't be at risk.

And luck ol' me gets the chance to actually join in the fight when one of the two minions do end up finding Nullforce and I. at first he told me to just keep doing what I'm doing and he'll deal with it himself, but the other minion also joined us, meaning I was allowed to actually fight.

Nullforce and I doing that back-to-back sort of thing you see in the movies, jee, you don't realise how realistic the fighting in movies is until you're describing it.

I get a few hits in, mostly doing defence as Nullforce made the comment that if his assumption was right, I should save my energy for me to be able to even get a few hits on him. Meaning I just had to keep these guys off me, and he'd deal with them until there's an opening for me to get in and fight with the others against Terra.

The second I see an opening I jump up, running along the solidified air, dropping down just above Terra, him trying to use a vine like plant to cover him. But once I'm on top it I just make a hole for me to just fall in, covering it back up to basically just trap the two of us inside it.

"Aether! What're you doing?" Nightwing yells, noticing that I basically just trapped myself with him.

"Aether huh, thought you were a vigilante?" He comments, trying to open up the vine like cage, but I just put it back. "You want to be in here with me? That's a surprise." He mocks, the other's just standing back and watching, none of them can really do anything with me in here with him anyways.

"Okay first, I am a vigilante, I'm just teaming up to deal with you, and second, I'm not trapped with you, I can leave whenever I want." I say, the two of us circling each other, similarly to that of when lions fight.

"Say, what are your abilities? I saw you flying earlier, but you're able to reverse my plants." He says, at first, I was about to not say anything, but if I can figure out his abilities then maybe I could find something on Nullforce's theory.

"If you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine." I propose, the other heroes trying to get me to take back my preponement, claiming that he'd just lie to me, and I'd just be selling myself out.

"I guess that's only fair… water manipulation, I'm able to manipulate even the smallest of water molecules, so I try deceiving everyone and only manipulate the plants around me. It also works for hiding my identity." I think about it for a moment, neither of us stop circling.

"Hm… my question is why you don't manipulate humans as well." I comment, trying to find any holes to ensure that he's not lying.

"Well even if I could that'd just reveal my ability. But no, I can't do that, you see humans have a mind of their own and can do whatever they please. Meaning I have to override their will to move, which I'm unable to do. Whereas plants don't have a mind I have to override to control." He explains, it is difficult to figure out if he's lying or not. But I mean there's no harm in telling him mine, I mean, it's not like it'd do anything to help him.

"Ari manipulation, and earth manipulation and creation." I state, thinking about how to describe it, but also making sure that my voice it toned down so that the other heroes don't hear me. My identity is still at risk. "I can change the state of air, meaning I can make it a solid and create the illusion of flying or floating. Whereas my earth manipulation and creation allow me to create dirt and soil, but also manipulate things like plants and the ground below."

"That's a quiet impressive ability, quite rare too…" He says, as if he's connecting dots together or placing one of the last pieces of a puzzle.

I try not to pay mind to it, trying to just get the fight to just start already. And finally, he makes his first move… but away from me?

"Aether!" Nullforce calls out, and not as in a 'he's behind you' or anything, but in a 'I figured it out' sort of way. "I'm right!"

"100%?" To literally everyone else, the conversation would've seemed confusion and just… weird. But the both of us understood and that's really that matters.

"Like 90%, I'll explain later!" And with that, I ask my last question before putting all my focus back on Terra.

"How badly would I want to?" I was implying how badly I'd want to hurt him if I knew, I was fully relying on Nullforce, but I don't want to get over emotional and let my emotions lead me at the moment.

"Somewhere around 60-80%!" Let's go, this is about to be fun. For whatever reason Terra let me not pay attention to him whilst Nullforce and I were talking.

 "So, Terra, let's get this over with so I just figure this out." I say, all my attention back on him.

"Terra? I guess that makes sense, but I go by Vortex." Too be fair we did name him under the assumption that he had an earth like ability rather than a water one.

"Great, you go by Vortex, cool, can we just get this over with." I say, closing the distance between the two of us, the vinelike cage having been the width and length of a building, now shrinking as I run closer to him so that his options for running away are limited.

"How come your eagerness has changed? Was what that other hero said a code of some sort?" What good would it do to him if I told him that anyways?

"No, and even if it was it wouldn't matter to you." I say, him still backing away, but only slowly walking backwards, whilst I'm running towards him.

"What do you know about me Aether? I know you know something." Jee, his tone just changed, as if he were scolding me.

"At this point of time, your villain name, ability, and that the theory my hero accomplice is probably true." Jee, how fast is this guy's walking? Because honestly it feels like I'll never actually catch up with him.

"And what's this theory of his? Because honestly, I'm pretty sure I might know it." Okay and?

"I don't, and in this moment, it's irrelevant to me. Stop backing away from me and let's get this over with already!" He ends up running towards me, finally initiating a fight himself.

Darting in my direction, his fist prepared to punch me right in the gut. And just as he's passing and about to create contact, I make a block of solid air, it shatters upon impact, even managing to cut his fist.

Taking a few steps back, clutching his hand to his chest, for whatever reason chuckling. Vortex shakes off his hand before running in to try actually get a hit in.

Stepping back, dodging his fist, I turn my body to the side, my leg swinging around and roundhouse kicking him in the face. Stumbling back and getting my stance back, taking the opportunity to change the air to gas to make clouds, obstructing both our views.

Meaning that while he's still disoriented, I'm able to run back in to run up to where I believe he is to punch him in the stomach. Somehow, I do end up just barley getting the hit in, any more to the left and I would've missed.

I can hear him running off, probably trying to find the edge of my cloud to try reorientating himself and get himself back together.

At this point I had no choice but to try shrink the cage to force the fighting to keep going, but with the lack of vision I'm force to do it ever so slowly and not be able to just cut sections off as I don't know if I'm trapping or freeing him as I won't know where he is and if he's in an area I'm about to open or close off.

It takes a lot of effort to shrink the cage, but I'm able to do it. But obviously the cloud will be the same size since it's a vine cage meaning there're holes literally everywhere so shrinking the cage will also mean he won't be able to reorientate himself if he doesn't get to the edge in time.

Doing all this obviously did a number to me, but with him running around like a blind dog on a leash, I have time to literally sit up against the vine wall.

And sit I do. I sit for nearly ten minutes before getting up and finally going on a search to try find him. Naturally, people would try calling out to him, just wanting to find him to fight, some may even remove the clouds, find him, and put them back.

But honestly, all that would do is give him a view of me as well. And besides, wondering around a cage that I've shrunk dramatically, well that's surely not too hard. So, I run, I run around, vaguely spotting a blur of a figure in the mist, I slow down, trying my best to sneak up on him.

Finally getting close enough to see his back, in a swift movement I headlock him, my right arm wrapped around his neck, my left hand covering his mouth. Leading him over to one of the walls, manipulating the vines in a way that his hands are tied to the wall.

I do try not to act in the same way as he; by abusing the fact he can't do anything to stop me. But I do get a few hits to his stomach, one to the face as well. "Now, Vortex, you want to just turn yourself in yet? I've told you a hundred times, so I'm sure you know, but I want this to be over with so I can just figure out what my hero friend's theory about you is."

He stays quiet for a moment, holding his chin to keep his face in place, I punch him a few times, his nose starting to bleed. "You know… either you turn yourself in now, or well… well I don't want to be like you, so I'll let you run around in this cage for a bit longer, but whatever happens in here, I promise you I won't hold back."

His face tensing, I can tell his thoughts are rushing around, panting, and trying to think straight, I can tell I've caught him in a knot.

"Fight me then… I-I'm not going to turn myself in." I stumble, it's obvious that he doesn't even believe himself, his tone oh so weak and even partially scared. But he said what he said, and I let him go.

Now when I say I let him go, I mean I untie him from the wall and give him a minute to run away before I chase him down and probably knock him unconscious before I take him out of this cage.

"56, 57, 58, 59…60! I'm coming Vortex!" I call out, walking around the cage, again, shrinking it further, honestly, it's pure adrenaline that I'm running off of. Having to shrink this so much, and running around, not to mention keeping the cloud here, it'd float away if I wasn't keeping it here.

It really, somehow, doesn't take long to find him. He could blame it on being stuck in a cloud hand the condensation, but I can tell that he had been crying… really? Vortex, was crying? Jee.

"Found you." Stepping closer, he ends up stepping back, as if he were genuinely scared of me, terrified even. Like, damn, I mean sure I did beat him up, but it wasn't even that bad. Had this guy never been beaten up before?

"I surrender, I surrender, please, please don't…" Damn… did I traumatize the guy?... Making a block of solid air as hand cuffs, I clear the clouds, letting them float up naturally. Dropping the vine cage and letting them sort of just fall to the roads.

Grabbing his hands that're cuffed behind his back, I lead him over to the head of the police force. "Here you go." Handing him over, the head police getting out his power cancelling cuffs out, with me removing the solid air.

"Once we get to the police station I'm doing the first set of questioning." Nullforce calls out, walking over.

"Hop in the car then, we're heading off now." He says, Nullforce quickly messaging Moonshadow, telling her where I am as promised.


"I heard you're the one that took him down, way to shock the pros." Moonshadow says, walking over to me.

"Think I accidentally traumatised him though, he was pleading his surrender." I say, rubbing the back of my neck, giving a shaky laugh.

"How do you manage to accidentally traumatize someone in a fight like that? He's one of the top villains in the area, the civilians deemed him a villain before the hero commission had a chance to."

"Yeah, no idea, he was even crying at one point, like I mean sure, I gave him a nosebleed, but seriously man, you killed people, and you cry at a nosebleed?" I huff, medics having just arrived and looking over our wounds and giving us plasters and numbing cream for whatever they deemed was in need of it.


"Aether speaking." I say, having just excused myself from Moonshadow after Nullforce called me.

"You need to get down here, I'm right and honestly you're the only one that can get him to talk any more than he has." Honestly, at this point just tell me about your theory at this point, like why go through so much trouble just to prevent the inevitable of me finding out?


Making my way down to the police station, Nullforce having sent his location, so I actually knew which one to go to. Honestly, I hadn't noticed it, but this city has quite a few police stations… the more the merrier I guess.

It is quite awkward being in my hero costume and using the name Aether when in the police station but seeing as the head of the HAPF and Nullforce themselves requested me, the others don't arrest me on the spot, and God am I grateful they did think of that.

"Aether, sorry for the rush." Nullforce greets, walking me in the viewing room, Vortex being in the other room the one-way mirror is looking into.

"Honestly I just want to know that theory of yours, and why it's so important to him talking." I say, glancing over at him.

"There's really no easy way to say this, and I've told you already that this will literally change your entire life but-"

"I get it, I get it, just tell me." I huff, just wanting him to get it over with.

"Aether, he's your father."



I just stare at him blankly, what? Sure, the two of us have freakishly similar times were vigilante or villain. Sure, we both have nature type abilities, and sure he has features that resemble mine and a lot like my fathers… but it can't be him… it just can't be him.

"Aether," Honestly, who does he think he is? Being a villain and fighting his own kid? Killing people… oh my god, my father is a murderer. "Aether, talk to me."

"… my father's a murderer…" I mumble, looking up at him, my breathing shaky and unsteady.

"I'm sorry kiddo… I you think you'll need some time." He says, looking up at the head of the HAPF.

"No… no I'll be fine." I say, sniffling and standing up straight, pushing my emotions back for the moment.

"You don't have to do this right now if you don't want to." Nullforce says, I shake my head, the head of the HAPF walking me out of the room and into the other one with Vortex… my father, in it.

"Terra, Nullforce is still here, neither of you are to use your powers." He says, walking me to the chair opposing Vortex before leaving himself.

"You haven't even told them your villain name yet?" I ask, trying to just talk before I burst out crying.

"What good would it do? All it'd do is give them more information about my ability." He huffs, is he an idiot, I know about both of them.

"Either you lied to me about your ability, or you're an idiot for forgetting you told me." I say, his breath momentarily stopping out of shock.

"R-Right… well I didn't know they'd bring you in…" Jee this guy is a mess; does he already know?

"I don't really know what I'm expected to ask you, all I know is that they said I'm the one to get information out of you. And right now, I think you know why, because I do, they do, and I'm wondering if you know too and that's why you were crying." I say, his eyes widening, looking off to the side. "Vortex."

"I know… I'm sorry." Yeah okay, not helpful.

"I need you to tell me the words yourself, I'm not a mind reader, you might be thinking of something else." I huff, leaning back in the chair, honestly, keeping my emotions to myself is something I've grown up doing to shoving them down for a quick interrogation shouldn't be too hard.

"My name is Victor Hale… that good enough for you?" Honestly, that works, but seriously… now the HAPF and hero commission will be able to figure out my identity too… oh well, that's a problem for later.

"Sure… and do you know who I am?" I ask, honestly, I just don't care about my identity being revealed, I just want him gone.

"The vigilante Aether… Aris Hale." There we go, now everyone is going to know who I am, this is sure to get in the news, 'The Villain Vortex, mass murderer, behind bars. His daughter the vigilante Aether'. That's sure to hit, everyone's going to turn away from Aether, hatting on me.

"And can you tell me what happened to your wife, my mother?" He had never told me what happened to her, claiming she died when I was young and didn't want to talk about it. But now that I know he's a mass murderer, it isn't a stretch to theorise he killed her too.

"I told you before, I don't want to talk about her." He huffs, his fatherly instincts kicking in, for the first time in his life apparently.

"Did you kill my mother, Nichole Hale?" I ask, sure, this is mostly for me, but I still need to make sure that I'm talking directly due to the interrogation recordings.

"So, what if I did? She…" Taking a breath and looking away, trying to calm his raging emotions. "She caught me trying to kill you!" Well damn…

"Why… why did you try to kill me? And why didn't you after killer her off?" I ask, still doing my best of hiding my emotions.

"Aris… you know-" I cut him off, for all I care about are answers, apologies are irrelevant in the moment.

"Answer the question Vortex." Honestly, I feel a bit cold for using his villain name, but that feeling is overruled by my mind wanting him to have no relation with me.

"Your grandparents, your mother's side, they said that if we have a girl they want it dead, they wanted a singular grandchild, and that it should be male… and I listened to them." No wonder I never met them either.

"And I'm assuming that meant nothing after you killed their daughter, you can't have a baby with a dead woman, and the gender doesn't matter if you're not going to see them again." I say, him literally just nodding along. "I need you to verbally confirm it."

"Yes, fine, that's right." He says, hatting this entire thing.

"There anything else I need to ask?" I call out towards the one-way window that I see as a mirror.

*Tap, tap-tap. Tap, tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap-tap. Tap-tap… Tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap… Tap, tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap… Tap, tap-tap. Tap-tap, tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap. Tap, tap-tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap. Tap-tap. Tap-tap, tap, tap-tap, tap-tap.*

(What is his ability)

"I need you to confirm to me that your ability is what you told me, and I need you to state what you told me." I say, deciphering the morse-code after a quick minute.

"… My ability is water manipulation; I can manipulate water as small molecules meaning I can control plantation as there's water throughout it and there isn't any free will for it to go against my commands. Meaning human manipulation is out of my command unless they're paralysed or in a coma." He re-tells, this time giving more information.

"Anything else?" *Tap-tap, tap. Tap-tap, tap-tap, tap-tap.* (No) "Okay then, unless there's anything you want to tell me, then I'm taking my leave."

"How'd you find out?... How'd you figure out that I'm your father?" He asks, honestly, does this man not remember anything?

"Nullforce, the pro hero I have most contact with, had his suspicions. I don't know anything just yet, but I can tell you that he was the one that found out and only just now told me." I explain, him nodding along, again still feeling uncomfortable. "There nothing else you want to ask?"

"… I just um… why're you a vigilante?" I do ponder on the question for a moment, unsure if I do want to answer the question, especially with the head of the HAPF here. And with this being recorded too.

"… You know what, I will satisfy your question. It's because I'm underage. I'm sure you know that though, seeing as you're my father and all." I say, glaring at him.

"Yes, but why not a villain? Why vigilante?" I swear this man is on something, 'why not a villain?' jee does he really think lowly of me?

"… That has to be the most idiotic and probably one of the funniest things I think I've heard you say to me. Why not a villain? Why do you think? Wait, scratch that, what makes you think I'd even consider being a villain?"

I honestly think I've broken him. Like I mean, earlier I made the guy cry in a fight, I'm also sitting here interrogating him after finding out he's a mass murderer, without displaying any emotion at that.

Which honestly, if I were him, I'd prefer to see my hypothetical child either being in denial or angry, seeing my hypothetical child sitting in front of me with no emotion, makes it kind of seem like it means nothing, and they just gave up on a relationship and doesn't care what'd happen to me.

"I… I just thought you'd follow with me." Jee, what does he think he is, the main character or something? Damn, self-centred egoist much.

"Follow you? What gave you the impression that I'd follow you? When on God's green Earth have, I ever done something that made you go 'Oh yeah, my child seems to have villainy in her blood and thoughts.' Like I don't think you understand anything about me at this point."

Okay, maybe that was a bit harsh… oh well, the guy deserves it.

He kind of just sits there, staring at me with what I believe to be a head filled with thoughts of either wonder as to where he messed up, or about how little I seemingly don't care about him.

"If that's all I'll be leaving." I say, I swear it actually went right over his head. Oh well, the guy had so many times to ask me something.

Raising from the chair, he looks up at me, as if the noise shook him from his thoughts. "Probably won't see you again, I would wish you well, but I don't really think you deserve that. Bye." And I walk out.


"You sure you're okay?" I swear, it's like he wants me to cry or something. "You're allowed to not be feeling okay, whether you show it or not, I could tell that had a lot more emotion than he knew."

"So what? The guy doesn't deserve my emotions." I say, trying to just get home already. I still had school tomorrow.

"Why're you going that way?" I swear, either everyone is dumb or I'm just hella smart because why on earth would I be walking any other direction?

"I'm going home, I love patrols yes, but I'm not an idiot, we just had some huge fight, and my father got arrested, I'm not going to continue patrol."

"I don't think you understand. Aris your father got arrested, you're still underage, you're being moved into someone else custody." Right… how'd I forget about that? Did that actually affect me? "If you want, I could request to have Riely and myself as your temporary guardians."

"… sure…" What is going on with me right now I was completely fine but then when it comes to him asking, I'm shaken off… this is confusing.


"We're back!" Seth calling out, I expect nobody to answer, seeing as it's past midnight and all.

"We?" Slowly scuffing her feet along the floors in slippers, Riely having still been awake.

"I was right; we're going to stay with us for a bit." I kind of just stand there awkwardly, I mean what else am I supposed to do?

"Oh, I'm sorry, why don't I show you to the spare room, I can lend you some pyjamas too if you need." Nodding I follow her, her now being more awake and her steps scuffing the floor less.


I end up taking a shower, changing into a set of grey-blue long sleaved pyjamas with a star pattern in the centre front of the shirt and many small ones patterned around the pants.

Going back to the guest room that she had shown me to before getting stuff for me to have a shower.

I end up hanging the towel up over the wheely chair at the desk in the room, jumping and flopping onto the bed, tossing around to get myself under the sheets without doing the basic act of sitting up and doing it normally.


The following morning, I do end up waking earlier than both Seth and Riley, so I just sit on the bed on my phone.

*Knock, knock, knock*

With the door opening Seth pokes his head in, probably trying to be quiet in case I was still asleep.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask, him now properly stepping inside.

"Do you want to go to school today? I can give you the day off to get your stuff and settle in if you want." I want to, I really do, but if I don't come in then he'd have to call the school, and then he'd tell the school, and then they'd know, and that'd just add to the school fire.

"I… I'll be fine." I say, only just now realising I have to walk back to my place to change into my uniform before walking to school.

"Alright, call me if you ever want me to pick you up early, okay?" I nod my head getting up from the bed, making my way out of the room.

And just as I'm about to head off towards the front door Riely greets me. "Hey Aris, you sleep well?"

"Hm, oh yeah, I did, thanks." I honestly don't understand how I'm supposed to keep the conversation going, I'm not all that good with small talk.

"Where're you off to? You have breakfast yet?" Right… breakfast is a typical thing for people to have.

"Oh, um… no, I don't really have breakfast much." I say, trying to just head off, I don't know what it is, but I just want to leave already. I swear it's like my entire personality has changed.

"You pack any lunch yet though?" She didn't even repeat the first question of where I'm off to? Well, this is clearly confusing me.

"Oh um, I was planning on getting it back at my place when I went to change into my uniform." I say, hopefully she just lets me go already.


It took a while, but I did finally get myself out and made my way back to the apartment and quickly changed and whatnot before walking off to school.

I did get there later than I'd usually get there, no thanks to Riely talking to me for what felt like hours and the fact Seth made me actually follow the law and have me go to his place for the night.

Like honestly, I'm always by myself, what's wrong with me staying home by myself the same as I was before?


Remember how I decided to not take the day off souly because I didn't want people to find out? Well, that went down the drain when first period starts, the entire class talking down on me because the recording of me interrogating my father got on the internet, uncut as well. Meaning everyone at school knows he's in jail and that I'm a vigilante, none the less the popular vigilante that people actually know.

"Oh my god guys!"

"Guys look!"

"Isn't that her?"

"I heard her name means ruin."

"Why'd she even show up?"

"I'd hate to be her."

"Why isn't she in jail too?"

"Why're they letting her come back?"

"Make way for the orphan villain."

"Vigilantes are basically just villains."

"Daughter of a murderer."

"She should be embarrassed to show her face."

Worst part is; the teacher didn't even try to stop them, he just sat there watching, doing whatever it was on his laptop. Only stepping in after he was done whatever it was that he was doing on his laptop.

"Okay guys, you can finish that after class, open up your books to section 4F, do practice questions 1a, b, and questions 2c and 3c."

I try to just get class over with, pulling out my books and solving the problems.


"Hey Aether, over here Aether." Some kid calls out after the class gets dismissed for the end of the day.

"Oh my god! Aether!! You're not deaf are you!?" Some other kid standing beside the other calls out.

"What?" I sigh, turning around to see them laughing before another responds.

"Follow us." She says, the three of them grabbing at me and dragging me over to the disabled bathrooms.

"What do you want?" I huff, the third girl locking the door and standing guard, this doesn't seem to be going very well.

"You ask too many questions, shut up already." The second girl says, the first one grabbing me by the collar before dropping me on the grossly sticky bathroom floor.


As you can imagine, I got beat up, I'm not going to describe it, no good comes from describing something like that when it comes to telling on someone who hasn't been caught yet.

Naturally, I'd fight back, but because we're at school, and like 90% of the people here are against me. I can't, why can't I? well it's simple, they'd turn it against me and make it seem like I beat them up first.


The end of the day was a time I was both awaiting eagerly, and one I was dreading. Praying, just praying that Seth wasn't going to come pick me up. My face was more or less normal, a bruise here or there, but it wasn't 100% normal and he'd most definitely notice if I tried to hide it or if I didn't.

And lucky ol' me, he hasn't come to pick me up, meaning I'm able to head back to the apartment. Put some make-up on to cover everything, but then also being able to try and just stay here. Maybe he'd have forgotten that I'm supposed to be staying with him?


I end up staying in my room for a few hours; after deeming myself been forgotten about I pack a to-go bag in case he does come to pick me up. Whether I take the bag and run off, or I take the bag and go with him is a decision to make in the moment.

But for now, now I'm just chilling and doing the homework. Making sure that I bring lots of make-up and bandages in the to-go bag and leaving some here, also some in my school bag. I need to make sure that if they beat me up again that I have a way of hiding it from Seth and Riley, I can't risk them finding out.

If they find out… well they'd do what any sane person would do, and yell at the school. And it being a public school, the most the kids would get is a slap on the wrist and a warning. And we all know how it goes, they'd find out I snitched on them, and it'd only get worse… hence, I have to hide it from everyone.


"Hey kiddo, you here?" Oh no… okay, well, sure, I knew that he'd end up coming for me, but like… part of me, the part that was hoping he wasn't going to, believed that he genuinely just wouldn't come.

Being caught, well, seeing as I'm about to get caught I grab my to-go bag and lock myself in the bathroom. I know he saw me running from the bedroom to the bathroom. But the bathroom is the only room with a lock and I'm able to sit in the bathtub that cross functions as a shower and hide away in it behind the drawn curtain.

"Aris… Aris I saw you; Aris unlock the door." I can hear the handle shaking as he tries to open the door. Honestly, I don't understand why people keep trying to open a locked door after confirming it's locked, like there's no use in trying, it's not like it'd do anything.

"Aris open the door." Does he not get that I'm not going to open the door? It's like people these days have no intuition or logical thinking. "Aris!"

I kind of just sit there, waiting for him to give up and leave me alone, for him to walk out and go back to his place and let me stay here, by myself, like it always is.

"If you don't open this door, I'm kicking it down!" What!? He can't do that! He's supposed to give up and leave me alone! "One, two, alright, I'm kicking it down."

I can hear him kicking at the door, I clutch onto the bag sat in my lap, awaiting him to knock the door down. Prepared to bolt out of the apartment the second he finds me.

The door falls over, him walking inside, looking around the room, walking over towards me. Pulling the curtain open, I run out of the bathtub, he ends up grabbing onto my arm, trying to hold me back.

All I have to do is solidify the air between his grasp, expanding it so that his hand loses its grip, making my escape from his grasp so much easier than it would've been if he had used his ability. Not like he was planning on needing it.

I run out, making my way out and towards the school. Usually, people try to avoid the school, but me, well for me it's the only other place I can go to.

Jumping the gate and making my way to the dead side of the school where nobody goes to, the only thing there being the sports old equipment shed.

Ever since the school fundraiser and the newly build sports shed, nobody comes around here. And because nobody comes around here and there's nothing dangerous or valuable in it there isn't a lock. Making it easy for me to get inside and sit with the somewhat dodgy outlet, better than no outlet though.

Honestly, the only reason they have the outlet's been for the lighting, so I have to sacrifice the light to charge my devises, but honestly as long as I charge everything at night then I won't really need the light.

Before unpacking my bag and such, I decide to re-organise the things already in here, two benefits; one, I'm able to make more room for myself and have things easier for me. But also, because it gives me a chance to go through everything and take use of things left in here in case it'd be helpful in some way.

I end up using one of the lower shelves as a bed… well, a make-shift bed. Emptying it and finding the softest things, like the ruined soft balls that're banished here. They're obviously not the most comfortable, but they'll do until I can get something else sorted out.

I end up finding a few spare old worn-out sports shirts that I can later turn into a pillowcase once I sew them together, next time I go back to the apartment I'll get the sewing kit… or I could just get my own pillow and pillowcase… okay, not the brightest, but oh well. I guess for now I'll just stuff the soft balls into two of the shirts, putting three of them in one shirt, then overlapping the shirt with the other going the opposing direction.

I did have to make sure that the soft balls I chose were large enough they wouldn't fall through the head hole, but seeing as this is the old shed, the shirts were small enough that it wasn't hard to find the right size.