Pre : Great Dragon Everard

=- Five Years Ago -=

Hidden away, directly beneath the palace, exists a large room that is dimly illuminated by lanterns that fill the walls, walls that are also covered in talismans and chains. The room is cold, and its aura is dark. Evil. This secret chamber is known by few even within the inner ring of the palace, because it serves as the holding cell for one of the most powerful individuals in this worlds entire history. The very room that Alcard Castellan is currently visiting.

On the far side of the room, opposite the doorway, is a tall, muscular man, fused to the wall with magic talismans and wraps, resembling bandages with strange letters and symbols on them. These restrictions serve to completely dampen all usage of magic, holding him prisoner for years underneath the kingdom.

The man himself has long, black hair, and large red horns that protrude from his head. No one knows where this individual originated, but you could tell just by looking at him, that he was not fully human, further represented by the subtle grey scales that trailed up the mans neck.

[???]: "What does someone in your position need this information for, hmm? You're just a kid, don't go looking for trouble."

[Alcard]: "I'm simply curious about the title. Who knows, maybe if you tell me I might be able to have your imprisonment shortened."

[???]: "Please kid. We both know your stupid king intends to keep me here til i die. I wont tell you about that name, Alcard... I would feel too guilty if the information happened to cause the death of a young boy such as you."

The whole kingdom falls quiet. The only sound present is the strong winds that fill the streets, and the deafening silence of the crowds, all starring up as a giant shadow quickly casts itself over Cataphrania. The large shadow caused almost everyone to panic and take shelter, especially those who dared to look up to see what was casting it.

[Alcard]: "I'm not some kid. I may be young but comparing me to normal people is extremely disrespectful. In fact, your lucky I wasn't around when they captured you, or I probably would have just killed you myself."

After a moment of silence, the man suddenly bursts out into a hearty laugh, one that fills the air with malice and unease. Alcard stares at the man with a slightly annoyed face as the laugh slowly fades away over an unnerving amount of time.

[???]: "You would kill a man who gave himself up? I would expect more honor from the strongest knight in the capital."

[Alcard]: "Gave yourself up? Don't make it sound like you turned yourself in. Have some self respect and admit you lost."

[???]: "The strongest knight..."

Alcard widens his eyes slightly in surprise, not knowing what to say in response to his strange behavior, mentioning that title right now. He quickly regains his composure and listens intently.

[???]: "The strongest... You earned that title at the young age of eleven years old, did you not? So surely you could tell me... What really happened that day... Do you even know what my commandment does? Or has your grandfather had that erased from the history books too."

The room once again falls silent, Alcard didn't know what this mans ability was. His grandfather, the king, had indeed erased all knowledge of this man and his power from any source. Before Alcard could speak, the entire kingdom shakes with a loud rumbling crash, one that nearly takes Alcard off of his feet.

[Alcard]: "A-Agh!"

"What happened? What the hell was that?" Alcard thought. He looked up at the ceiling that countless small stone chunks fall from due to the sudden shock. He grits his teeth and continues to look up in confusion, taking a wide stance to stop himself from falling over if another crash occurs.

Lowering his gaze back to the man, Alcard sees a small smile on his face. "Did this guy.... There's no way that he did something, those bindings nullify all mana usage." Alcard thought, starring sharply at the man.

Alcard opens his mouth to speak, but before anything else happens, another loud crash rumbles through the whole kingdom, shaking the palace to its very core, and cracking the ceiling and walls inside the chamber.

[???]: "You'd better go do something about all these tremors, my bindings might come loose, hmhmhmhm."

The man quietly chuckles, a low growl resonating through his chest that shoots a strange feeling through Alcard.

A loud bang reverberates through the room as the large wooden door slams open. Both of the men shoot their gaze towards the doorway to see an out of breath woman with dark purple hair.

[Alcard]: "Camilla! Are you okay? What's going on?"

[Camilla]: "Alcard! I-... The palace.. hah... Under attack..."

Alcard's eyes widen upon hearing that the palace is under attack. "Judging by the large rumbles that shake the ground, whatever is attacking the kingdom, it must be huge." He thinks. He runs over to Camilla, who leads him back up the spiral staircase, getting one last look at the man before closing the door.

Starring back at him with a malicious smile, the man drives a sharp uneasy glare straight into Alcard's soul, this person was the only being that has ever been able to make Alcard feel uncomfortable before.

Above the palace, a being that has existed longer than time itself has currently engaged itself with King Castellan. This creature took the form of a dragon, completely covered in white and grey scales, along with spikes that line the creatures spine and tail. Dragons were not impossibly rare creatures, but one this big was unheard of. This dragon was almost the size of the main castle, and had a wingspan of 200 ft.

With all these features being observed, the king knew, that he was now face to face with Great Dragon Everard, the strongest of the six immortal plagues.


[The Immortal Plagues]

[These creatures have been theorized to exist longer than time itself, and are believed to have been conceived alongside mana in its entirety. These six beings are so powerful, that they are worshiped as gods by thousands. All six of the beings bear the same commandment of immortality, an impossibly strong power that stops them from aging. Due to sightings of the immortal plagues being incredibly rare, only four of them have ever been properly documented, and the ones that are, have very little written about them, other than the simple fact, that all of them... Have extreme malice.]


Within the confines of the castle, a large bookshelf turns on its hinges, revealing a hidden passageway that Camilla and Alcard emerge from. Upon running out into the courtyard, Alcard freezes, taking in the sight before him.

Standing in the courtyard, is the king himself, along with his wife and the rest of the royal guard. But the most notable figure, and the most obvious, was Everard, a being that towered over the palace, staring down at King Castellan with sharp blue eyes. Everard's gaze alone was enough to bore terror into every member of the royal guard, all except the king, who stood up straight, locking eyes with the god-like being.

The king was an extremely old man with short grey hair. He wore heavily layered clothing with a black haori on top. The collar of his haori was coated in white fur, and his clothes were fitted with several jewels that showed his status as king. His wife, was a soft voiced woman with long brown hair, and golden eyes, and wore similar clothes.

[Everard]: "Elric Castellan..."

"EEK! It can speak!" Camilla thought, taking cover behind Alcard to shield herself from its terrifying gaze. As far as history has documented, Everard is the only full blooded dragon capable of speech.

Everard's voice was low and coarse, but most importantly, it shook the clouds and shocked the air as he spoke. His voice alone seemed like it had more power than anyone standing below him combined.

[Elric]: "Okuma. Nakada. Please assist in evacuating the inner rings of the kingdom."

The kings stern voice sent a shock through the two other members of the royal guard, bringing them back to their senses, and allowing them to remember to breath, something that proved difficult in the suffocating aura of an immortal plague.

Nakada, a muscular man in his early twenties with short blue hair and sharp teeth. This man lived for the fight, he never backed off from one and always looked down on those he considered to be weak. But right now, he was frozen from fear.

Okuma, A demi-human with the head of a wolf. His whole body was covered in white and light blue fur, and he is incredibly tall. This wolf man bore the title of "Okuma The Iron", due to his strong resistance and defense orientated commandment.

[Okuma]: "Yes King Castellan!"

[Nakada]: "Yes King Castellan!"

The two shouted in unison, following the kings order. It took them a second to start moving, and they both watch as Everard glanced to the side, locking eyes with them. "Breath... Breath... Breath...", both Okuma And Nakada had this word repeat in their minds, a constant reminder to keep breathing, and not let the fear overwhelm them.

As they swiftly take off into the main part of the palace, it becomes clear that Everard is perfectly willing to let them go, quickly shifting his gaze back towards the king.

[Everard]: "Evacuate? All I did was show up. Do you really see me as that big of a threat... Elric? It's not my fault that I'm this big."

[Elric]: "Your whole existence is a threat Everard. I do not know why you have decided to show up here in my kingdom, but I demand you leave immediately."

The battle of auras crackles in the air, their gazes produce sparks as they lock, a strong sense of unease filling the air as Everard falls silent for a moment. He leans his head forwards, getting closer to the king, his scales producing a large cracking sound as he moves.

[Everard]: "Is it really all that bad to come visit a new place every once in a while? I'm just here to see what the so called 'Magic Capital' is all about."

Camilla subconsciously moves closer to Alcard, her breathing heavy and slow, being overwhelmed by the mixing auras of the two powerful beings. The tension in the air alone is strong enough to practically kill the average person.

[Elric]: "The countless kingdoms that have been destroyed by your hands are a good indication that you are not just here to 'check us out'. You are not welcome here."

The air thickens as the tension starts to have a physical effect on the environment. The grass below them dies out, and the clouds start to bundle up above Everard, who looks down at the king with mean eyes.

[Everard]: "I don't like your tone. Apologize to me right now, and I will reconsider turning this whole kingdom to ash."

[Camilla]: "G-GH-..."

Camilla takes a deep gasp, and starts to lose balance when she hears the threat. She is held upright by Alcard, who's touch slightly remedies the strong aura. Alcard did not wish to get in the way of his grandfather, instead prioritizing the safety of Camilla, who was only 14 years old. How she was even selected as a royal guard candidate in the first place surprised Alcard, but she did indeed have incredible skills.

[Elric]: "I will not. You are trespassing in my kingdom. I command you to leave, or else I shall force you."

Everard looks down upon the king, pausing for a moment. After a torturous amount of time has passed, the tension seems to snap, and the dragon opens its jaw, and a large burst of lightning and pure mana shoots out from it, a sudden attack that vibrates the air, and catches everyone off guard.

[Camilla]: "GAAGHHHH!"

[Alcard]: "Gh!"


The sudden scream of the kings wife sent chills through Alcard and Camilla's body, the attack releases a shockwave that covers the area in dust and produces a strong gust of air that launches Gloria, the kings wife, far away to the other side of the courtyard.

Alcard watches as the dust clears to reveal the king now floating in the air, looking down upon the dragon with an infuriated face. Camilla's eyes widen and her jaw drops at the sight, trying to seek further protection from Alcard, who has wrapped his arms around her to keep her grounded from the shockwave. "He- He's flying!" She thought.

Everard shoots his head up, a wide smiling forming on his face as the king easily dodges his attack. A look of playful amusement at the display of the kings power.

[Everard]: "So what they say about you is true. You may be old, but you can move faster than the eye can see. Show my more of this power."

[Elric]: "Tch. Very well."

The king raises his hand upwards towards the sky, that is now darkened with black clouds of thunder, a reaction to Everard's immense mana emissions. A blinding yellow light fills the sky above the king, causing even Everard to look away for a moment. When the light fades away, Everard looks back up, along with everyone else in the kingdom, and his smile widens even further, seeing a countless amount of golden spears that fill the sky, illuminating it with a holy light.

Without a moment more passing, the spears rain down upon Everard who takes off into the sky in an attempt to avoid them. The single flap of his wings sends an extreme gust of wind through the palace's courtyard, throwing Gloria further, and causing Alcard to take a wider stance and strengthen his embrace on Camilla to stop them from being flung away.

[Alcard]: "Ghhhh!"

[Camilla]: "GAAAAGGHHHHH!"

Most of the golden spears impale Everard's rock-like scales, but they only prove to slow him down as he flies through the air, taking several bits at the king, who continues to dodge them at lightning speeds. Everard fires off more bolts of thunder, some of them even coming from the clouds above them, hitting the palace in some places, launching stone and debris everywhere.

"Can gramps really beat this guy? Everard's magic is on a whole other level from anything I've ever seen before." Alcard thought. What was equally as terrifying as Everard's magic was, was the speed at which he moved. The momentum from a mass of that degree would be catastrophic if it collided with anything, the air around his wings even distorted slightly as he flaps them, causing more and more waves of mana filled air to fly through the sky.

More and more golden spears of light fly through the air at Everard, the ones that miss dissipate before they hit the ground, an impressive display of control over the kings commandment.


[Commandment Of The Divine]

[This power grants its user the ability to conjure powerful attacks made up of a holy light, taking the form of many weapons and can even replicate other elements. All damage taken from this commandment is absolute, meaning that its holy light attacks the soul directly. This effect causes an individuals body to permanently weaken, eventually killing its victim over a short period of time due to bodily exhaustion. This absolute effect has been proven to bypass some aspects such as the 'Aspect Of Anti-Magic', an ability that was thought to stop all forms of mana from affecting its wielder.]


Flying high into the clouds, Everard takes one more giant bite, one that engulfs the king, and produces a deafening 'Snap' Sound, paired with cracks of lightning that are emitted from the bite. A small smile of satisfaction appears on Everard's face, until bright rays of light suddenly shine from the cracks of his jaws.

[Everard]: "Hm? G-GAGGHHH!"

A sudden explosion of golden light blows open the dragons jaws, and a rain of blood pours down as the dragons mouth was blown apart.


[Everard]: "GGGGHHHHH!"

A strong rumbling noise emitted from Everard vibrates through the air as he falls downwards back to the palace, catching himself on the castle wall. The dragons jaw quickly regenerates, forming back into a sharp casing for his many razor-like teeth that resemble giant shards made of rock rather than bone.

The royal guard watch the battle from the ground, starring up at the sky with their mouths wide open in shock. This was everyone's first time actually seeing the kings commandment in use for the first time in years, and even then, they have never seen it used to this degree.

Alcard is still watching from the courtyard, with his arms wrapped tightly around Camilla. He wants to get involved and help ward away this colossal threat, but he knows that his grandfather would just push him away. He didn't want to get in between the two, so he let them fight alone.

A giant claw crashes over the courtyard as Everard pulls himself over and shifts his gaze to Gloria, who shudders in terror upon locking eyes with the beast.

[Gloria]: "EEEK!"

Everard opens his newly formed jaw, and a bolt of lightning charges within it, illuminating his entire neck and mouth, causing arcs of thunder and pure mana to shock the floor around him. This causes everyone to gasp in shock, not expecting him to target Gloria.

[Elric]: "NO!"

Camilla bursts out of Alcard's embrace and runs towards Gloria who tries to get back on her feet. The moment plays out in slow motion to Alcard, watching Camilla run towards the soon to be queen, in order to protect her.

[Alcard]: "CAMILLA, WAIT!"

Camilla reaches Gloria, and is swiftly followed by Alcard, who reaches out for her. Right as the lightning burst is released from Everard's maw, Camilla pushes Gloria forwards, but the attack is too fast, and hits them both, splitting the force between them and throwing them back. Gloria hits the ground as blood flies off of her, and Camilla is thrown back into Alcard, who gets hit by an arc from the attack, knocking them both to the ground.

[Elric]: "GLORIAAAA!"

Everard quickly snaps his gaze towards the king, who has already sent another golden spear towards him, hitting him in the eye, and exploding into a blinding light.


The great dragons roar echoes through the sky, forcing Alcard and Elric to block their ears, along with everyone else in the kingdom, that has been watching from afar in terror. Everard is knocked back, allowing Elric to fly down to the unconscious and severely injured Gloria, kneeling down next to her and taking her into his arms.


Elric's pain filled scream fills the air, sending chills down Alcard's spine. Alcard's attention is turned quickly to Camilla, who lies on top of him with several burns and cuts.

[Alcard]: "Camilla! Please, talk to me!"

[Camilla]: "Al...card...."

"Thank god, she can speak. Her injuries don't seem as bad as Gloria's, probably due to me sharing the shock with her." Alcard thought. He brushed her hair aside, revealing her pale face, the sight of her pained state causing Alcard to grit his teeth in anger, letting out a quiet "Tch" noise.

[Alcard]: "That was incredibly reckless. Will you be okay?"

[Camilla]: "Y-.. Yeah... Just need a moment..."

[Alcard]: "Thank god."

Alcard sighs and takes off his haori, folding it up and placing it beneath her head as a pillow. He stands back up and looks over at the king, who is collapsed onto his knees, holding the lifeless body of his wife, tears falling from his face as his voice breaks letting out another scream.


[Alcard]: "A-Ah."

Alcard's eyes widen as he opens his mouth, unable to say anything. "Is she... Really....." Alcard thought. He never had a good relationship with his grandfather, but seeing him brought to such a broken state causes his face to shift into pure rage, an anger that was stronger than anything he had felt before. He gritted his teeth, and clenched his fists, quickly snapping his head towards Everard as the aura around Alcard started to crackle as his mana burnt the air.

[Alcard]: "AH!"

Another shock of surprise is sent through Alcard as he sees Everard take off into the sky again, injured. The gust of air doesn't seem to affect Alcard this time as he stands upright with wide eyes. His pupils shrunk and he felt nothing but pure anger.

[Alcard]: "Hey. Where the fuck do you think you're going, you scaly bastard. You hear me Everard!? WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING!"

The dragon glances back at him briefly as his eye starts to heal. The dragons skull is visible from the large crater that had been left in his head. He returns his gaze to the path ahead of him without saying anything, flying high into the sky, fleeing from the capital.

Alcard's body starts to move again, starting off as a walk, but quickly shifting into a sprint in the direction of Everard, running past Elric, which gets his attention.

[Elric]: "Alcard! Wait, STOP!"

Alcard ignores the command, his body filled with rage. Reaching the edge of the courtyard, Alcard leaps forwards, an action that shatters the ground below him and kicks up dust that makes Elric block his eyes with his hand. His jump launches him far into the air in the direction of Everard. Landing on the ground in the second ring, Alcard runs in pursuit of the dragon, catching up to him slowly with his inhuman running speed.


The shout echoes and reverberates through the sky, every inhabitant of the kingdom hearing his cry. The threat pierces Everard's ears, and sends a strange feeling through his body, his scales shake and tremor as he continues to fly through the air, somewhat faster than before, using his incredible mana control to propel him.

The dragon couldn't shake the strange feeling that filled him, it was an unnerving emotion that he had never felt before, the unfamiliarity of it filled him with rage, but more importantly, anxiety.

For the first time in his extremely long life. Great Dragon Everard... Felt fear.
