Ch 9: My Place - Part 1


Daniel entered the house of his omega, but he could hear her humming from the outside. 

Sharon seemed to be in a good mood today, and Daniel could not recall a single reason for her to be happy enough to humm like this.

But since the alpha was so much in love and wanted to please his omega, he ignored the warning signs in his mind and entered the house.

He immediately headed toward the bedroom, where he could smell the familiar scent of his omega, and Daniel relaxed as soon as he smelled the Rose-tinted scent that his previous wife used to have.

Sharon smelled exactly like his first love and wife smelled. She also looked like his wife, with red hair and green eyes.

Truly! Sharon looked like a rose in his eyes, and those who could not see her beauty were likely blind.

Daniel snuck behind her and warped his arms around Sharon's wrist. It caused her to drop the lipstick on her lips, and Sharon pouted as she looked back at Daniel.

"Hey! What was that for? Thankfully, I was finished already. Or this would have been a disaster."

Sharon looked annoyed, but she also calmed down quickly. She was a calm person (despite what others claimed), and she was understanding as well.

That was what Daniel loved about her…apart from her scent.

"There is no need for you to wear all this, Sharon. You would still look beautiful, even if you somehow ruined your make-up. Would you tell me about a special occasion for you to dress up like this and ask me to clear my schedule? I would like to know what we are doing as well."

Daniel felt a little guilty for lying to James and telling him he was busy with his 'work' and could not attend his school meeting. 

But Sharon called him yesterday to ask if he could clear his schedule for her.

And as the love-struck alpha he was, Daniel had agreed and made a promise he would keep at all costs.

Even if James had to be disappointed once or twice, that was fine! Daniel would make it up to his son later.

"Hmm, are you trying to play a trick on me, Daniel? You know why I am dressing up like this. What else could it be but that parent-teacher meeting at James's school? Oh, I cannot wait to head out and meet his teachers and other kids.

I have always wanted to do something like this for James with you. And now, I finally have a chance to."

Sharon looked happy beyond measure, but her words shocked Daniel.

He realized he needed to tell Sharon what had happened and why she could not attend James's school.

"Sharon, we should talk before you get excited like this. I know you want to support James, but I must tell you something…"

Daniel's voice was low and tense, and he even shifted his eyes away from Sharon when he spoke.

It all pointed to the fact that he was hiding something from her, and Sharon did not appreciate that.

Her expression was also beginning to sour since she had realized something was wrong.

"Daniel, what are you hiding from me? You better tell me before I get angry at you. I have been looking forward to this day since I heard about it from my friends. And I want to make it special for James…"

Sharon's eyes had tears in them when she spoke. Her voice shook, making it impossible for Daniel to deny her.

But even if he felt weak in front of Sharon, he knew that James had made the right decision to take Anabella with him instead of her. His father would have made life worse than hell for Sharon if she had done as she wanted.

"My love, do you want to date me instead of heading to James's school? I asked him about it, and apparently, the meeting and greet have been canceled. But since you are all dressed up, we should head out and eat.

We must let the world know of your beauty and let everyone else be jealous of you."

Daniel tried to distract Sharon with his words, but he was unsure if they would work. 

Sharon's face twitched in a way that said that she knew he was lying to her. However, since Daniel did not crack under pressure, Sharon decided to give up.

"Fine! I will pretend I believe you this time. I don't know why you lie about James and his school, but I assume you have a good reason. Then, treat me to a lavish meal and show me a good time so that I forgive you."

Sharon's words made Daniel feel appreciated.

Her thoughtfulness and kind behavior were among the reasons she loved her.

As for spending money on her, that was no big deal for him. Daniel had more money than he knew what to do with anyway, so spending a little extra on his lover would not matter.

'Yes, everything does not matter as long as Sharon is happy and with me. I want to keep smelling her pheromones. They put me at ease.'

Daniel thought this matter was over, but little did he know it was far from over.

Just because Sharon had dropped this topic did not mean she had forgotten about it. She knew Daniel did not want to tell her about anything, so she asked her friend who worked at James's school.

She had been one of James's babysitters when he was young and had lost his mother. She commented that Sharon had a very similar scent to Daniel's previous wife and that his wife was dead now.

And that was when Sharon knew she needed to act and get this chance at all costs.

She had worked hard to be with Daniel and would not let it ruin her. 

But unlike what everyone else thought, Sharon did not do this because she wanted Daneil's money or his influence. She did it because she just wanted someone who would not leave her and wanted her.

And for someone who was grieving the love of their life, it was the best way to make that happen was to become each other's support.

Feels were secondary, but they were something Sharon expected to grow over time.

She had even begun to dream of a future in recent years once she felt accepted and loved.

Just when she had decided to propose, Daniel's family decided to get him married, and her alpha even married someone else.

It infuriated Sharon to no end, but she had supported him throughout all this.

After all, Daniel's mother was on her side, and the new girl's mother also understood that Daniel was in love with her.

Anabella's mother even supported their love and pushed them together. However, Sharon realized that the older lady was twisted when she tried to talk to Anabella's mother about it.

She was willing to accommodate the pair in front of her about anything except when Sharon asked for her help to break this marriage and help Sharon get married to Daniel.

Everyone just turned a deaf ear to her request, and it was beginning to annoy Sharon.

But she was not going to give up! She had come this far and refused to allow some old people in her life to dictate how she should live or who she should be.

Sharon valued her happiness most, and she was willing to kill anyone who threatened her joy.

She did feel sorry for Anabella. The poor omega had gotten stuck in her family's mess. But even that would not save her from Sharon's anger and aggression.

'I will return all that is mine and make it so that no one else can deny me. I already have most people supporting me. Now, I just need that old man to get over his problem, and the position beside Daniel and James will officially be mine!'