Ch 17: A Medical Emergency - Part 1

James woke up late the next morning, surprised when no one came to wake him. He panicked when he realized what time it was before he saw what day it was and relaxed.

It was Sunday, so there was no need to rush. That made the young alpha take his time and come down for breakfast.

The caretaker was preparing lunch when James walked down, and he quietly ate his food. 

But the emptiness of the dining table made him question a few things. His expression must have told the caretaker what he wanted because the older woman sighed and shook her head.

"Young Master, you are far too tender-hearted. You should not wait around for someone ungrateful enough not to even come down for breakfast or lunch. Just tell me if you need anything."

The caretaker spoke softly, but her words dripped with poison when discussing Anabella.

It was clear to James that the caretaker did not like Anabella, but he had never cared about it.