Ch 23: The first visit - Part 2

"I get it. Next time you go out, make sure you wake me up. I do not want to get the same surprise next time. And if you are heading out of the house, also tell me. There are things I need you to bring back."

Clair told the taller alpha with a calm voice. She made her demands heard, and Noah did not seem to mind her actions.

Despite being the more dominant of the two, Noah seemed more laid back and unwilling to take things seriously.

Their playfulness and closeness were something Anabella did not expect. 

After all, the last thing she remembered about these two was their intense rivalry and their constant conflict.

Somewhere along the way, this had lessened to the point where the pair could be with each other without snapping at the other.

"Looks like you both got close. I remember when all you used to do was fight each other. And from the sound of it, are you both living together? How did that come to happen?"