Ch 55: A possible Sibling - Part 3

After a long struggle, James finally fell asleep, and Daniel pushed himself up. It was time for him to get some answers from his wife and find out what she was thinking.

He walked through the empty corridor, and the moon's reflection made him look even more dangerous.

Finally, James reached Anabella's room, and he did not bother knocking at it as he forced it open.

The omega unlocked her door (mainly because she knew no one wanted to bother her in this house), and Daniel's actions caused it to bang harshly as it collided with the wall.

Since this room was at the other corner of the house, so Daniel doubted it would wake his son or lover. But it woke Anabella, who jolted awake in a second.

"What the heck…do you know what time it is? Whatever you want to say to me can wait until morning, right?"