Ch 97: A mountain of Excuses - Part 3

Sharon could only look at the empty fridge with a horror-filled expression. Looking at that empty selection told her that she had made a mistake.

Ideally, she needed to move and get more supplies for the kitchen so that she could cook dinner. But her shock kept her rooted in place.

"Mother, what is wrong? Are you done looking for stuff? What are we going to have for dinner? Do you want me to help you out? Anabella allowed me to help her once, and I have learned how to cook now."

James asked in a curious voice as he walked into the kitchen. He looked excited at the thought of helping his mother out.

But his words felt like a jab to the omega he was trying to impress.

Hearing Anabella's name coming out of James's mouth was like a stab of hot iron poking her. It made Sharon grit her teeth and not want to talk to her son.

At the same time, the annoyance of her situation made her straighten her back and look at her son with a gentle but fake smile.