Ch 100: A new place to live - Part 1

Anabella was dressed as the daughter of a wealthy family. Her clothes were fashionable, and her hands looked like they had never done much hard work.

Seeing someone like him wanting to work in the kitchen did not sit well with the old couple, and they outright wanted to reject someone like her from their kitchen. But then the female omega noticed the way Anabella's shoulders were hunched back and how sullen her expression looked.

Plus, the luggage in her hand made it obvious that Anabella was not in the best situation anyone would first think of.

As an omega who just left their home (for whatever reason), it would be hard and dangerous for this child to be all alone.

"Child, we won't be able to pay you much for your service, but we can provide you with a room to live in. You can work here if you feel like it is a good deal."