Ch 146: The one to care about - Part 3

Sharon, wait!" he said, his grip firm but not forceful.

She halted, spinning around to face him with fire in her eyes. "What do you want, Daniel?" she snapped. "Haven't you said enough?"

"I need to explain," Daniel said, his breath coming in gasps. "It's not what it looked like back there."

Sharon shook her head, her lips pressing into a thin line. "It's always not what it looks like with you, isn't it? But I'm tired of excuses. I'm tired of you tugging me along like some second choice. I deserve better than this."

"You're not a second choice," Daniel said quickly. "You've always been the only one for me. You know that."

"No," Sharon said, her voice quieter but no less firm. "That might have been true once, but not anymore. You've mated with someone else, Daniel. You've tied yourself to her. Whether you wanted it or not, it's done. You've made your choice."