Anabella stepped forward, her voice hesitant but resolute. "Lucy went to report something to the police on my behalf. I've been receiving threatening messages, and she was worried about me. I think… I think her disappearance might be related."
The room fell silent as everyone absorbed Anabella's words. The gravity of the situation became clearer, the fear that had been simmering beneath the surface now fully exposed.
Mrs. Carter's eyes widened. "Threatening messages? What do you mean?"
Anabella took a deep breath, explaining the harassment she had been facing, the messages that had been sent to her phone, and how Lucy had decided to help her by going to the police. "I didn't think it was that serious," she admitted, her voice quivering. "But now…"
The manager placed a comforting hand on Anabella's shoulder. "It's not your fault, Anabella. But we need to act fast. We'll inform the police about this connection and see if it helps in their search."