Silent Treader Amazing Nature

Eugene found himself plunging down in water before his vision cleared and he found himself on a solid ground, sharp light of the sun glaring at him.

"Haha, finally!"

But then he realized he wasn't in his body, he also felt he had only 3 days worth of life.

"Damn. Haha!" He cursed, he is in the body of Silent Treader and the life he maintained from the Blind Sanctity Realm continued.

What was worse was that the beast wasn't healed back to normal, rather it was still only head and a bit of body and right front paw.

He appeared just as he was last before he was sent back home by Zeera.

Before Eugene began to lament he felt a burning sensation in his stomach and immediately a wave of energy fused with his body and regeneration began to take effect.

"Looks like Miracle Of the Miracle Lion has taken effect!"

It's said that the lion will sometimes make Miracles for their partners.

Eugene was given the seed and now it was aiding him in regenerating the beast's body.

"I won't say it was a waste, though!" Eugene was clearly feeling the pain of using the seed.

The Seed is called Natal Seed and it has the miraculous ability to fix any abnormality and rectify failures of the body and improve talent and potential and many more.

If Eugene was in normal condition and his lion devoured him, the seed would have prolonged his life more than normal and also given him more autonomy without consuming days worth of life.

After all that, it will increase his potential and stabilize his foundation. Making Eugene's connection with the beast stronger and better.

In some rare cases it can even aid in developing Skill Tree that reduces risk of usage and mental disorders.

But now it was being used to regenerate the body of the beast. Hopefully, Eugene's life will be saved.

In just hours, the beast was healed back to normal but its body was now smaller.

The Seed didn't just create the flesh but stimulated the body to regenerate itself back to what it was by consuming its own body mass.

Now, the whole beast was at the size of his previous head and what was amazing Eugene noticed something new.

The beast's normal eyes in the dark realm were pale white but now they are shadow black. It was now gazing at the sun, as if it was an alien object.

Not only that, its shadowy eyes were like black hole absorbing the light.

Its inside was being lit and its body was processing the light as if it was food.

There was this calmness that Eugene mistook for sleep.

Soon, the beast's hair began to become white, the location Eugene was preserved also became white.

Even its flesh was glowing with light and it was reaching the point of satiety.

After several hours, the beast was full. It was no longer jet black hair but white hair and white eyes.

Immediately, its body vanished and Eugene appeared in its place.

"Finally" Eugene was glad as he lay there panting.

Unlike the beast, he can't stare at the sun but he looked at the azure sky with a smile. With a thought, the little lion appeared on his chest.

"Ha!" He sighed. It was still here. The lion doesn't seem to feel anything was amiss.

One thing was, after Eugene's return to Ar Land, he lost connection with the lion. It scared him and confused him more.

But now everything was solved.

All he had to do was hide and wait till night and then synchronized himself with the moon here and connected himself with his Gateway.

That way, he will truly be recorded and see all the information about himself and his beasts.

But he knew it might be complicated since he already has Silent Treader.

Eugene was daydreaming when he sensed danger and looked up far away from him on a mountain was a monster with three limbs moving strangely.

"Nah, I'm not ready!" He moved away from the opening and hid behind a covering, away from any sight. This way, he won't be seen by others.

He the. fished out a Clear Quartz from his body suit many pockets that contained a spray which he sprayed around. That will take care of his scent.

That was when he remembered the black book he stole from Aaron. He brought it out.

Usually, First Challengers can't bring normal tools into the realm but with Clear Quartz that can store things inside, they can bypass that restriction.

Clear Quartz is one of the most expensive gems in the market now. The one he stored the book in was stolen from his father's vault.

As for the one that held the spray, it was actually a standard arrangement given to new challengers to help them avoid spreading their scent that will lure beasts to them.

Eugene stared at the black book. Since he has to wait for night he might as well read it.

He knew that the book contained Aaron adventure and some secret technique he used that aided him in successful integration with his beast.

Eugene crushed the thumb size Clear Quartz and a larger book appeared in the open. He opened it and began to read. He was already full of anticipation.

/Greetings my dear brother. I know you will steal this, but that was fine because I prepare some information for you./

Eugene was taken aback. He clearly checked the book whether it was a real one when he was taking it before now he realized it was an elaborate plan.

Eugene facepalm, he can't even be angry, so continued to read.

/If you are reading this, it means you either didn't go to Blind Sanctity or come back with your eyes/

This time Eugene was more than confused. "What does that mean? Did he know I'm going there?"

/Yes, I know you are going there but it was a bit complicated how I know. Well, let's start with the fact that you have special eyes, then also I stumbled upon some ancient text about the realm that seeks people like you from all over the cosmos. I brush it off of course since I know that there weren't any Hollow Eyed among us. But the moment I saw the Hollow Eyed and after investigating, the boy appeared to have some minute eye ability./

"But why didn't you tell me. Fuck you, I should have prepare!"

Eugene raged, barely holding himself from throwing the book away.

/I can predict your action and now you are blaming why I didn't tell you?" '"smile'". There is a reason, I'm restricted in many ways. Just trying to say it will made me forget it, this also include any form of knowledge transfer, from written to hand sign./

Eugene that was reading wasn't convinced to a degree.

/That was why I instigated you for our rivalry. Only by trying to surpass me will you work hard. Understanding the hardship that hollow eyes endure, I know I have to indirectly made you work hard and even prepare you to use Forbidden Path/

Eugene now can feel the truth in Aaron's note.

Their rivalry started since childhood and it was intense as always but it changed 4 months ago when Aaron kept insinuating indirectly that the only way for Eugene to reach him was to go for the Forbidden Path.

At first, Eugene wasn't willing because it was instilled in them since kids that forbidden was bad.

But Aaron was smarter than him, he found a way to manipulate Eugene to do whatever Aaron did and also surpass him.

He also did it in such a way that everyone will think it was Eugene trying not Aaron pushing Eugene too.

"Bastard!" It all clicked with Eugene now even though he can't wrap his head around how he was able to pull it up successfully.

/I apologize for doing that, but it was best to prepare you. Let's drop this matter and talk about talent. People looked at me as someone who has supreme talent. The truth was I was just trying. Nothing special about me. Infact you aid me in many ways to become what I was/

Eugene closed his eyes and calmed his emotions. He was 18 years old and knew what he was doing.

One thing he knew was that people hate associating with geniuses because somehow, one way or another, you will feel inferior before them.

Another thing if they were smart asses in their activities and in pursuit of collective goals, you better know you are nothing but a tool they are using.

These people will smile, laugh and converse with you but to the majority of them, you are just a tool. They will control you without your knowledge and even if you know there is nothing you can do.

Now, he was feeling his brother had used him as a tool.

Eugene will certainly have his fist kissed his face one day for that.

But also he was happy, he can feel the compassion in his brother's writing.

He read ahead because he wanted to know in what way he aided his bro.