Pain Threshold

His body was sour, his mind a bit dizzy. What annoyed him more was his sense of smell seemed to have increased.

It almost looked like he had a new nature about it but he doesn't.

His hearing also has increased. The rustling of leaves was close to his ears; there was also a deepening sound coming from a location deeper into the rows of trees.

As he was made from Silent Treader he was able to grasp that it was something being hit several times.

Eugene stood and walked with all four, raging momentum activated, but he was walking, not running. The nature then deactivated again and he sensed danger.

His mind went into overdrive, but before he acted, something landed on him and pressed him down. Fang sank into his neck, and a copious amount of his blood was sucked out while venom entered his system, beginning to paralyse him.

Eugene's mind became numb, and immediately, the personality of the lion returned just like before in the shrub section.