Sacred Ocean Blood 2

But Donono knew it. He knew that one has to put oneself in a dangerous contest that will push one's ability to the limit before one will have a chance of enjoying this novelty.

But he, too, has just gone with the lion.

That's why he was silent for a long time while enjoying the ride and observing it. He knew it was dangerous but he kinda felt hope nothing would happen.

And nothing happened.

Beneath the lion's paw, a thick energy condensed and then fueled by the surroundings that propelled them forward continuously.

'The ocean itself is helping me!' Eugene thought.

Hours had passed to the point that the lion couldn't even keep up. It has not been a day, though, but it might be half of it.

Now he was moving at the speed of 4 lunging bites combined. He was about to surpass his 5 to 6 lunging bite.

What was amazing was that because he was being careful and attained the speed without stress he was able to keep up.