
On looking around, 'Ronan' observed his surroundings. He was surrounded by scrap metal. Although he was the one that killed that fat kid he wasn't the one fully in control, but now.

"It's been so long since I saw the light of day. Five hundred years if I'm not mistaken. It feels good to be back."

[Vesper you only have 24 hours till you loose control of this body. Because of your forced arrival before Ronan could kill his first victim, HE confronted Ronan. Must you always do what you want?] The system addressed who was now in control of Ronan's body, Vesper. There was also a change in the system, considering that it sounded more human like.

"Bahhh. It doesn't matter everything worked out in the end. And by everything, I mean my freedom, even if it's temporary." Vesper responded nonchalantly.

At the moment, he was looking at the quest that was given to Ronan. "Four more huh? This should be fun." He said with a smile on his face.

Vesper felt weak, extremely weak. On looking at Ronan's or his stats at the moment he was appalled. It was utter garbage. He couldn't believe that he could feel this weak.

He sighed and picked up the metal pipe he used to kill that peasant.

"Well then, let's go hunting shall we." He said.


Henry, Melissa's, Jed and Teddy where chilling out at Henry's place. It was where they usually got together and hang out, and where Henry and Melissa got together to engage in other activities.

"What the hell man." Jed complained. "Why the fuck is that fatty taking so long to buy those snacks, I'm so hungry. I need sugar in my system as soon as possible." He continued.

"Yeah you really look like you need it, considering how skinny you are." Teddy said as he laughed.

"Hey, you wanna have a go man." Jed barked as he fot ready to confront the tall bastard.

"Bring it on, skinny." Teddy responded with a grin, not feeling threatened by his former gang member.

"Hey. You both should quiet down." Henry ordered, Melissa sitting on top of his lap. His hands were exploring her body, grabbing her breast and kissing her neck.

"Tch." Teddy clicked his tongue staring daggers at Henry. Jed also mellowed down. He tried his best to not provoke Henry, but be at his good side at all times.

"But your right though, where is that fat fuck? Henry asked signalling on Ashley to get up. As he got up, he stretched a little and after that he adjusted his pants, keeping his little brother in a better position.

"Jed." Henry called. "Go check at the nearby convenience store and check what's taking Jeffery so much time." He ordered.

Jed nodded, he got up and approached the door. He opened the door and left. It wasn't long when he was smashed through the door, completely obliterating it, slamming onto the wall.

The others quickly got up except for Henry who was already up.

"Who the fuck is there?!" Henry shouted. "Fuck the door, my dad's gonna kill me when he gets back." Henry said on seeing as the door was completely obliterated.

"Ohhh the door should be the least of your concerns that the moment." They heard a voice coming from outside the house.

As the person stepped in, they saw a young boy with black hair, tattarred clothes, who also holding a metal pipe.

"What the...Ronan you bitch! What the fuck man?" Henry roared on seeing who came through the door.

Before he could continue, Melissa grabbed him by his wrist. On looking at her, she was extremely pale with one of her hands covering her mouth.

"WHAT!!" Henry screamed, dragging his arm away from the girl.

"Jed.....his...his dead Henry. Look Jed's dead." Melissa said with tears coming streaming down her cheeks.

On hearing this, Henry immediately looked at Jed and was horrified.

Jed's neck was had a bloody hole on it. On looking at the pipe that Ronan was holding, he then noticed the blood that was on the tip of the pipe.

Henry froze. Ronan had killed Jed, and on looking at his face, he was smiling. It wasn't in accident, Ronan just killed someone in front of all of them.

Vesper however, was looking at the system's screen.

[Three more to go.]

'I don't have much time.' He thought as he looked at the remaining three left.

"YOU FUCKER!!! WHAT DID YOU DO!!??" Teddy screamed as he rushed towards Ronan, well Vesper.

Vesper smiled and waited till the kid was in a close enough striking distance.

Teddy channeled his essence, and a telekinetic force gathered around his arm. He rushed to deliver a fatal blow to 'Ronan'. But before he could strike him, 'Ronan' ducked and delivered a leg sweep to Teddy, making him loose balance and falling on the floor. Immediately Teddy landed on the floor, Vesper waisted no time and used the metal pipe to strike him at his eyes, piercing his brain and killing the tall boy immediately.

He didn't loose momentum though. As soon as he finished Teddy off, he rushed towards the frozen couple.

"STAY AWAY YOU PSYCHO!!" Henry screamed preparing to have a confrontation with 'Ronan'. But something happened that made Henry's eyes widen. 'Ronan', smiled and suddenly disappeared.

Henry then heard a gasp from behind him. On looking back, he saw 'Ronan' grabbing Melissa's by neck. Before he could even utter a sound, 'Ronan' snapped her neck, ending her life immediately.

Henry mouth ran dry. He was petrified. He couldn't move, or should he say his body refused to move.

The person who broke into his house, and murdered all his gang members instantly was staring at him. His smile was gone, his eyes where cold. He started to approach Henry.

He still couldn't move. His body wasn't listening to him. He was afraid, scared out of his mind.

The devil finally reached his front, staring straight into his eyes. Henry had to look down, considering that he was taller than Ronan by a head, it still didn't make it less frightening though.

"Please." Henry pleaded trying his best from making his voice from shaking, but failing miserable. "Spare m...kuughh."

He didn't have the chance to complete his sentence when he was stabbed through the jaw and into his brain by the metal pipe. The last thing he saw before everything went dark was that smile, and two pair of red eyes staring at him.

"Done." Vesper said while looking around. "I would have loved to have tortured them like how I did to that fatty. *Sigh* I'm running out of time."

Something strange happened, Ronan, or Vesper's shadow enlarged, engulfing the dead bodies. Some moments later, the shadow returned to normal, but the dead bodies where gone.

"That should do it." Vesper said with a smile. He left the house and returned back to the dump site. As soon as he jumped over the fence, he swayed, almost falling down.

"Damn. He arrived earlier than expected." Vesper said, as he felt Ronan regaining control of his body. "Ahhh shit." And suddenly Ronan's body fell down, loosing consciousness.