232: Symbol of Victory (4)

"What is going on?"

King Dennis looked confused after asking the question.

The way Cale was smiling while looking at that fancy mirror did not look normal.

Furthermore, the vibrating mirror was not normal either.

'Is it a magic item?'

Cale started speaking as he had that thought.

"Your Majesty, you said that the Dragon Lord is the highest of the gods, the Almighty God, and there are Dragons beneath him as different gods?"

"That is correct, sir."

The person who answered was the Prime Minister, who had been a part of this conversation since the middle.

He was even older than Bailey and had a lot of wrinkles on his face.

His eyes seemed a bit glossy as well.

However, his voice was clear.

"There are a total of ten Dragons responsible for different things. Of course, there are said to be an additional twenty Dragons aside from them. But I don't think there are over 40."

Eruhaben commented.

"There are quite a bit of them."

He then added on.

"But it is not too many that we will be suppressed."

Cale nodded his head in agreement.

In Nameless 1, the world where the Roan Kingdom was located, they believed there were less than twenty Dragons throughout the Eastern and Western continents combined.

They were being as conservative as possible with the number of Dragons because the White Star and Arm had hunted quite a lot of them.

Furthermore, the Dragons in Cale's world did not live as a group like the Dragons here. In fact, Eruhaben was the peculiar case. Most of them preferred to live alone.

That was why they were unable to know an accurate number.

Eruhaben was silent for a moment before speaking again.

"…That's a difficult number."

Tap tap.

His finger tapped on the armrest.

"If all of those Dragons come to fight us at once, there is no plan that we can come up with to defeat them."

He saw Cale's gaze and spoke sternly.

"A god will need to come."

Eruhaben's face slowly stiffened.

"You said that the Dragons got stronger after the cataclysmic period?"

"Yes, Oh esteemed Dragon."

Eruhaben continued to ask after hearing the Prime Minister's response.

"You don't know why?"

"That is correct. We were unable to figure out the reason, however, we were able to check the strength of one of the ten god Dragons not too long ago. He was much stronger than before."

"This won't be easy.'

Eruhaben was saying that it would be difficult, however, his face was full of confusion because of something else.

"By the way…"

"Yes sir."

"…The Dragons here are close?"

"…Excuse me?"

King Dennis became shocked.

Cale put the mirror back in his pocket and interjected.

"I was wondering the same thing, Eruhaben-nim. Your Majesty, there are Dragons here serving another Dragon as their leader? Is that possible?"

"I know, right? Even I can't understand that. Even if it is the Dragon Lord, there is no way forty Dragons would all follow the Lord's orders."

Eruhaben's voice was sharp.

"Some damn Dragons are okay with someone else being above them?"

He asked in a nonchalant tone.

"Is that even possible?"

Dennis received Eruhaben's gaze and became flustered before he gulped and answered.

"I, it is not."


Eruhaben and Cale smiled at the same time.

Crunch crunch.

Raon, who was eating a cookie, merrily commented.

"Goldie gramps and our human had similar smiles!"

The rejuvenated old Dragon and the young man completely ignored that comment and leaned toward the King.

They spoke one after the other with extremely interested expressions.

"Right? I'm sure that those Dragon bastards have conflicts with each other? There must be some of them who are getting antsy, wanting to be the Dragon Lord."

"I'm sure there has to be, Eruhaben-nim. Dragons are so egotistical. I believe there are also Dragons who are not content because they did not make it as one of the ten gods as well. There should also be a good number of Dragons that are reclusive."

"That's right, that's right! A Dragon listening to someone else? That makes no sense!"

"Of course! It absolutely does not make any sense!"

Raon, who was listening to Eruhaben and Cale, tilted his head.

"I can't tell whether you are praising them or talking shit about them!"

However, his reaction wasn't as intense as those of the people from the Haru Kingdom.

They were looking at the Dragon and person with disbelief before making eye contact with each other.

The King nodded his head and the Prime Minister started speaking.

"We should share all of our information as we have decided to work together."

He opened up a document.

"We believe there are twenty Dragons currently following the Dragon Lord."

Cale looked at the document.

"The rest of the Dragons have chosen silence or are wandering around. Of course, it was not like this in the beginning."

"…It wasn't like this in the beginning?"

"Yes sir."

He looked toward the Prime Minister.

"It is known that over half of the Dragons rebelled against the Dragon Lord in the beginning."


"Other than two Dragons, the rest are either on the Lord's side or remaining silent."

Eruhaben asked.

"Who are those two Dragons?"

Cale asked a question as well.

"Is one of the Dragons Maxillienne?"


The Prime Minister's eyes opened wide.

"…Do you know about her?"

"Yes sir. Our meeting with her is the reason we got involved in all of this."

The Prime Minister looked at King Dennis. The King started speaking after seeing the gaze.

"My Royal Father, the late king, said the following. He said that Maxillienne-nim is the only Dragon we can trust. However, we were unable to find her whereabouts. My Royal Father had never seen her as well, but he said it was a story he heard from my Royal Grandfather, a story that has been passed down for generations."

"I see."

Maxillienne. That Dragon had crossed dimensions to go to the Central Plains and died there.

Cale did not speak about that. Instead, he asked a question.

"But I cannot understand why the rebelling Dragons chose to accept the Dragon Lord as victor."

"We are working to figure that out. However, I believe it has to do with how the Dragons have gotten stronger since the cataclysmic period."

"I see. But..."

Cale asked as he smiled.

"The Haru Kingdom seems to know more about the Dragons and their situations than I expected?"


Dennis didn't even flinch at that question. He just quietly observed Cale.

Cale shared his thoughts on the matter.

"There must be a Dragon giving information to the Haru Kingdom."


Dennis continued to quietly look at him before slowly nodding his head.

"The other esteemed Dragon aside from Maxillienne-nim. That esteemed Dragon, who continues to rebel against the Dragon Lord, has given us this information."

Cale instantly figured out the identity of that Dragon.

The Dragon who sees the past.

It must be that Dragon that Maxillienne told them to find.

Maxillienne's attribute was the future.

This other Dragon's attribute was the past.

The Dragon Lord's attribute was time.

"Human, why are you looking at me?"

Raon's attribute was the present.

Cale rubbed the cookie crumbs off of Raon's mouth as he asked.

"Are you able to contact that Dragon?"

"…Unfortunately, he moves like the wind so we have no way to contact him. However, he shows up every so often to tell us a few things before leaving again."

Dennis spoke as if it was a pity before adding on.

"I think it will be difficult to draw him in as an ally."

"I see. May we ask you to try to figure out his whereabouts?"

"We plan on doing whatever we can to locate him. This is around the time he comes to talk to us, so he should be nearby."

They were potentially going to fight the Holy Empire and the Dragons. King Dennis needed to find and keep that Dragon here.

Cale looked at him and thought to himself.

'That Dragon-'


'Choi Jung Gun.'

He needed to find the two of them.

He then looked toward the document.

"The details of the ten gods are quite thorough."

The Prime Minister answered.

"The Dragon Lord is hidden, but a lot of information about the ten gods is well-known. They appear to the believers at times as well."

"I see. God of water, fire,-"


Cale flinched.

"…There's even a God of Fighting?"

The God of Fighting was one of the Dragons on the ten thrones.

"Zenyu, the leader of the subjugation squad, his attribute was Fighting-"

Cale trailed off and looked toward the Haru Kingdom's people. Bailey was the one to answer.

"Yes sir. The Dragon half-bloods carry on an attribute of one of the ten gods. Those who do were treated as more important as they carried on a portion of a god's power."


Eruhaben scoffed in disbelief.

Bailey flinched and looked toward him.


Eruhaben shook his head.

"Those Dragon half-bloods are definitely fake."

He spoke firmly.

"Dragons, and even the half-bloods, never have the same attributes."

It was rare for a Dragon half-blood to have an attribute.

They needed to survive having Dragon's blood in them and go through the first growth phase.

They would have their own attribute once they made it through that.

Because although they were half-Dragon, that half was still Dragon.

Even the Dragon half-blood in the Black Castle had his own attribute.

"…There's no way-"

Bailey looked shocked.

"Every Dragon half-blood has a Dragon they received the blood from. Their bloodline. That is why even when they do awaken an attribute, it is the attribute of the Dragon who gave them the blood."

"… Not possible."

Eruhaben had yet to hear about the jewel in Zenyu's chest and the secrets of the Dragon half-bloods here, but he was confident.

"Those are not Dragon half-bloods. They are fake. They aren't even at the level of chimeras. I'm certain that they were manufactured."


The Prime Minister gasped.

Eruhaben frowned.

"It is clear that the Dragon giving you guys information did not tell you everything. A Dragon should know that something like that makes no sense."

He shook his head before chuckling.

"There was a reason those Dragon half-bloods were oddly weak."

King Dennis gulped while hearing Eruhaben call those Dragon half-bloods weak.

He then flinched after hearing Eruhaben's enraged voice.

"It's obvious they inserted Dragon blood into human bodies. Those who managed to survive are the ones they call the Dragon half-bloods."

The ancient Dragon was getting extremely annoyed.

"A ton of humans must have died in the process. It is very rare for a human body to withstand Dragon blood."

Why were Dragons Dragons?

If you wish to be a dignified existence… If you wished to be an arrogant existence…

Shouldn't you act in a fitting manner?

If they acted like that to become gods-

"Those backwards idiots!"

Gods should not be like that.

Dragons, on the other hand, were that way.


Cale let out a groan.

The ancient Dragon was truly enraged.

White gold dust was slowly starting to rise around him.

His attribute had subconsciously activated.

"Goldie gramps! Calm down! Have a cookie!"

Cale looked at the ancient Dragon, who was so enraged he couldn't even hear Raon, and started speaking.

"Should we fuck up the Dragons following the Dragon Lord for now?"

He spoke in a refreshing manner.


Eruhaben looked confused but the dust settled down around him.


A smile slowly started appearing on Cale's face.

"I guess you have a plan?"

Cale continued in a refreshed tone.

"The Dragon Lord is not in this world."


King Dennis reacted to that.

"What do you mean by that?"

Cale looked at the shocked Dennis and did not answer right away.


It was at that moment.

"Human, they are calling from the castle!"

Someone was calling from the Black Castle.

Cale read the message before immediately asking Eruhaben.

"Eruhaben-nim, could you please connect the video communication device?"


"Apparently a Dragon has appeared in the Erghe Mountain Range."

The Haru Kingdom's people gasped.

Bailey jumped up from her seat.

"That makes no sense! A Dragon making a move right away?! That's not possible!"

"One moment please."

However, Cale was in a hurry.

Eruhaben subconsciously asked.

"How many Dragons are there?"

"Just one."


Eruhaben looked confused.

"What's the rush when it is just one Dragon?"

The Haru Kingdom's people did not understand the meaning behind Eruhaben's question.

However, Cale could not pay any attention to it.

He showed Eruhaben the message.

There was just a single line.

< I can sense a Dragon. I'm going to beat them up. - Rasheel >

He then commented.

"We must capture him alive! We need to get some information! It would be bad if Rasheel-nim beat that Dragon to death right away!"


Eruhaben accepted that reason and immediately contacted the video communication device.

As Cale and Eruhaben moved quickly around the baffled Haru Kingdom's people…

Crunch crunch.

Raon was still eating his cookie when his eyes headed toward a corner of the room.

Underneath the cabinet…


He noticed a green light in the darkness.

To be more accurate, it was a pair of green eyes.

A small snake, a white baby snake with its tongue out, appeared underneath the cabinet and flinched once it made eye contact with Raon.

* * *

"Kahahaha! It is finally time to pummel the backwards Dragon bastards of this Atipotu or Aipotu or whatever! Kahahahahah!"

Rasheel laughed loudly and headed toward the location of the Dragon he sensed.

"Kahahaha! This senior will teach him a lesson!"

Clopeh Sekka was quietly following by his side.

Translator's Comments

A white snake?