Into the Enya Volcano


…Orion and Cedric Ironheart disappeared, leaving only Brutus II and Luna Ravenheart as they free-fell towards the extremely hot volcano.

And as soon as they did, over a hundred predatory eyes in this volcano turned towards their direction even as Luna held on to him.

Personally, Brutus felt the gaze of at least 10 Gold Core realm qi beasts!

From fry pan… to fire!

In that moment, while they were still in the process of free-falling into the volcano, as she was assaulted by a sudden heat, Luna Ravenheart could not help herself as she clutched tightly to Brutus II.

But at the same time, a question raged in her mind. 'What are you thinking?!'

Brutus II was more or less a newborn in this world. All the knowledge that he had about the world was the little that he got from his main body, and what little Cedric was able to teach him since his birth.