Final battle [2]


The jaws of the mythical Black Tortoise slammed shut with such force that seemed to warp reality, tyrannically squeezing it.

This tamed qi beast's target was the Frost Queen, but she was slippery…

"Magic Spell: Body Double!"


Just before the jaws of the gigantic Black Tortoise slammed close, almost tearing her body in 2, Luna Ravenheart's body briefly shimmered and when the jaws of the Black Tortoise slammed close, ice was what shattered in the jaws of this qi beast, not flesh and bone like it expected.

Luna was already a few dozen meters away from the beast.

Even as her grimoire revolved by her side, this talented mage cultivator was about to attack the Black Tortoise which was temporarily immobilized but she was not given the leverage of that.

Afterall, she was not fighting against just the Black Tortoise.