A Kiss or A Date?

Viktor's mouth opened wide in shock. Even Azrael was surprised by her words, but a smirk lit up his face.

"I am not joking, Riv!" Viktor murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as if he was begging Rivana to stop him.

In response, Rivana shrugged with a poker face. "Me too," she replied nonchalantly, making everyone think she was insane. But she was confident that he wouldn't shoot, having been through this drama quite a few times. In the first year of their marriage, Viktor would act recklessly whenever he was at fault in their arguments, forcing her to forgive him, thinking he loved her. But it was all a gimmick, and she wasn't falling for it again.

Everyone stared in stupefied silence, surprised by Rivana's reaction. If Viktor didn't keep up with his words, he would only become a fool, and if he decided to be broken enough to put a bullet through his head, he would only be a bigger fool.