Ethan Lee’s life as a solitary convenience store clerk in Seattle changes forever when he encounters a mysterious portal that unleashes monstrous creatures into his world. Amid the chaos, Ethan awakens a rare, dark power known as Eclipse Reaper, marking him as one of the "Awakened"—individuals with supernatural classes and skills who fight back against the dangers entering from other realms. Guided by the enigmatic Sarah Lin, Ethan must learn to wield his abilities and navigate a hidden community of warriors, all while unraveling the dark truths behind the portals.
As Ethan embarks on perilous quests, faces deadly dungeons, and forms unexpected bonds, he realizes that his powers may hold the key to stopping a looming catastrophe. But every battle draws him deeper into a complex web of secrets, and he must confront his own past if he is to survive—and save the world from the forces breaking through the realms.