6.your boyfriend?

😇😇😇 Hello everyone

How are you?

I hope you are fine 😚 😇😇😇😇


Mayuri was calling Ruchika from the other side of the phone for a long time but she did not say anything, so she shouted and said "Yaar where are you lost and anyway do not worry too much about that because whatever happens happens for good

Ruchika immediately comes to her senses and says, "Yaar, this is right but it is wrong if I get married without asking my brother."

Mayuri explains to her, "Look Ruchi, you love your boyfriend and he is also taking his responsibilities, so what is the problem in this and anyway you should call your brother to the temple."


Ruchika is scared I can't call him, if he comes to know then he won't let the marriage happen."

Mayuri getting serious "So I have been trying to explain this to you for a long time that you get married and then tell your brother. And call him to the temple, as soon as your marriage is completed, your brother will also come.

Ruchika said sadly, "You are right."

Mayuri teasing Ruchika, "By the way, this time you will lie to your brother, aren't you scared?"

Why does Ruchika get teary eyed on hearing what Mayuri says because till date she had never lied to her brother.

Ruchika wipes her tears. "I am scared but at this moment I am more than his sister, I am going to be the mother of a child and I will ensure that my child gets the rights of his father. That is why I am getting courage from my fear."

Mayuri says, "Okay, come on time tomorrow."

Ruchika controlling herself, "By the way, you told your brother about that night."

Mayuri says sadly "No friend, I haven't told you yet but I will tell you very soon. I don't like lying to my brother. But if my brother comes to know, he will not let me come to your wedding tomorrow. That's why tomorrow 

Ruchika says, "Okay, we will meet tomorrow at the temple, I will hang up."

On the other side, Mayura also says bye and cuts the phone.

Next day afternoon at Khann Enterprises,

In the CEO's cabin, Sashi is hurriedly finishing his work as he has to go somewhere.

After a while, when his work is over, he changes his clothes, goes to his parking area, sits in the car and leaves for his destination.

At the Khanna house, she dresses up very lovingly and comes out of the house, sits in the car and leaves for the temple.

After a while at the temple,

A boy wearing a sherwani is waiting for someone, he is none other than Ruchika's boyfriend who has come to the temple to marry Ruchika.

After a while Ruchika comes there and sees that the temple is surrounded by bodyguards with a lot of protection. She is a little surprised because as far as she knew That her boyfriend is rich but she did not know that he is so rich.

She doesn't pay much attention because her brother also had the same protection force so she isn't surprised much.

When she goes to the temple, she sees a boy in front of her who looks very handsome. He is wearing a red and yellow combination sherwani in which he looks very handsome.

When that boy also sees Ruchika, he gets surprised because she looks very beautiful. She is wearing a red dress.

Both of them hug each other and then go inside the temple and sit at their place where their marriage was to take place. 

Pandit ji tells Ruchika's boyfriend, "Yajaman, you go and fill this Kalash and bring it."

 रूचिका के बॉयफ्रेंड "ठीक मैं लाता हूं।"

Then he looks at Ruchika and says, "Don't worry too much, your friend will come and until she comes, we will not start the wedding.".

 Hearing this, Ruchika gets happy and then smiles as she was looking sad all this time."

Her boyfriend smiles in return and then goes to put the Kalash in water.

On the other hand, at Maheshwari Enterprises,

Vivansh is reading his files in his cabin when there is a knock on his door and the peon comes and gives him an envelope and goes away.

When Vivaansh opens that envelope and reads it, his eyes turn red with anger.

Because in this envelope there is a letter from Ruchika in which she has invited her brother for the marriage in the temple.

He angrily tears up the letter and "leaves his cabin, goes to the parking area and drives himself to the temple."

Whenever he comes out of his enterprises, his bodyguards start following him who always remain with him for his protection.

On the other hand, Mayuri reaches the temple. She goes inside the temple and sees Ruchika and hugs her.

While hugging her, Mayuri asks, "Where is your boyfriend? Please introduce me to him today."

Ruchika happily said, "I will introduce you to him, he has just gone to get water in the pot."

Just then, Ruchika's boyfriend comes from behind, turns Ruchika towards himself, puts his hand on her stomach and asks, "Are you alright? Who is this person who hugged you so tightly? What if something happened to the child?"

After saying this, as soon as he turns back and looks at Mayuri, he is shocked.

The same Mayuri has been staring at that boy for a long time as if she will kill him now.

( Hey friends, now did you enjoy the story? By the way, what do you guys think, please tell me by commenting. Do not get confused like this Because there are some secrets in this story which will be revealed with time, so you guys just enjoy the story.)

(Friends, in the next chapter you will get to know who is Ruchika's boyfriend)