9.drunk whiskey and not water.

What Vivansh says is surprising and then I remember that day.

🌺🌺🌺 Flashback🌺🌺🌺

2 days before Rakshabandha

Mayuri had gone to Mr. Maheshwari's hotel to meet him.

(Because when she came to know about Ruchika's condition, she wanted to talk to her brother.)

She was sitting on the sofa in the hotel. But after some time she came out of the hotel and started walking "because the receptionist had told her that Sir is busy right now, we will meet after some time."

There some people are distributing prasad after worshipping Lord Shiva, they give some prasad to Mayuri too, Mayuri eats the prasad and comes back to the hotel.

Seeing her coming the receptionist says, "Madam now you can go and meet Mr. Maheshwari, he is free."

But Mayuri feels her head spinning. But she does not pay much attention and goes to Mr. Maheshwari's floor to meet him.

It takes him about 10 minutes to reach his floor. Meanwhile, he feels a headache and after some time, he starts feeling dizzy.

Controlling herself, she thinks that first she will go to the washroom and then she will meet Mr. Maheshwari.

(Hey, don't get confused, she has come to the hotel because Mr. Maheshwari also does business related to hotels. And he has a room in the hotel which is completely converted into an office room.)

She comes to the back side area of the hotel while looking for the washroom. There she finds a door and opens it and goes inside. When she reaches inside, she is amazed to see the view inside because there is a luxurious room inside.

He could not understand where he was because his head was hurting so much.

(Actually Mayuri had eaten Bhaang Laddoo in the Prasad)

She sees a bottle next to the bed in the room and she feels thirsty, so she opens the bottle and starts drinking water.

"But it's not water because it's a bottle of whisky."

 Mayuri starts feeling hotter as she didn't drink and her body is reacting like this because of drinking whisky.

She goes to the washroom and starts washing her face. But still she does not get relief. She feels very hot in her body and feels like doing it. He can take off his clothes and take a shower here but he doesn't feel it is right to use this washroom."

Somehow she was controlling herself when the washroom door opens and a boy comes in who looks very handsome.

The boy was shirtless at this time, he had only wrapped a towel around his waist because he had come to the washroom to take a bath.

🌻🌻Yes, you have understood right, this boy is none other than Vivansh Maheshwari. 🤗🤗

Vivansh gets angry seeing her in his washroom and goes to her and grabs her arm and asks "How dare you, what are you doing in my washroom?"

But Mayuri did not say anything because now she had completely lost her senses and on top of that she was feeling so hot in her body that she turned on the shower

The shower water was falling on both of them. Within a few moments, both of them were completely wet. Vivaansh was shirtless while Mayuri's clothes were completely wet and stuck to her body, due to which her figure could be seen very clearly.

Vivansh got attracted towards her after seeing her. Mayuri felt a little coolness in her body after being with him and she hugged him.

Vivansh also hugged him but after a while he wondered "what is he doing?"

So he immediately came out of the washroom. He felt his throat getting dry so he drank the same whiskey bottle thinking it was water. But as soon as he drank the whiskey, he realized that he had drunk whiskey and not water.

But by the time he understood this, "the whiskey had completely affected him."

Mayuri also came out of the washroom "because even after taking the shower she was still feeling her body hot."

When Vivansh's eyes fell on her, he lost all his control, turned towards her, lifted her in his lap, took her to the bed and started kissing her.

Mayuri could not understand what happened suddenly but she was getting relief from Vivaansh so she also continued.

There was fire on both sides and both could extinguish each other's fire, that is why both of them started loving each other with full intensity.

This secret room of Vivaansh was completely soundproof, hence the sound of the room was not able to go out at all.

Vivansh turned on the music in the room to make the atmosphere romantic.

🎊🎊🎊 Music🎊🎊🎊🎊

Apply my body

Apply my col

Apply my bo

Apply my col

I am your Jogn

Please apply your Jog to meyaordyormeyaordyor


Apply the yoga


Apply the disease of lo


I am your Jogni


Please apply the yo


Ram Ratan Dh


My mind is engrossed in lo


My body is like sandalwo


The one who is thirsty for love is brig


Apply color to 


Apply color to 


Apply color to 





You should apply yoga


The night is barr


It is like a black dagg


The night is barr


It is like a black dagg


The flame of your chesterenerenstereneren

It is inside me too


If you give it a


It will burn 





Burn the song, burn it


Apply colours to 


I am your Jogni


Please apply the Jog to me.yamee.yame


And they continued loving each other with full intensity. Tired, both of them fell asleep in each other's arms in the evening.