Chapter 43 - Complicated!

In Camelot, in the morning, the women were gathered in the center of the garden of the Chamberlain mansion to have breakfast. It was a beautiful sight, the morning sunlight enlightening the vibrant colors of the various flowers and trees, crimson, gold, and violet. 

The sweet fragrance of blooming roses with the earthy scent of freshly turned soil. Birds chirping melodiously, their songs harmonizing with the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze, while the gentle hum of bees pollinating the blossoms added a soothing backdrop to the childish discussion.

"Another day, and another discussion..." the always calm and composed Morgan sighed. Wearing a white and green linen dress with her loose black hair running down her back, sat at the table cross-legged, reading a book and ignoring the discussion.

– Do you seriously think you dance better than me? – Hera asked, sitting with her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. "This elf is crazy, everyone knows that I can dance like none. There are entire books, poems, and libraries that talk about me, is she joking or something?" Hera thought.

That question could seem a bit prideful and arrogant, and it was, but Hera Olympus II was the best. She was trained to be the perfect woman, the best, the hottest. So, in this process she had to learn Seduction Arts, learn how to dance, to sing, to play every instrument imaginable, learn how to be beautiful and attractive with everything and everywhere. Again, Zeus's idea was to make a goddess that gave pleasure no matter what. 

Merlin, in a black dress adorned with roses and her braided dark hair in front. She looked at the tall white-skinned goddess with bright blue eyes, snowy hair running down her brown dress and her extremely well-endowed, developed and voluptuous physique.

"Gods, this woman is so beautiful and hot. The jewelry in her hair is amazing. Everything about her is just perfect, she is perfect. It's embarrassing to admit, but having the most beautiful goddess as my rival is terrifying..." Merlin thought with sweat running down her face. – Statuesque cutie, don't you get tired of being pathetic? – Merlin teased.

With veins bulging on her face, Hera stood up clenching her fists. – What did you say?! I didn't hear from up here. – her voice trembled with suppressed anger as she stepped closer to Merlin with a stiffened posture.

Seeing Merlin's lips curl into a slight smirk, Thalia, sited at the table in a gray dress and curly hair, looked at the two of them with a smile on her own face.

"Merlin's strategy is interesting. Me and Merlin know that we can't compete with Hera in beauty or other feminine talents, so she wants to get into Hera's head and disrupt her relationship with Arthur. A shame I don't fall for those tricks, I won't waste my time with Hera. Hera is as insecure as the deceased queen of Olympus, that's the only advantage we have against her, and is enough to snatch Arthur off of her hands..." Thalia thought as the two faced each other.

Merlin stared up at the six-foot-tall woman with eyes that glint with cunning, an intimidating height, but she stood firm, her chest stretched. A cat facing a lion.

An amazon servant nearby pleaded. – Ladies, please. Stop, please... 

In a blue dress with golden features, and her hair down, she ran her fingers over her lips with her eyes closed and her cheeks pink. "That was..." she thought, sighing.

A week earlier, in the Chamberlain mansion. On the day Arthur and the army left.

A soldier in a gray kimono, a cuirass, and a black helmet guarded the entrance to the training room. He watched Alexia walking around with a nervous posture, sighed. "She's going to rip her finger off..." he thought, seeing her bite her thumb.

Alexia, in a light green dress and a ponytail, paced back and forth by the entrance door, biting her thumbnail with a red face. "I need to apologize to him before he goes..." she thought, pacing around.

A soldier came out of the training room and held the door. – Madam, the king said you can go in... – he announced, holding the door open for her.

Alexia smiled. – Ahh, thank you. Thank you very much! – she exclaimed, entering the training room.

In the training room, Arthur, looking at Lancelot and Persival, finished putting on his white cloak with golden dragon designs at the end of the sleeves.

Persival, looking at Lancelot with a sarcastic face, said. – So you're not a Saint just because you're a nobleman? You were chosen by the Light, what a great thing, good for you. – he scoffed, trying to annoy Lancelot.

Lancelot, with veins on his face. – Good for me?! This is serious! Saints are people whom the Light blesses to guide his chosen ones. We Saints are marked by a pair of wings and a symbol on our foreheads, like a resplendent golden cross. – he grunted, his hands on his hips.

– I wouldn't even bother to explain it to that drunkard, Lancelot. – Tristan said, training the Shadow Ghost Art.

Watching Tristan's almost imperceptible movements, Arthur thought. "This art is interesting... I need to continue learning more arts as well. I've limited myself to the Art of a Thousand Armies and the Art of the Dragon King lately. Tristan loses to me just because I'm a Titan and above him in cultivation level, but in terms of martial arts mastery, I lose to him..." Arthur sighed.


Alexia's slow steps resonated through the stone floor. The way she changed her gaze from the wooden walls to the wooden practice dummies and the way her sweaty hands were grabbing each other tightly demonstrated her shy and nervous posture.

And when she got behind Arthur, the scent of sweat and metal only made her swallow hard. – A-Ar... M-My king... – she whispered with a low face and voice.

Arthur looked back and saw Alexia with a cowering posture. – The soldier told me that you wanted to talk to me. What is it? – he asked, looking at her.

– I-I wanted to apologize for my behavior, for what I did and said... – trembling, Alexia whispered.

Arthur, noticing her nervousness, sighed. – Alexia, calm down... Just behave yourself!

– N-No, it's not okay. I-I don't know what got into me. Suddenly I was so angry and hateful, as if I was... – Alexia explained, but Arthur placed his hand on her shoulder, and she trembled.

– Stay calm, it's over... – Arthur said.

Alexia raised her tear-filled eyes and looked at him. – T-Thank you... – she said, hugging him tightly.

With Alexia's arms around him, Arthur sighed, placing one hand on her head and the other on her waist. – Yes, calm down... – he said, with an expression of discomfort.

– Thank you f-for understanding, really... – Alexia said, raising her face to look at him.

"Can't she let me go at least...?" Arthur thought, wiping away her tears.

Sensing his hot hand on her cheek, Alexia bit her lip and closed her eyes, then opening her eyes, placed her hand on Arthur's cheek and kissed him with tears streaming down her face.

Her face was red, her breathing heavy. She probably did it to forget, or on impulse. But what is certain is that she wanted to, her trembling knees and her high body temperature confirmed the fact.

Arthur was shocked, his eyes opened wide. "WHAT?!" he thought.

Lancelot, arguing with Persival, looked at the two and his jaw dropped.

Persival, looking at Lancelot, laughed. – What is it, Saint? What animal bit you? – he said, but Lancelot put his hand on his cheek and turned his head towards Arthur and Alexia.

Persival began to laugh nervously. – What?! N-No, that's not... – he said, falling unconscious to the ground.

Alexia was an adventurer. She traveled to many kingdoms, learned many cultures, beliefs, and customs. Many of those places normalized incest, something the British detested deeply, and she knew that. The Treadway family condemned such an act, and by family law, practitioners could even be executed. If the Treadway family found out, it would the end of Arthur.

Tristan didn't even notice anything, he diligently trained the Shadow Ghost Art. "I want to get to one hundred percent of mastery in this art soon..." he thought.

As Alexia kissed him, Arthur put his hand on her shoulder and pushed her away, looking at her with a furrowed brow. – Alexia! – he exclaimed, wiping her saliva from his mouth.

Looking nervously at Arthur, Alexia covered her mouth with her trembling hand. – F-Forgive me, I don't know what I did... – she said, putting her hand on her head. – A-Arthur, forgive me, I was sad, and I'm still scared, feeling guilty and you... Forgive me... – she pleaded, clasping her hands together.

"Has Alexia gone mad?! It's not possible that she kissed me! I'm her brother!" Arthur thought, wiping his lips. – Okay. Get out... – he ordered.

With a trembling voice, Alexia begged. – Please forget about this, and don't tell anyone... It was my mistake...

– All right, get out! – Arthur ordered, waving his hand for her to leave.

Alexia, crouching while backing out. – Forgive me...

Arthur looked at the boys and noticed that they were staring at him with their jaws dropped. – You saw nothing! – He ordered, looking away.

– Y-Yes, but isn't she your sister...? How?! Why?!!! Holy God, this is so wrong... – Lancelot asked, his brow furrowed.

– I do not know, she says it was a mistake. I will let it slide, for the sake of our family. – Arthur sighed.

– She has a brother complex towards your majesty. I've noticed her excessive displays of love. It's common between siblings, but I never thought it was normal. So, I ask the king to be careful. – Tristan said with his eyes closed.

The three of them looked at Tristan, surprised to see him in the air, sitting on the hilt of his katana.