Something that never happened, no one ever saw and much less heard from me, my face contorted to let out a moan, a moan of pain. – Ahhh!! – My moan echoed through the arena, shutting everyone's mouths, leaving the entire audience and everyone in the royal area perplexed.
Fiona was surprised, she didn't know if she was happy or worried, her concerned look and trembling lips revealed her fear of the gods' reaction. – I can't believe my eyes! The right hand of the divine princess... Was crushed... – she whispered, holding Gjallarhorn with trembling hands.
The audience was silent, all incredulous just like me. The widened eyes and dropped jaws characterized the Colosseum.
In the royal area, Zeus was perplexed. He was forced to use his head, something he hadn't done in a long time. "This kid, not long ago he couldn't stand, but now he has enough strength to break the bones of a god?! This kid... When we all think he's going to die, he gets stronger..." He thought with his hands on his chin. I don't know exactly what went through his head, but I know his mind well. I studied the old man for centuries.
Hera's sweet voice came out like a whisper, I could hear the racing of her heartbeat, she was worried about me. – Sister Athena...
She had the strength to care about me after everything I didn't do...
In the arena, the kid looked at me with a wicked smirk on his face. – Feeling pain, goddess?
It's as if millions of elephants stepped on my hand. I put one knee on the ground. The kid managed to make a god bend his knee. – AHHH!! – I didn't even feel my hand anymore.
I was agonizing in pain, my hand was already purple, my sweat was pouring down. But I remembered that I was Athena, the great goddess and veins of fury appeared on my face as I tried to hit his hand with my left one to free my right hand. – YOU ARROGANT MORTAL! – I shouted.
Taking my left arm, the boy smiled and broke his arm. – Slow! – He brought my body closer to him and whispered in my ear with the same tone that Aphrodite uses when she is satisfied. He held me as if I belonged to him, his grip made me feel desperately helpless.
The audience was silent, everyone had their faces pale with fear. I could feel Zeus' trembling and saw the veins of fury on his face. The worst thing is that it was being broadcast all over the world. Everyone saw the tenth heaven being defeated by a child...
Fiona had her eyes wide open; she was surprised and afraid at the same time, her lips trembled as if it were winter, and her pupils constricted as if she saw the appearance of hell. – ... I-It's not possible!... The left arm too?! – she whispered, holding the microphone with both hands. Her tone of voice showed that she didn't want to talk, but she had no choice.
With my right hand broken, and my left arm broken, I stood up. The pain was so agonizing that my sweat kept coming down. My hand was crushed to the size of a sleeve, and my arm had a purple twitch over the elbow. My head was down, but I stood up slightly to look at him through the roof of my eyes.
– Goddess... – the audience murmured; they were scared. They saw the strongest goddess in the world weakened by a human.
Using my inner Qi to speed up the regeneration process of my arm and hand, I called my sword to attack the kid. The sword, previously motionless in the air, suddenly moved towards the boy.
– THE FIGHT IS NOT OVER YET!! – an Amazon shouted in the audience.
– GODDESS ATHENA!! GODDESS ATHENA!! – The same Amazon stood up and started screaming my name in an attempt to put strength in me.
My sword was dancing against him, but the child was different, as if he could predict the future. I knew he was right-handed, but with the sword in his left hand he defended without even looking at my sword. He looked at me like a hungry lion. It was clear, He wanted me!
– GODDESS ATHENA! GODDESS ATHENA!! GODDESS ATHENA!!! – The whole audience shouted my name with tears in their eyes, not caring that he was defending himself from my sword without any difficulty.
His eyes were dilated, showing clear pleasure. His posture was elevated, the monstrous aura, as if he were a mountain or it was just my hallucinations due to the excruciating pain in my arms.
But he looked at me from the top of a mountain, a look that made my skin pale and gave me goosebumps. I could already feel everything due to my divine senses, but now, it was as if my instinct told me. – He's going to kill you...
– GODDESS ATHENA!! PERFECT WARRIOR!!! BIG SISTER OF ALL!!!! – the screamed with euphoria and hope in me. It was the faith of my worshippers in action.
My eyes twitched for the first time in my life. I was terrified, and curious at the same time. I looked around with my eyes. "Escape? No! Out of the question! Beg? By Zeus, Athena, NO! I am the protector of artists, artisans, intellectuals and women! If I am to die, let me die as a warrior! I WAS BORN THIS WAY AND MAY I DIE THIS WAY!!" I decided, raising my posture, and receiving the inner Qi that the Amazons in the audience offered me.
– GODDESS ATHENA! GODDESS ATHENA!! GODDESS OF WAR!!! – they shouted non-stop, stamping their feet on the ground. They made the ground shake.
Because of the power they offered me, my arm and hand accelerated the process of regeneration. But as I watched the purple color of my hand and arm and the pain disappear, I looked at the ground and saw the kid's feet in front of me.
I placed one foot back, but his hand was ready to pierce my stomach with a Qi blade and the mysterious power around him put me on my knees in front of him. Maybe his aura?
– GODDESS ATHENA!! OLDER SISTER!! GODDESS ATHENA!! THE STRONGEST!! – the Amazons screamed non-stop, from adoration to prayer. They were crying out for me to knock the kid down.
This is where I made the biggest mistake of my life...