Joining the group

Two days ago

I was behind the counter, wiping a mug for the fifth time. It was late, I kept an eye on Bell before he left; now things would be boring. Most nights at the Hostess of Fertility were loud and busy, but I'd grown used to it. I liked watching people come and go, each with their own stories.

Whenever someone walks in, I catch a glimpse of their soul lights, of color of different shades that tells me if they are worth my time. Adventurers, merchants, travelers… most have typical souls with little sparks that shine or sometimes dull. Few stand out. Like the brightness of Bell's soul.

That night, I noticed her the moment she walked in. An Amazon, tall and lean, with silver hair. She wore simple clothing, stained with dust and a bit of blood, like she'd been through a scuffle. It wasn't her appearance that caught my attention. It was her soul.

When I focused on her, I saw darkness, deep and endless, like a moonless sky. And in that dark, there were two large, glowing blue eyes, staring back at me. It was startling. Souls aren't usually like that. They have color, shape, and an aura. But hers felt… hidden and powerful.... 

Still, I didn't let any surprise show. I just smiled and greeted her like I do with every new customer. "Welcome to the Hostess of Fertility. May I help you?" I kept my tone light and friendly.

She asked for a room. Her voice was calm but carried a hint of exhaustion. Adventurers often come in tired. I noticed the way her arm trembled. She placed some coins on the counter, and I nodded, counting them quickly.

"Rooms are three hundred valis," I said. "That includes a meal, if you want one later." I hoped she would stay. I wanted to see more of her. And if she became more interesting Id have her come to my familia. 

I slid the key across the counter. "Second door on the left, upstairs. Enjoy your stay." I kept my smile gentle. She thanked me and left to find her room, her steps unsteady. I watched her go, still unsettled but interested by what I'd seen in her soul.

I've seen brilliant gold shining from powerful gods and shimmering hope from eager new adventurers. But this was a new thing entirely, pure black, almost like a void, with those eerie blue eyes glowing deep within. She was Level One at best, her aura too faint to be high rank, yet her soul shown like Bells, only it was darkness. Something heavy and old. It shouldn't be possible. I tried to get a better read on her, but something felt like it was blocking me. All I caught was that same darkness and those eyes. 

It was a shame she was a girl.... But what was one more toy added to my collection?

Another customer called for a drink, and I forced myself to return to my routine, filling mugs and wiping spills. People laughed and shouted around me, and plates clattered on tables.

Yet I couldn't get that girl's soul out of my mind. Even after the tavern quieted down, I stood by a window, thinking about that sight in the darkness. Those eyes weren't normal. It felt like I was staring into something far beyond typical mortal limits.

I wondered how strong she might become. Could she change the course of fate here in Orario? The thought thrilled me more than I'd like to admit. I wanted to see her grow, to push against the boundaries of this world, to discover what secrets she kept.

So I decided I'd watch from the shadows, the same way I always do. If she was destined for great things, then I would be there to witness them.

I reminded myself that she was just Level One. Surely she couldn't be that strong, not right now, anyway. But potential is everything. Souls can change, especially under the strain of the Dungeon. I closed my eyes, recalling the vivid image one last time. Two glowing blue eyes in an endless black void.

Back to the current day

Pov Amara

 I made my way through the streets of Orario, heading back toward the old church that housed my Familia. Merchants closed up their stalls, children hurried home, and a few weary adventurers trickled in from the Dungeon. 


I took a turn down a narrower street, the bustle of main avenues giving way to quieter roads. Dim lanterns cast soft pools of light across doorways and worn signs. It felt almost cozy, the murmur of distant voices and clink of tableware drifting out of a nearby tavern. 

That was when I spotted Bell. His bright white hair was unmistakable. He looked cheerful, nervous, but cheerful. At his side stood a small figure in a tattered cloak. I recognized Liliruca Arde, though here she looked exactly as the stories mentioned, all wide eyes and an innocent, wary expression. But the cloak hid her features pretty well, so maybe she was staying low-key? 

Bell noticed me first. He raised a hand, beckoning me over. "Amara! Good evening." 

I waved back, closing the distance with a few quick strides. "Bell. Didn't think I'd see you out here so late. You on your way home?" 

He nodded, a friendly smile on his face. "Actually, yeah. I was just about to head that way." He paused, glancing at Liliruca. "This is… well, Lili. She—uh, she wanted to meet Lady Hestia." 

Lili dipped her head politely, her hood shifting. "Hello," she said quietly. I caught a glimpse of her eyes. "I'm Liliruca Arde. Nice to meet you." 

"Amara," I replied, returning her nod. "So you're looking to join the Hestia Familia?" 

She hesitated, her gaze flicking between me and Bell. "Bell said that Lady Hestia might…accept me. I want to become a supporter for him, and it'd be easier if I was part of his Familia too." It seemed she didn't want to tell me what happened to her. 

I couldn't resist a small grin. The idea of Bell bringing a girl home, especially so soon, amused me, I couldn't wait to see lady Hestia's reaction. I remembered enough about her to know she had her own reasons for this, though I kept those thoughts to myself. 

"That's great," I said, keeping my tone warm. "We're not the biggest Familia, but we take care of each other. If Lady Hestia's on board, I'm sure everything will work out." 

Bell flashed a relieved smile. "I'm hoping so. Lady Hestia is pretty open-minded, but, well…" He trailed off, clearly not wanting to assume anything on Hestia's behalf. 

I lifted a shoulder in a casual shrug. "We won't know till we ask her. She's probably just at home waiting, anyway." 

The three of us continued down the quiet street, Bell leading the way. Despite the late hour, I noticed a few passersby giving us curious looks. An Amazon, a pallum in a ragged cloak, and a white-haired adventurer certainly made for an odd trio. 

"So," I ventured, glancing at Lili, "you been in Orario long?" 

Her grip on her cloak tightened. "A while. I've… done some odd jobs. But I think it's time I settle with a proper Familia." That was a lie.

Bell shot her an encouraging nod. "She's really helpful. Great at carrying loot, knows her way around the Dungeon. Honestly, I'd have struggled on some floors without her." And, of course, Bell would cover for her like the good kid he was.

I chuckled softly, eyeing Bell. "That so? It's good you found a reliable supporter." I deliberately kept the conversation light, mindful that Lili might not want a stranger prying into her personal life. 

"You know, I only joined yesterday myself," I stated, and Bell nodded. This seemed to surprise her as well. We made it to the old church just as twilight finally settled over Orario, painting the sky in dusky purples. I paused outside, glancing up at the half-collapsed structure with a peculiar sense of fondness. It was a sorry sight, with crumbling walls and shattered stained glass here and there, but it was home for now.

Bell pushed the worn door open, letting Lili and me step inside first. The place still had that distinctive, musty smell. A handful of wooden pews were shoved off to one side, and dusty beams of lamplight cut through gaps in the walls. Lili seemed tense, her hood drawn low, so I flashed her an encouraging smile.

"Don't worry," I murmured. "Might look scary, but Lady Hestia tries to keep it cozy."

She nodded mutely, but a flicker of relief danced across her features. We ventured deeper into the main hall, Bell leading the way. I heard rustling near the back, behind the makeshift curtain that served as the Hestia familia "private quarters," and I stifled a laugh.

Sure enough, Hestia emerged a moment later, arms crossed over her chest. The lamplight caught the sparkle in her blue eyes, making her look almost stern, well, as stern as a tiny goddess can manage.

"Bell," Hestia began with exaggerated seriousness, "explain yourself. You come home with an Amazon yesterday, and today, you bring me a Pallum?" Her gaze flicked from Bell to Lili, then to me. "You're collecting people faster than I can count."

Bell's cheeks flared pink. "I-it's not like that, Lady Hestia! Lili wants to join our Familia. I said we'd at least… ask you." He shot Lili a helpless glance.

Lili lowered her hood partway, looking vulnerable. "I only want to be of help," she said softly, bowing her head. "I promise not to be a burden."

Hestia's eyes narrowed, not out of hostility but caution. I could practically see the gears turning as she recalled how this same scenario had played out with me just the previous day. "You sure know how to pick 'em," she said, giving Bell's arm a light shove. "First an Amazon with a shady shadow-cat, now a hooded supporter."

I cleared my throat, stepping up beside Bell. "I only joined yesterday, and I turned out okay, right?"

Hestia snorted, but a smile tugged at her lips. "You're still on probation. Don't get too cocky."

I put my hands up in mock surrender, and Lili looked between us, clearly uncertain if we were joking or serious. Truthfully, it was a bit of both.

Hestia finally directed her focus fully on Lili, examining her with a gaze that was surprisingly astute for someone so petite. "And you," she said, "why do you want to join our Familia? We're small. We're not rolling in valis," she added. That was something I would fix. Bell cleared his throat, looking flustered.

Lili kept her eyes lowered. "I've been helping Bell in the Dungeon. It's easier if supporters are in the same Familia… fewer secrets and better cooperation." Her voice was soft yet earnest. "And I can do more for him if I have a goddess' blessing."

Hestia gave a slow nod, considering Lili's words. I could see the flicker of concern in her eyes, a hint of protectiveness for Bell. She definitely had the good sense to be cautious.

Eventually, Hestia let out a dramatic sigh, planting her hands on her hips. "Fine," she said, "I'll talk to you in private, Lili, and see if we can work something out. No secrets, though. I've got enough mysteries around here already." She shot me a meaningful look.

I scratched the back of my head, offering a helpless grin. "I'm an open book… mostly."

Bell exhaled visibly, relief flooding his features. "Thank you, Lady Hestia. Lili's a good person, I swear."

"Mhm," Hestia said, eyeing Lili one last time. "We'll find out." Then she waved a hand. "Now, all of you, sit. I'm starving, and I have no intention of cooking alone."

I glanced around. Our "kitchen" was nothing more than a rickety table set up with a couple of pots. Bell moved to help without question, rolling up his sleeves. I followed suit, dropping my satchel in a corner. Lili hung back for a moment, uncertain, until Hestia thrust an apron into her hands.

"Here. You can chop vegetables or something. If you're going to be part of this Familia, might as well start pulling your weight."

A wry smile tugged at Lili's lips, and she bowed her head. "Yes." She slipped on the apron, the hem practically dragging on the ground given her small size. It was kind of adorable, in a way.

The next while was filled with the clattering of pans and the sizzle of oil. Bell chopped, Lili sorted ingredients, and I stirred a pot of soup, occasionally sneaking a taste. Hestia hovered like an overseer, offering "helpful" tips, but it seemed I also got the cooking skills from a hunter.

Eventually, we set everything on the table, each of us grabbing a rickety chair. Hestia clapped her hands together. "It might not be fancy, but it's home-cooked. That's worth more than some fancy restaurant meal, right?"

"Absolutely," Bell said quickly, shooting her an affectionate grin. He clearly adored her cooking, or maybe he just adored her. Hard to say.

Lili poked at the stew with her spoon. She tasted it, eyes widening as if genuinely surprised by how good it was. Meanwhile, I tore into a piece of bread, relieved to finally eat something warm after everything that had happened today.

Hestia eyed us all, a satisfied little smile curling her lips. "So," she began, leaning forward, "how was the Dungeon, Bell?"

Bell swallowed his bite of stew. "Oh, that. It's fine now. Lili helped me handle it. We, uh, ran into a party that was giving her issues, but we sorted it out." He glanced at Lili, who lowered her gaze. "They won't bother us again."

Hestia nodded, then turned her attention to me. "What about you? Any chance you caused a massive uproar in the Dungeon today?"

I fought back a nervous laugh. "I promise I've been on my best behavior. but ahh there might be news of a new monster..."

Hestia narrowed her eyes in that motherly way of hers, a look that said I know it was you, but I'll let it slide for now. "Uh-huh," she drawled. "Well, let's hope we don't get anymore unpleasant surprises."

Lili blinked, glancing between us. "A new monster, Lady Hestia?"

"Seems so," Hestia said, tapping her spoon against her bowl. "Rumor has it the Ganesha Familia ran into something weird, some amphibian beast that shouldn't be anywhere near the first few floors, something brand new to the dungeon altogether." Her gaze lingered on me, but she turned back to her stew before I could respond. "Good thing they caught it."

I cleared my throat, stuffing another bite of bread in my mouth to stall for time. The Chatacabra flashed through my mind: its massive, sticky fists, the way it nearly clobbered me before the Ganesha folks showed up. Thankfully, no one at this table seemed to be piecing that together. Yet. beyond lady Hestia.

Bell, ever oblivious, dug into his stew with gusto. "Weird monsters are popping up more often now," he said, frowning slightly. "The Guild's been talking about it. Makes me wonder if the Dungeon's getting restless again."

Hestia pursed her lips thoughtfully. "Either way, you three need to be careful. Bell, Lili, don't rush. And you—" She pointed her spoon at me. " Stick with them from now on."

 The conversation eased back into normalcy, everyone chattering about the day. Bell brought up some mild success in the Dungeon, Lili mentioned a few safe gathering spots on the upper floors, and Hestia kept tossing in the occasional teasing comment about how quickly our Familia was growing.

At one point, I noticed Lili fidgeting with her hood, as though uncertain if she should lower it completely. "Dont worry I'll have a talk with your old Familia" Lady Hestia offered softly, leaning over the table.