Prologue: My Dreams

Li Wei was never content with his time. While his friends planned careers in business and finance, he immersed himself in the world of ancient history. His heart belonged to the past, to eras when kingdoms rose and fell, when empires clashed, and when rulers wielded power that changed the course of humanity. The history of ancient China fascinated him the most, the elegance of its dynasties, the strength of its warriors, the wisdom and most of the time corruption of its officials.

During long nights in his cramped apartment, Li Wei lost himself in thoughts of how he would rule if he had the chance. He dreamed of a world where the common people weren't forgotten, where a ruler's vision meant prosperity rather than suffering.

But the present didn't wait for dreams. Li Wei graduated from university with high hopes of making a difference in the world of politics. Yet, one by one, those hopes were dashed. He found himself unable to land even an entry level job. Weeks turned to months. Each interview he left empty handed felt like another nail in the coffin of his ambition.

Then, one day, his life took an unexpected turn. As he was heading home from a part time job, he saw a young girl darting across a busy street. Without thinking, he jumped forward, pushing her out of of the way. A blinding flash light, the screech of tires and then darkness. As he lost his consciousness, one last thought came to mind: Maybe, somewhere else, I'll find the chance I never got here.