Chapter 2: Shadows in the Court.

Li Wei sat on his throne, trying to project an air of calm authority as the advisors filed in, taking their places around him in a semi circle. They bowed to him, but he could see through their gestures; very quick bows, almost dismissive, as though he were some kind of nuisance that they had to put up with rather than a ruler to be obeyed.

The advisors began their reports, speaking of matters that appeared to be trifles compared to the larger picture Li Wei knew his kingdom faced. They spoke of the luxuries in the palace, the tributes from minor lords, and petty squabbles between noble families. He wanted to break in, to ask of the hunger and poverty he had heard tell of, but bit his tongue and instead watched and listened.

That is when Chancellor Wu spoke. He was an older man with a smooth voice, which carried a dangerous edge to it, and eyes as sharp as a hawk's. His words were wrapped in courtesy, but there was no mistaking the true tone of his words. "Your Majesty, it would be wise to leave such matters to those with experience. The kingdom faces complex issues, your thoughts are always valued, but the burden of decision is not one for a youth such as yourself to bear".

The words cut, but Li Wei forced himself not to show anything on his face. He knew what was going on. Chancellor Wu had no intention of allowing him to take control. The advisors, too, were nothing more than puppeteers who saw him as a mere figurehead. He glanced at the other advisors, who nodded silently in agreement with the security of their own positions.

Li Wei clenched his fists under the sleeves of his robe. He knew he had to tread carefully, one misstep and they would only tighten their controls, using his youth to sideline him completely. But he was not going to let that happen.

"Thank you, Chancellor Wu," he said, his tone flat. "I am in your debt." All his words were measured and polite, but he worked the faces quickly in his mind, cataloging potential allies and threats. The road ahead would be a minefield, and he would need friends if he were to wrest power from the real authorities. He forced himself to watch as the meeting continued, listening, learning. They thought of him as a poor ruler, unworthy of his station. For the time being, he would let them think that. He had plans of his own, though, and once he better knew the extent of his power or lack thereof, he would make his move.

#This is my first time writing a novel like, this, so if you spot an error or anything in particular let me know (please)

THANK YOU FOR reading my novel.