Chapter 7: The Birth of a New Idea.

Li Wei had cautiously won over General Cao Ren, which sparked many ideas on how real change could happen. To rebuild his kingdom, he knew it required more than just new laws, it would take the people's faith that life could improve. But without technology at his disposal, how could he make change happen with only the fundamentals? He began to recall what he knew about modern engineering principles and ancient Chinese inventions, like water wheels, rudimentary mills, and basic pumps. Introducing just one of these innovations could make a big difference.

Li Wei then had General Cao Ren introduce him to the best blacksmith in the capital, an experienced craftsman named Old Fu who specialized in fine weapons and tools. When Li Wei approached, Old Fu looked askance at the emperor's simple robes, finding it hard to believe a royal would appear without grandeur.

Old Fu growled, scratching his rough beard. "Royal or not, I don't work for royalty. You guys expect miracles without knowing anything about the craft."

Li Wei only smiled. "I understand, Old Fu. What if I could show you a design that might help the people? Would you consider working with me?"

Old Fu raised an eyebrow, interested but still wary. "Deal, but if you waste my time, you pay for it."

Li Wei immediately sketched a design for a water wheel powered mill, showing how it could grind grain into flour faster than the back breaking, hand powered tools farmers used. Old Fu started with doubt, but became curious as Li Wei explained.

Old Fu muttered, running his finger along the rough sketch. "This'll take time. I've never tried anything like it."

Li Wei nodded. "Take your time. I want lasting change, and for that, I need skilled people like you."

With Old Fu agreeing, Li Wei saw new possibilities opening up. He walked out of the workshop with pride. Though it was a small step, it felt like the beginning of a real transformation toward his dream of a prosperous kingdom.