Chapter 12: Rumblings of Discontent.

Back at the palace, Chancellor Wu was growing increasingly uneasy. News of Li Wei's projects in Tianxi Village had reached his ears, and he didn't like what he was hearing. The people were beginning to see the emperor as a hero, and this threatened the power structure that Wu had spent years building.

The chancellor knew he had to act, but he also understood that openly opposing the emperor would be dangerous. Instead, he planned to undermine Li Wei's reforms subtly, spreading rumors and making it difficult for the emperor to get the resources he needed.

During a council meeting, Chancellor Wu raised his concerns. "Your Majesty, I have heard you're spending a great deal of time and resources on these… experiments in the villages. While noble, such projects are costly and may leave the kingdom vulnerable if they fail."

Li Wei met Wu's gaze steadily. He knew this was a challenge, but he remained calm. "Chancellor, I believe that investing in our people is the best way to strengthen the kingdom. A healthy, productive population is our greatest asset."

Wu's smile was polite but cold. "Of course, Your Majesty. But I hope you'll consider the larger picture. We have other priorities, such as reinforcing our military and securing trade alliances."

Li Wei nodded, hiding his frustration. He knew Wu would continue to create obstacles, but he was determined not to let the chancellor derail his plans. He would have to find ways around Wu's influence, and perhaps even gather allies within the court who believed in his vision.

After the meeting, General Cao Ren approached Li Wei in private. "You handled that well, Your Majesty. Chancellor Wu won't stop, but he's careful. You must be too."

Li Wei thanked the general, feeling a surge of gratitude. He knew he couldn't face Wu alone, and with allies like Cao Ren and Old Zhang, he felt stronger. The journey ahead was still treacherous, but he was ready to face whatever challenges lay in his path.