Chapter 5: Yes! I am a Long Way From Home


The Golden Guard interrogates the prisoner & Sasha and Amity have a fight.

The Golden Guard lay face-down into his pillow, clutching the neck of his Sprig plush. He had a nightmare again last night, and it lost him two solid hours of sleep. He wrestled around in his bed, trying to block out the sunlight by hiding as much of his face into the pillow and under the covers as he could. He'd likely be on patrol duty today, which could be unbearable in this heat. Not that he was complaining because it was only making him tougher and built character. That yearly day off could not come sooner. He wasted last year's in the castle, indecisively debating what to do for hours. Last minute, he decided to catch an amateur grudgby game and ended up getting rather into it. They had a grit and a passion that was frankly captivating, and admirable as well. Those athletes would make great recruits. Perhaps on this upcoming day off, he could go visit that precinct that opened in Latissa about a month-

"Get up, Golden Boy." Lilith commanded through the door.

"The Emperor has tasked you with interrogating the human prisoner. Show him you can succeed where others failed. Good luck, she's not much for conversation. Be ready in twenty minutes. Sharp"

In his ascent from his pillow, he caught his reflection in the mirror across from his bed. Underneath his messy bedhead lay that same unchanging expression: stoic, unfeeling, numb. Same as every morning beforehand for as long as he remembered. In a way, this face didn't even feel like his anymore. There might be something worth investigating there, but that would have to wait, as there was no room for doubt in his life. He had a job to do. He got out of bed and as he brushed his hair, considered interrogation tactics. He had interrogated countless wild witches before but a human might be a challenge. Nothing he couldn't handle but he'd likely have to change his strategy. At least he'd actually get to use his brain for once, unlike on patrol.

He was given twenty minutes, but given his well thought out morning routine, he was out the door in ten and at the specialized holding cell in fifteen. If he remembered the guard schedule correctly, Steve should be keeping watch this morning. He liked Steve. Steve was reliable, hardworking, and dedicated. The perfect soldier, and an affable guy as well.


"Good morning, my liege." Steve warmly called to him.

"Hello, Steve." The Golden Guard gave a subtle nod. "Is this The Prisoner here?"

"Yep. Now if you don't mind, I'll be going."

"See you later at luncheon, Steve."

"Actually, you won't be seeing me ever again, the prisoner just made me realize that I have a fulfilling life to live outside of the castle walls. Take it easy, man."

"What are you talking ab.."

The Golden Guard turned but Steve was already gone. Excited footsteps and cheery whistling could be heard, echoing further and further down the halls. The Golden Guard took a long sigh into his mask and looked through the bars to the prisoner, wearing a similarly emotionless expression to the one he had just seen on himself.

"What did you tell him?" He blurted out in a monotone voice

The Prisoner said nothing in return.

"I just asked you a question, human. What did you tell him?"

"What he needed to hear."

The Golden Guard used the keys his departed companion had left behind for him to open the cell and enter.

"You're doing a horrible job being interrogating, you know dude? Your mask looks big and expensive and all. Sure it's carved from only the rarest metals. But you're like, 5'5 and your hair's a mess."

"I brushed it this morning, thank you very much." The Golden Guard retorted as he quickly ran his fingers through his hair. 'It's not really that bad, is it? I thought I did a decent job. What do you even know? whatever.' He murmured to himself.

"Anyway, if you wanna take a shot trying to 'get information' out of me, be my guest. I'm just gonna tell you the same thing I have the past three guards. I don't know nuthin'." The Prisoner shrugged and turned her glare to the small slot of sunlight coming in from the opposite wall.

"Well, do you have any 'information?' How did you get here? Who do you work for? Do you really have nothing to say?"

"Nope. But even if I did, I'm not gonna give up secrets to a dude in a dumb cosplay mask." The word 'cosplay' brought Marcy to her mind.

"I'm.. not permitted to take it off." The Golden Guard informed.

"Probably oughta leave now then. Even with the mask still on, I don't know what you think this'll achieve. I mean come on."

The Golden Guard weighed up his options. Either take the mask off and go against his uncle's orders or go back with his tail between his legs and disappoint his uncle. The former option seemed like the better one, given he might be able to justify it.

"Okay, fine! I'll take it off. If you promise to tell me one thing you haven't told any other guards yet."




"What is it?"

"I did not expect you to look like that"

"Like what"

"Like the guy the main girl rejects in a YA apocalypse movie"

"If this is an attempt to confuse me like you confused Steve, it isn't working."

"You sure about that? You look pretty flustered right now, not gonna lie."

The Golden Guard had gone red in the face from a mix of anger and embarrassment.

"Well my mask is off, so spit it out. What do you have to say, human?"

"Anne. My name is Anne."


"Do you have a last name, Anne?"

"Not to you I don't." Anne turned her attention to the narrow prison window.


"Hunter. My name is Hunter."

"Nice to meet you, Hunter. Anne Boonchuy." Anne stuck out her hand to shake. Hunter hesitated for a second but chose to engage.

"So, Anne Boonchuy" Hunter began. "Where are you from?"

"Oh. I'm from L.A."

"Is that one of the new suburbs of Latissa being built?"

"I'm gonna be honest, I've never heard of that place."

"Hmmm interesting."

"So where are you-"

"GOLDEN GUARD! What in Titan's name are you doing with your mask off?"

"Lilith!" Hunter scrambled to put his mask back on. "It's an interrogation tactic, I swear"

"Well, maybe you'd like to share your methods with me?" Lilith disingenuously inquired as she burst into the cell and grabbed Hunter by the right earlobe.

"Ow ow ow!!!! Cut it out!!! I am your superior officer!" Hunter cried out as Anne let out a muted laugh.

"Are you really trying to pull rank at a time like this, you entitled brat? You got that rank by birthright and you've done nothing worthwhile to deserve it, you ingrate. You better have gotten some good results, or Belos will be hearing all about this."

"Grah! If you let my ear go-"

"Fine, but a servant of the Titan should have a little more resilience than that. Speak." Lillith commanded as she forcefully expelled Hunter's ear from her grasp. Hunter signals Lilith to stand to the side, outside the range of Anne's hearing.

"This prisoner's name is Anne Boonchuy. She claims to be from a place called "Ellay" or something like that but my intuition says that it's not a real place."

"Is that all?"

"It's more than anyone else figured out."

Lilith lay her head in her palms and groaned.

"I suppose you are right. Emperor Belos doesn't need to know about this."

Hunter's face started to light up only for Lilith to poke him in the forehead.

"I may be letting off the hook for the mask this time Hunter, but you will be doing this again. Every day, until you find out some worthwhile information. And you WILL find out some worthwhile information, and report directly to me, lest Uncle learns of your transgressions. Am I making myself clear?"

Lilith shot him a harsh glare and raised her shoulders.

"Yes, yes. I understand."


"Where did the guard who was supposed to be on watch go?"

"You mean Steve?"

"Is that his name? Yes, I do mean Steve."

"He quit."


"He did. But it wasn't my fault?" Hunter blocked a preemptive attack from Lilith that never came.

"Anne over there convinced him he should follow his dreams."

"Actually I didn't say anything. He just sorta kept talking and eventually started giving me his life story. Also I can hear you from here, you know."

"Peculiar…" Lilith ruminated.

"So how are things going with you and catching the owl lady?" Hunter asked with fair intention.

Lilith ignored him.

"No luck, I guess."

"No, I just loathe making conversation with you. That'll be all, Golden Guard. Back to your quarters."

"That's harsh, man."

The words echoed from the prisoner's mouth as Lillith walked away. She did her best to ignore what she could only describe as a brat, but being constantly surrounded by them proved extremely grating. It felt like Belos liked to keep her on babysitting duty, always having to deal with children and prisoners. If she could make a good impression and convince Belos she extracted all this useful info from the nuisance of a girl sitting in their cell, maybe it would mean the end of these menial tasks. Finally, she would be getting the respect around here she worked all her life to get.

Caught up in her inner monologue, Lillith failed to notice a guard come running to her from down the hall. Said guard narrowly avoided being whacked by Lilith's staff as her fight or flight instinct was triggered. "Miss Lilith, there's a call for you from one Mrs. Odalia Blight, spearhead of Blight Industries."

"You say that as if we aren't already extremely well acquainted. Of course I know who Odalia Blight is, you moron. I swear, it's like I'm the only person around here who actually knows how to properly do their job. Hand me the bird and don't bother me again."

The guard handed Lilith the crow, dropping it into her palm and shuddering at the cold expression on her face.

"Mrs Blight! To what do I owe the honor of this call?"

Lilith shot the guard a look signaling him to give her some privacy or she'd give him a concussion. In response, the guard frantically hightailed it up a nearby staircase.

"Well you see, Miss Clawthorne, I have acquired something that the empire may find useful. I noticed you had put a bounty out on any humans a few days previous, and you will be delighted to know I have captured one myself. I'm unfortunately rather wrapped up with my work as of late but she is safe under my watch and I will hand her in to you in a few short days."

"That's wonderful news! Just drop the human in front of the scouting building in downtown Bonesborough and I will see to it myself you are handsomely rewarded. Everyone here at the Emperor's Coven takes great pride in making sure all residents of the Boiling Isles are safe at all times, and you just made a great step in making that a reality. We offer our sincerest thanks."

"Oh, you flatter me. I'm simply doing my duty as an upstanding citizen." Odalia haughtily chortled. "Anyway, I really must be going. Pleasure conversing with you, as always."

"Likewise, Mrs Blight. Be seeing you soon."

Odalia hung up and turned around to her pristinely kept living room. She and her husband had only been wealthy for a couple of decades but some of the furniture was older than her, and it all took such effort to maintain. At this point, she may as well just throw out the old stuff and replace it with factory-bought furniture. Upkeep was never her strong suit, as Alador took care of all the business's finances. Maybe someday, Alador would invent abominations advanced enough to handle the advanced house duties for her, but for the meanwhile, those duties went to her. Or Amity if she could be trusted with them. Speaking of Amity, this human business was her fault given she first found it, but she'd probably try taking a cut of the reward money, so she'd have to handle this business herself. Ughhh, 8am was too early to be stressing about Amity; she hadn't even had her morning tea.

Did you eat the last of the passion fruit yogurts?!" Amity distantly screamed

That came from the kitchen.

"So what if I did?! I'm the guest, aren't I?"

That human.

"You're a freeloader, and those were mine!"

'She has got some explaining to do being this loud, this early.'

"Was your name on it? Because if it is, you need some better fucking handwriting."

'I should not be having to deal with this right now.'

"It's my house! I shouldn't have to label my own food! Do they even have passion fruit yogurt wherever the hell you come from?"

'Once I've sorted this out, I can get on with my work. Just have to deal with this noise.' Odalia sighed.

"Of course they do! For the record, I used to eat them pretty often back home and just wanted a little taste of familiarity, is that too much to ask?"


"Okay, okay. I get your point. I'm sorry, I guess."

Odalia rounded the hallway passage into the kitchen where she walked past the bickering Sasha and Amity to begin brewing a pot of tea.

"My Titan Amity, watch your language. We do not speak in that crass tongue under my roof. Am I understood?"



"In any case, what are you doing making such a racket at this time in the morning?"


"No buts. You know I have to work from home today and I'd rather not have to hear you screaming about some menial disagreement you've had with this… thing."

Amity stared upwards at her mother in silent frustration.

"Okay, I shouldn't be butting into this, but no. Don't talk to her like that."

Odalia twisted her head around to stare down the pest.

"Feeling brave today, are we, Girl?"

"I stole her shit. She was right to yell at me so get off her case, you narcissistic troll-woman! And for the record, I'm not some 'thing'. I am a human being. Get it right. "

Odalia gasped but found a way to twist that expression of shock into a menacing scowl.

"How noble of you to stand up for Amity. I'm sure she really appreciated it. Too bad you won't be under my roof long enough for me to punish you in her place. I'm taking you to the Emperor's Coven first thing tomorrow morning, so be my guest and get out all that wretched teenage angst now. There will be no room for it under the Emperor's watch. Lilith and the other coven leaders will whip you into shape."

"You can't just sell her off to-"

"I can do whatever I want, Amity. You two are the children here and I am the adult. Besides-"

"Well you sure aren't acting like one." Sasha retorted. Amity felt an instinct to smile but repressed it, covering her mouth with her hand.

Odalia calmly took a sip of her now brewed and prepared tea.

"Your half-baked rude comments and menial insults mean nothing to me, insolent girl. Putting the Blights in the good graces of Belos is what's best for the family. In my position Amity, you'd be making the same choice. Just carry on the rest of your day however you please, I suppose. As long as you don't break anything, To be frank, I don't give a damn."

"Oh and Amity if you need anything today, ask your father."

Odalia left the room with the smug confidence that comes with knowing you've won an argument on authority alone. Sasha and Amity looked at each other and nodded with a mutual understanding that their anger had shifted its target.






Sasha checked the time on her phone. 11:30 pm, just as planned. sometimes back in LA, she'd have issues with her alarm not going off. There was a very real chance she was just sleeping through it, but there was no way to tell. In any case, she had some packing to do.

Earlier in the day when Amity was busy doing homework in the living room, Sasha snuck into her room and stole about a weeks' worth of clothes. Once she had scrounged up enough money to pay for her own, she promised herself she'd drop them back off at the manor. But as for the time being, living on the streets with just the clothes on her back wasn't gonna cut it. It stung more than a little stealing from Amity; she seemed like a decent girl to her, just in bad circumstances. Maybe in another life, they could've been friends. Shame things worked out like this.

Sasha checked the suitcase she commandeered from the guest room closet one last time for all the clothes and made sure her backpack was filled to the absolute brim with non-perishables, and cracked the window. Looking back on the room she was about to defenestrate herself from, she spied a portrait of the Blight family above the fireplace. Their smiles were almost definitely all faked, but it was clear they were faking them for wholly different reasons. Odalia was smiling to project an image, the rest looked like they were smiling due to social pressure pressed upon them by her. It gave Sasha the idea of leaving the Blight household something to remember her by. She climbed down from the ledge and looked inside her backpack for what foodstuff she could lob at the likeness of Odalia upon the wall. These "snorse innards" should probably do the trick, as odds are she probably wouldn't even be able to digest this… mush. She reared up to send the dish flying when she heard the unmistakable sound of creaking floorboards and turning door knobs. She felt her instincts kick in and shout at her to pretend she was asleep, but that wasn't an option.

"…Sasha? What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Point taken, but you know I'm the one who's gonna have to clean this up. Could you not? By the way, what's with the bags, are you- ooohh I see..."

Sasha dropped the innards but started climbing into the window ledge again. She turned back at Amity to say her goodbyes.

"You say that like I have any other option than to run."

"No, I get it. There's some days I've wanted to do the same. But you probably don't wanna be living it rough out there."

"And why's that? So you and our mom can get a paycheck on handing me in to whoever it was?"

"Oh please, I wouldn't see a single snail off of that bounty. If you go out there though, anyone who recognises you from the wanted posters'll try and capture you."

"I can fend for myself, you know." Sasha scoffed.

"Against humans, maybe. But you're an easy target for anyone who knows about the bounty."

"Then tell me Amity, what am I supposed to do?"

"Ugh something tells me I'm gonna regret this, but you can stay here. I could hide you in our apple blood cellar, no one ever goes down there anyway."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes now come on we're gonna put back all the stuff you stole, which I noticed hours ago by the way, and get you downstairs before I change my mind, ok? You may be strong and everything but stealth is not your forte."

"Touche." Sasha sighed and blew out a strand of hair that had got in her mouth. "You don't have to do this for me, you know? I don't see why you care."

"Well, it was nice seeing someone actually on my side for once earlier. I could do with having someone like that around. Plus, you'll owe me."

"There's the catch."

"That's just the way of the world, Sasha. Nothing's for free. Are we gonna do this or not?"

'She sounds like her mother right now.' Sasha thought, and wanted to vocalize, but knew that had a genuine chance of ticking off Amity so much, she'd kick her out entirely. "Can't argue with that. Shit, count me in."

The two shook on it.

"Anyway, what were you doing up this late at night?"

"Sometimes I get a little midnight snack. Hey, don't judge me. You haven't changed clothes in days"

"Not by choice, girl. And I wasn't gonna judge you, don't worry."

"Anyway when I remembered you ate my favorite midnight snack I came up here to kill you." Amity playfully elbowed Sasha.

"I thought we were over this, come on."

"Not until blood is spilt."

The girls shared a hearty laugh, one much too loud for two teens who were supposed to be sneaking around.

"Now come on I'm serious, let's get you downstairs."

Amity lead Sasha through a series of corridors, gradually getting darker as the grand windows were replaced with portraits and paintings. Eventually came the point where the corridor trailed off into darkness. Naturally, Amity did the first thing that came to mind and cast a low level light spell.

"… Holy shit dude." Sasha's eyes widened and she took a cautious step back.


"You have magic? Like real life magic???"

"I thought that was clear when you saw the abominations roaming around the house."

"Your purple butler monsters come from magic too? Well goddamn, that's kinda crazy. "

"Why do you think we're called witches?"


"Oh my Titan quiet down, you're gonna wake up the twins."

"…That's so insanely cool"

"I mean most kids are able to do this spell by the time they're in first grade so it's not a huge deal."

"You gotta show me how to cast a fireball or encase my enemies in stone. My god I bet Marcy is having a field day with this place."


"She's just-"

"Here. Here's the cellar door."

"Hell yeah, let's go."

"Sasha, wait…"

Sasha swung open the door and stormed in. Amity looked on, concerned as she heard a series of thuds and profanities getting gradually quieter for a solid 10 seconds.

"Sasha! Oh, for Titan's sake."