Change Pt.2

"This bi-, i am trying to be nice and that's your reacting? Tch, whatever, let's just go, the car has cooled down." 

She grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the car, with Jolly wincing in pain. She clawed at Kana's hand but he didn't feel anything and just continued. She threw her in the car, slamming against the window car. 

'ugh, at this rate she is going to end up killing me before we find Vell. Just what is she after, who is Vell to her-, hold on, Vell.....Vell....vell? could it be?'

She stared at Kana, took a deep gulp and slowly opened her mouth. "Could he be the one.....that ki-" Before she could finish, Kana grabbed her by her mouth and drove her head through the window, causing her face to get pierced by glass, ruining her beautiful face. 

She screamed out in pain, trying her hardest to escaped her grip but it was useless, her body was too weak. The glass was digging deeper into her flesh and soon, she could lose her eyes.