Zone Pt.3

Vell stood over it, his pose exuding confidence but upon closer look, he noticed that despite his attacks, there was no visible damage. He took a step back, it was too dangerous to be close. 

'do you know this thing?'

[My analysis is coming back with nothing, maybe its a new species.]

'hmm. My attacks did not damage, its skin is super tough, my hands even sting a little.' He looked over to Yenna who was still watching without saying a word. His gaze fell back onto the creature, his grin widening. 

'A new species huh, i wonder what i will get after I eat its core, just thinking about it is making me excited.'

[Master? please control yourself.]

'Relax, I am fully under control. Anyways, this forest sure is full of surprises, first a rare species of slimes, then a giant snake and now an unknown monster appears?.....though, there should be more, i definitely felt more than one watching, so where are the rest?'