Emilia's POV
As I come to, every muscle in my body yells in protest, the air is dense with dust and gloom. Enzo's voice's tiny echo slices across the fog in my head, his tone harsh and eager.
"Emilia!" Hear me? His voice is strained; the desperation in it drives me back to reality.
I choke and cough as the dust burns my throat here. I try to move, but a lance of pain runs through my leg. "Enzo, are you ok?"
"I'm fine," he says, his body materializing from the darkness. His hands are on me right away; his touch is soft yet firm as he looks for damage. You're hurting.
"It's nothing," I answer, discounting him even though my leg feels as though it has been crushed. We have to locate the others.
His jaw closes and for a little instant I believe he will argue. Then he nods, his attention now directed toward the gloomy area surrounding us. Victoria! Jared!" he yells, his voice echoing.