The change in the air, the way the planet seemed to pause for a moment before continuing with a calm, almost apocalyptic hum, was palpable. My heart thumping in my chest, my eyes searched the darkness for the cause of the disturbance. It felt as though shadows were closing in on us from every direction.

Enzo's body was rigid; every muscle coiled, ready for attack. Still into the distance, his eyes narrowed as he looked about. I tightened his shirt as the hairs on the back of my neck sprang on end.

"Enzo..." I said, scarcely audible. "Do you feel it? Like we are not alone ourselves?"

His jaw tightened as his lips drew a tiny line for his nod. "I have sensed it since we arrived. One person has been trailing us.

At the awareness, a shudder crawled my spine. Though at first we had believed we were secure, that we had outrun them, now it appeared as though the risk was closing in quicker than we could have run it.