His eyes softened momentarily, but it was brief, buried in the gloom of the circumstances. "I wouldn't. I guarantee it.

As Jonathan stepped forward once again, the tension in the air shattered. The pistol now pointed straight at Enzo. My heart is in my chest, a thunderous beat in my ears.

But suddenly the door to the room exploded with a thunderous smash before anybody could respond.

And I watched Collins standing in the doorway, his eyes ablaze with fierce will. "Drop it, Jonathan!" he yelled, his voice thunderclap-like in might and menace.

For one brief, exhilarating second, everything stopped.

Jonathan's eyes flicked to Collins, and I sensed the tiniest slowness.

Collins gave the instruction, "now," stepping forward.

But before Jonathan could react, my sight saw another form in the darkness—more threatening, more familiar.

And then anarchy broke out over the globe.