Auxiliary Chapter (Mystics)

MYSTICS are the supernatural part of the society that thrives through the existence of mana that they use in the mastery of Arts!

What is Art?

ART is the way through which mystics define their existence. The way they distinguish themselves from the average individual.

There are various forms of ART which include:


It is defined into two categories, Armed/Unarmed.

• Armed Art: a type of martial Art that relies on weapons, either modern or medieval type to display the user's extraordinary side.

•Unarmed Art: it borders on training the body and spearheading it as combat material.


A type of art that involves calling on the elements to make a difference.

Elemental Art is split into two categories.

• Primary Art: the five common elemental Art that Mystics are likely to be born with? Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, Lightning.

Primary Art users are divided into two, Holder and Owner

- Holders are those who are versatile enough to learn a primary Art that they aren't born with. It can be one or all, depending on their ability to assimilate the elements of knowledge.

- Owners are those who are born with either one or two primary Arts. Unlike Holders, Owners have a faster recognition ratio to their owned elements and said advantage becomes obvious during the demonstration stage.

Also, the difference between the two becomes apparent when we move on to the other type of elemental Art available.

• Secondary Art: This is a type of elemental Art that can only be achieved when an Owner born with more than one primary Art fuses both Art into one. By doing so, they would arrive at a new elemental Art.


Is an Art that grants access to familiars. Through Art, one can summon familiar, make a contract with it and call upon it when needed.


An area of Art that focuses on restriction. Be it tangible or non-tangible form.


This is an Art that allows for easy movement from one place to another, taking away the excess and turning a supposedly long journey brief. It can also be utilized in other areas depending on the user's imagination.


Those are a few of the existing Art with many more to be unraveled.



There is no definite ranking system for a mystic.

The only important ranks to take note of are;


This is a consensual term that all five races agree to call the strongest members of their community

Their threat level spans continental. And some are stronger than others despite being of the same rank.

The bottom line, they are national powers that could as well single-handedly eradicate a continent from existence.


Individuals who have shown enough potential and have been acknowledged by a LORD!


Like all other fantasy-themed novels, this one also has defective beasts to spice things up. And we call them Walkers.

There are two types of Walker specie, (Walker and Prime Walker)

WALKER: a walker is originally an animal who awakens to mana. Due to their naturally violent nature, they end up a thorn in the side.

PRIME WALKER: a type of Walker that retains their sanity even after awakening to mana. These animals are usually those who are already with an established sense of reasoning or ruling system before their awakening to mana.

Both types have the same rank and they are as follows;

Beta Walker! Predator Walker! Disaster Walker! And finally, Catastrophe Walker!

- BETA WALKER: the weakest of the Walkers and requires five rookies to two or three A-class students to handle.

- PREDATOR WALKER: the next strongest Walker with a threat level that calls for five veterans with a mix of Long-distance mystic, Close combat mystic, Tank-type mystic, Healer-type mystic, and finally Sensory type mystic.

Or you scratch that and pit up two S-class veteran mystics against it.

- DISASTER WALKER: a dangerous opponent that needs a certified master-ranked mystic or mystics eligible enough to claim the title of a professor in Eldora Institute. Also, an assistant professor could be up for the task.

- CATASTROPHE WALKER: a danger level that requires a Lord Candidate to contend with.

Do beware that none of the Walkers reach up to a LORD'S power level.


We have Artefacts? Objects that could spearhead a mystic's ability in battle.

They hold within them mana reserve and through that, even known mystics with an Artefact could do the same things that a mystic can.

Of course, depending on what Artefacts they have.

Artefact ranking is decided based on how much mana they reserve and is as follows;

- Epic

- Rare

- Legendary

- Mythic


For now, this is the necessary information to be aware of.

The chapter will be updated from time to time, owing to new developments in the storyline.