Oh, It's On, Aldaman, Pendragon

"Mister Aldaman and Mister Pendragon, I want you both out of my class this instant."

No explanation, no chance for redemption.

Just a straightforward command to leave, right there in front of everyone.

"Professor Ma—"

"Don't make me repeat myself, Mister Aldaman."

Aldrich wanted to at least try to explain, to come up with some excuse or reason.

It was clear she had already made up her mind, and nothing he said would get him out of this.

Reluctantly, he followed Dante, who was already making his way out of the classroom without so much as a second thought.

Dante didn't even try to protest.

"I want you both outside by the door and not a step further," Professor Mariana barked as she ushered them out.

Her tone wasn't exactly a bark. Aldrich assumed such because he was pretty pissed at her, but not pissed enough to do something as dangerous as trying to rebel on the spot.