Aldrich tried, he really did.
He did his best to let Edward speak his mind and finish whatever he had to say, hoping there would be a sliver of rationality at the end of it all.
He was ready to answer with nothing more than a simple "yes" or "okay," because, deep down, he knew that whatever came out of Edward's mouth wouldn't affect him.
At least he wouldn't let it.
He tried to do just that, but soon realized he wasn't the type to take things lying down.
Not when he had his peace to defend.
"Ha! Haha! Hahaha!" Aldrich burst into laughter—controlled, almost robotic, but undeniably amused.
It was too much. The absurdity of it all had him cracking up, unable to hold back.
"So let me get this straight," Aldrich said, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye. "Fiona's in a bad place right now, in a vulnerable state, and you think that's why I had the chance to talk to her? Is that about right?"