"That has to be it."
The element of the trial had changed, which meant that something had also shifted with those responsible for setting it up.
If that were the case, then predicting outcomes or making psychological comparisons was a waste of time.
"So, I guess I'll have to do this the old-fashioned way..."
Aldrich looked up at the sky.
It was still bright, the sun perched at the peak of its glory.
"I still have time." He could tell by how high the sun still hung in the sky.
The first order of business was finding higher ground to get a better view of the forest.
He hadn't had the chance earlier, during the fall, since, well... he was falling.
The sheer tension of the fall didn't leave him any time to observe the ground.
Aldrich focused mana into his feet and began walking up the tree bark, taking each step carefully.
His movements were fluid, but there was an unnatural quality to them, controlled, deliberate.