A Madman's Comparison

"You guys think what passed by here in groups will make a return?"

Camelia was cautious.

They needed to understand what they were up against, but at the same time, they couldn't afford to remain idle, waiting for whatever was responsible for the strange occurrences to return.

"Not sure," Ian replied, his voice tight with unease. "And I don't think we should stick around to find out."

Aldrich nodded in affirmation to Ian's conclusion.

"Wha~... Where am I?..."


The simultaneous echoes of Camelia and Aldrich calling out Trevor's name filled the air with relief.


"You are telling me, while I was asleep..."

"Drunk," Ian corrected him bluntly.

"Right, drunk. While I was drunk, the second-years planned everything and brought us all out here to this forest for a trial?"

"Pretty much the full gist," Aldrich confirmed.

"Damn. And where are you guys at finding the exit out of here?"