He Found It

Their eyes met and remained still, Aldrich's pupils awaiting her response and Fiona's pupils thinking through her answer.

Silence was what was and an air of confusion, both were soon to be broken by the sound of leaves rustling from the sides.

Aldrich and Fiona jolted up, their hands already on their weapons and eyes on where the slightest sound of ruffling came from.

It sounded some more, like the sound of someone struggling to get through the thick bushes.

Aldrich signalled Fiona with eye movements before he took the lead forward to check it out.

He stood at arm's length, not willing to go any further unless he was ready to jeopardize his position as an archer.

From there, Fiona walked forward.

She lunged at Camelia with her leg as she walked past her, a gesture to get her to wake up and face the urgency.

Waking Trevor up served no purpose so he was left idly, to continue his nap.