Chapter 0947: Invasion

The alliance treaty is sacred, and any nation that dares to violate it shall face retribution. Before the outbreak of the Great War, Austria-Hungary forged an alliance with the Empire. Upon vanquishing their enemies, they reaped the benefits of victory. Yet now, driven by selfish ambition, they have brazenly torn up the treaty, withdrawn from the alliance, and betrayed their comrades. Such treachery is the height of dishonor, an act of sheer disgrace. The German Empire scorns the notion of allying with such a faithless nation. Moreover, in defense of its interests, Germany shall punish Austria-Hungary and make them pay the price for their perfidy! 

At the same time, Kaiser QinTian delivered a radio address to the people of the German Empire, expounding upon the reasons for the declaration of war against Austria-Hungary. Naturally, to rally public support, Germany laid all blame squarely upon Austria-Hungary's shoulders, portraying itself as the aggrieved party, wronged and forced into conflict. Only such a narrative could inflame the populace's indignation and secure their unwavering backing. 

QinTian's strategy proved indisputably effective. Having emerged victorious in the Great War, the German people had come to see themselves as citizens of the world's foremost power. Their sense of national pride and confidence had soared to unprecedented heights. 

In the previous war, Austria-Hungary had fought alongside Germany. Though their performance had been lamentable, they had at least managed to tie down a considerable number of enemy forces, indirectly paving the way for Germany's ultimate triumph. Thus, the German people had once regarded Austria-Hungary with a degree of goodwill and gratitude. However, when Emperor Franz Joseph I fell gravely ill and Crown Prince Karl assumed the reins of power, relations between Germany and Austria-Hungary began to cool. 

The German government, through deliberate propaganda, fostered the belief that Austria-Hungary had been more a burden than an asset during the Great War, hampering rather than aiding Germany's cause. At the same time, Crown Prince Karl's hostility toward Germany was widely publicized, further souring the German populace's perception of Austria-Hungary. 

Thus, when QinTian declared war, an enraged Germany erupted in unison, chanting, "War! War! Punish the treacherous betrayers!" 

Indeed, to the German people, Austria-Hungary had now become the very embodiment of treachery. They fervently demanded that the government and military exact vengeance upon the perfidious nation. 

Of course, there were a handful of voices advocating peace. Yet, in the face of the overwhelming tide of war fervor, they were drowned out, rendered utterly inconsequential. 

"Order the vanguard to cross the border and advance into Austria-Hungary! If their forces resist, crush them!" came the commands from the German high command. 

In an instant, the German army—long prepared—swept across the frontier and surged into Austrian territory. 

In Vienna, chaos reigned. Germany had truly declared war. The moment many Austrian officials had dreaded had come to pass. Though they had anticipated a strong likelihood of conflict, the reality of war's outbreak struck them with unshakable dread. 

Among officials and citizens alike, panic spread like wildfire. Germany was the preeminent global power, a behemoth whose might was unquestionable. Now, with Germany's war machine set against them, despair gripped Austria-Hungary. Few believed their nation could hope to prevail; defeat seemed inevitable. 

Even within the Austro-Hungarian military, morale was dismal. The memory of the last war loomed large—on the Eastern Front, the Austro-Hungarian army had suffered humiliating defeats at the hands of the Russians, sustaining grievous losses. It had only been the arrival of the then-Crown Prince QinTian, leading a mere 200,000 troops, that had turned the tide and saved Austria-Hungary from total collapse. Without Germany's intervention, Austria-Hungary might have already fallen in that war. 

Thus, few soldiers had any will to fight Germany. To them, it was nothing short of marching to their deaths. This sentiment was not confined to soldiers from Hungary, Bohemia, or other constituent states—even Austrian troops themselves cursed Karl I for provoking the German Empire. Now, as war loomed, they faced the grim certainty of being slaughtered by German forces. 

"Damn it! The Germans have falsely accused us, branding us as traitors! This is utterly intolerable! We left the alliance only because they forced our hand! Had they not ceaselessly suppressed us, we would never have abandoned the pact!" Karl I raged within the imperial palace in Vienna. Though he had anticipated that war was likely unavoidable, he had not expected Germany to act so decisively, declaring war without the slightest hesitation. 

A chilling thought crept into his mind—had this all been Germany's plan from the start? Austria-Hungary's withdrawal from the alliance had conveniently provided Germany with the perfect pretext for war. If this were true, then the implications were terrifying. Had Germany truly foreseen all of this? 

"No, it's merely a coincidence. It must be a coincidence!" Karl I repeated to himself, clinging desperately to the thought, as if doing so could bring him solace. 

"Your Majesty, the German forces have crossed the border. Shall we order a counterattack?" inquired Field Marshal Baron Conrad von Hötzendorf. 

"Counterattack! Of course, we must counterattack! The Germans are invading our land—if we do not resist, how can we hope to halt their advance? Issue the order: all Austro-Hungarian forces are to launch a counteroffensive and drive the Germans from our territory. No matter what, we must repel them and defend the integrity of Austria-Hungary!" Karl I declared fervently. 

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Hötzendorf responded, though with evident resignation. It was clear he harbored no illusions of victory. Yet as a soldier, he had no choice but to fulfill his duty, leading the army in resistance against the German onslaught. 

"We must expose Germany's aggression to the world! Let all nations see their true face! Furthermore, send an urgent telegram to the Americans—according to our agreement, now is the time for them to fulfill their pledge and come to our aid!" Karl I commanded.