
Jax's eyes narrowed. "How many ships?"


Grimjack's voice was grim. "At least a dozen, Captain. We can't outrun them."


Jax thought fast. "Arin, can you hack into the EUG's systems? Give us a window to escape."


Arin's fingers flew across her console. "I'm trying, but their security is tight."


Suddenly, the ship shuddered. "We've been hit!" Grimjack shouted.


Jax's heart raced. "Damage report!"


Grimjack's voice was tight. "Engines are down, Captain. We're drifting."


Jax knew they had to act fast. "Arin, can you—"


A loud beep interrupted him. Arin's eyes lit up. "I'm in, Captain! I've created a temporary blind spot in the EUG's sensors."


Jax grinned. "Now's our chance. Grimjack, get us out of here!"


The Marauder's Revenge lurched forward, engines sputtering. They dove into the blind spot, narrowly avoiding the EUG's firepower.


But their relief was short-lived. A mysterious ship emerged from the shadows, its intentions unclear...